Western Area Governors’ Forum
Date: / Tuesday 26 September 2017
Time: / 7.10 – 9.10pm
Location: / Winchester Professional Centre
Mark Barlow / Anton Infant School
Chris Piper / Bartley CE Junior School
Annette Osman / Bartley CE Junior School
Deborah Martin / Broughton Primary School
Ben Russell / Cherbourg Primary School
Sue Mussell / Cherbourg Primary School
Ann Arscott / Foxhills Junior School
Hayley Sired / Foxhills Junior School
Anne Marie Datlen / Foxhills Junior School
David Shields / Grateley Primary School
Martin Perrin / Hiltingbury Infant School
Barbara Veal / Lymington Junior School
Chris Conway / Manor CE Infant School
Christa Lippold / New Milton Junior School
ValerieClaringbull / Orchard Junior School
Liz Wagner / Romsey Abbey CE Primary School
David Wright / Sun Hill Infant School
Rosemary Walker / Winnall Primary School
In Attendance:
Tony Quinn / Hampshire Governor Services
Julia Burton / Hampshire Governor Services, LA Clerk
Apologies for absence
Rob Gardner / Fair Oak Infant School
Jill Hall / Mountbatten School
Richard Kimber / North Baddesley Infant School
Mike Hiscock / North Baddesley Infant School
David Clark / Nursling CE Primary School
Andy Sutton / Oakfield Primary School
Peter Higgs / Wallop Primary School
Tony Ewer / Wherwell Primary School
1. / Apologies for absence and Welcome
The meeting opened at 7.10
David Wright (Chair) welcomed everyone. Apologies for absence were received and noted.
2. / Annual Adoption of Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference for Western Governor Forum had been circulated in advance for information.
One minor change was agreed in relation to election of Chair and Vice-Chair and this will be taken to Governor Services for amendment. It was also noted that the date at foot of page needs to be updated.
3. / Election of Officers and Representatives
Chair – no nominations had been received. David Wright agreed to continue and in the absence of no other nominations, David Wright was elected as Chair of Western Governors’ Forum.
Vice-chair – Peter Higgs was nominated by David Wright. Peter Higgs had indicated that he was happy to continue as Vice-chair and was elected as Vice-chair of Western Governors’ Forum.
Hampshire Governors’ Association (HGA) (5 governors).
It was noted that four of the current HGA representatives (Mark Barlow, Peter Higgs, Martina Humber and David Wright) had indicated that they were willing to continue. No notice to continue had been received from Julie Ames.
David Wright and Mark Barlow summarised the role and format of the HGA together with how it links to both this forum and Schools’ Forum. Nominations were invited and Deborah Martin put herself forward for HGA.
HGA Representatives were agreed as follows:
- David Wright
- Peter Higgs
- Mark Barlow
- Martina Humber
- Deborah Martin
-1 x Nursery – Peter Higgs had indicated that he would be happy to continue as School Forum representative (Nursery). There were no other nominations and it was agreed that Peter Higgs will be the Nursery School representative.
-1 x Primary – Martina Humber had indicated that she would be happy to continue as Schools Forum representative (Primary). There were no other nominations and it was agreed that Martina Humber will be the Primary School representative.
-1 x Secondary – 2 candidates had put their names forward and their information was circulated on ballot papers to all governors present. Neither candidate was present at this meeting and governors asked if any further information had been provided in addition to the brief summary on the ballot paper. Based on this information it was suggested that it is difficult for governors to vote at this meeting. It was also noted that neither candidate had sent their apologies or had attended the previous meeting. It was therefore agreed that both candidates would be invited to attend the next Western Forum to speak with governors before any votes can be cast.
Post meeting Mandy Parsons has resolved to hold the ballot directly with maintained secondary school GBs.
Tony Quinn also talked to governors about the need for succession planning and asked that governors consider putting themselves forward for any of the above positions in the future to ensure smooth succession planning for when any change of officers may be required.
Service Review Group – Tony Quinn summarised the format and requirements of the Service Review Group and nominations for representative(s) from this forum were invited. He also gave details of a new online network to create good practice between schools.
There were 3 volunteers and it was agreed that the following governors represent this forum on the Service Review Group:
- Rosemary Walker
- Liz Wagner
- Deborah Martin
- Sue Mussell (e-mailed me the following day to volunteer)
David Wright will prepare a document for Governor Services to circulate to all Chairs of Governors to explain the role of Western Forum and the benefits for all governors as a tool of information and updates on relevant issues around governance and other topics.
A governor also raised the issue of how introductions at the meeting could be beneficial to help governors share knowledge and information and discuss key areas of governance. This lead to a discussion of the key areas of information to be included on the agenda as possible subjects for Open Forum:
- Governor recruitment
- Outstanding school status
- Key understanding of education and terminology
- Cluster groups
- Governor induction and mentoring. Tony Quinn directed governors to the following key documents to assist with this subject:
-accountability chapterin the Governance Handbook.
Details of all the above are available on the Governor Services’ website.
4. / Minutes of last meeting – 25 April 2017 and matters arising
The minutes of the last meeting held on 25 April 2017 were agreed as a correct record and approved.
5. / Open Forum
- Integrated Business Centre. David Wright asked governors for feedback on the Integrated Business Centre (IBC). CGA will be inviting a representative from Hampshire County Council (HCC) to a future meeting to address the continued concerns of governing bodies and schools and the purchasing issues they have encountered. Governors were asked to speak with their school administration teams to obtain their comments and concerns together with what would help schools. It was suggested that a clear explanation of the IBC and all current issues be explained in more detail to governors to help feed back to their schools to provide this information.
- Model Pay Policy. This is currently being held by HCC until a decision has been made on the pay increase. Governors expressed concern about the delay as governing bodies will need to discuss the details this term. It was noted that no confirmed timescale has been provided yet, but governing bodies will be made aware shortly through a schools’ communication. Governors discussed schools’ communications and how these can be accessed.
- Data Protection. This is very much at the forefront of the local authority with new data protection regulations coming out in the coming year. A schools’ communication is expected with full details. It was stressed that governors must be fully aware of data protection requirements, both at an organisational or individual level. Email and sharing of information was discussed and it was also suggested that governors and schools look at having shared school email addresses for governors’ use. It was further suggested that data protection be included on a future agenda of Western Forum.
6. / Reports from Representatives
County Governors’ Forum – David Wright fed back on the items that had been discussion at the last County Governors’ Forum.
- Cllr Peter Edgar, Executive Member for Education, re-elected to Hampshire County Council
- A Basingstoke school had closed due to falling numbers
- Audit update successfully carried out on a selection of Hampshire Schools
- Safeguarding – Operation Encompass, details of which had been circulated to all governing bodies.
- Apprenticeship Levy – David Wright summarised the details of the Apprenticeship Levy
- Affordable schools
- Hampshire schools’ deficit – it was noted that this is currently 6% in Hampshire and that one-third of UK schools are in deficit. Governors discussed how the deficit issues were being addressed in schools. It was agreed that the measures are not sustainable. It was noted that it is a continued dilemma for governors, particularly around areas of spending for all pupils’ benefit.
7. / News from Governor Services
Tony Quinn updated governors on news from Governor Services:
Changes to the Ofsted Framework. From November 2017 some “good” schools will have a full 2 Day inspection. Tony Quinn summarised the proposals adding that further consultations are continuing to take place.
Education Select Committee. The Committee has launched an enquiry into alternative provision and quality of teaching for those excluded from mainstream education. Outcomes and destinations for these pupils are also being looked at.
Education Policy InstituteReport. A report has been produced about the decline in pupils taking arts subjects at KS4
YouGov survey of school staff has been compiled around psychological and work/life balance issues.
Admissions Administration. A Schools Communications has been sent out giving details of a survey taking place about the administration of admissions. The closing date is 24 October 2017.
8. / Any other business
Flat Governance. Liz Wagner asked if any governing bodies had gone to flat governance, ie only full governing body meetings and no committees. Two governors indicated that one had gone to flat governance and one to full governing body/1 committee. Governors discussed the advantages and disadvantages of this, together with the minimum requirements of the number of meetings to enable governing bodies to meet the statutory requirements across the academic year.
Safeguarding Audit. Governors asked that the HGA be informed of the difficulties the change of deadline for submission of the Safeguarding Audit had caused. Tony Quinn explained the rationale for bringing it forward and the concerns and issues were noted.
9. / Future Agenda Items
-Affordable Schools
-Data Protection
-Integrated Business Centre
-Sharing Good Practice of Outstanding Governance.
10. / Agree dates and venues of future meetings
The dates for the Spring and Summer Terms 2018 Forum meetings were confirmed as follows:
-27 February 2018 at Winchester Professional Centre (WPC)
-26 April 2018 Foxhills Junior School (FJS)