E013.34E-MOM-MGF-001Sheet 1 of 4

/ Confidential
MINUTES OF MEETING / E013.34E-MOM-MGF-xxxx / Date:
Place and Date / Issued by / xxxx
Project: / E013.34E: JUMBO Project
PO Number :
Technical Req.
Attendees / See below
Distribution / To all the attendees + Mr….
MFG / Mr.
Mr. / Mr.
CSC / Mr.
PIM (Pre Inspection meeting) Agenda / Check list
  1. Organization chart (Vendor’s QA/QC organization)
  2. Communication line (Contact names, phone numbers and email addresses)
  3. Review of the Purchase Order and attachments (Vendor’s knowledge and completeness check)
  4. Purchase order acknowledgement verification (Acceptance letter)
  5. Check of the availability at vendor of the Contractual documents.
  6. Engineering overview and discussion (pending points/issues only)
  7. Discussion and review of the supply and the applicable procedures / Codes / standards
  8. Clarification points & review of exceptions / deviations to PO
  9. Welding procedures / welders qualification / PWHT (actual status and forecast issue date)
  10. Notification for inspection (inspection application)
  11. Finalization of vendor and s/vendor ITP (Inspection Testing Plan)
  12. Inspection and test requirement (inspection activities at Supplier and s/Suppliers)
  13. Inspection schedule / plan (three weeks / monthly look ahead)
  14. Non destructive testing methods (NDT) and extent, NDT operators qualification review
  15. Client involvement / Third Party inspection (if any)
  16. Inspection Authority (IA) (if any)
  17. Procurement status (proposed sub vendors , list of s/orders, un-priced copies of main sub-orders and its technical attachments, review of sub orders requirements for inspection at s-vendors premises)
  18. Fabrication schedule review and job progress status check
  19. Vendor’s QA/QC system check (Traceability / marking / Equipment test etc..)
  20. Manufacturing procedures
  21. Non conformity procedure (NCR)
  22. Painting requirements
  23. Packing/Shipment/Transportation and preservation details
  24. Inspection release
  25. Finaldocumentation / Manuals
  26. Workshop tour
  27. Any other remaining topics / close out meeting

No / Descriptions / Action By / Due Date
1 / Organization chart (Vendor’s QA/QC organization)
2 / Communication line
3 / Review of Purchase Order and attachments to verify Vendor’s knowledge and completeness
4 / Purchase order acknowledgement verification (Acceptance letter)
5 / Check of the availability at vendor of the Contractual documents.
6 / Engineering overview and discussion (pending points/issues)
7 / Discussion and review of the supply and the applicable procedures
8 / clarification points & review of exceptions / deviations to PO
9 / Welding procedures / welders qualification / PWHT(actual status and forecast issue date)
10 / Notification for inspection
11 / Finalisation of vendor and s/vendor ITP (Inspection Testing Plan)
12 / Inspection and test requirement(inspection activities at Supplier and s/Suppliers)
13 / Inspection schedule / plan (three weeks / monthly look ahead)
14 / Non destructive testing methods (NDT) and extent, NDT operators qualification review
15 / Client involvement/third Party inspection (if any)
16 / Inspection Authority (IA) if any
17 / Procurement status (proposed sub vendors , list of s/orders and un-priced copies of main sub-orders and review of sub orders requirements for inspection at s-vendors)
18 / Fabrication schedule review and job progress status check
19 / Vendor’s QA/QC system check (Traceability / marking/Equipment Test etc)
20 / Manufacturing procedures
21 / Non conformity procedure (NCR)
22 / Painting requirements
23 / Packing/Shipment/Transportation and preservation details
24 / Inspection release
25 / Finaldocumentation / Manuals
26 / Workshop tour
27 / Any other remaining topics / conclusion