E013.34E-MOM-MGF-001Sheet 1 of 4
/ Confidential
MINUTES OF MEETING / E013.34E-MOM-MGF-xxxx / Date:
Place and Date / Issued by / xxxx
Project: / E013.34E: JUMBO Project
PO Number :
Technical Req.
Attendees / See below
Distribution / To all the attendees + Mr….
MFG / Mr.
Mr. / Mr.
CSC / Mr.
PIM (Pre Inspection meeting) Agenda / Check list
- Organization chart (Vendor’s QA/QC organization)
- Communication line (Contact names, phone numbers and email addresses)
- Review of the Purchase Order and attachments (Vendor’s knowledge and completeness check)
- Purchase order acknowledgement verification (Acceptance letter)
- Check of the availability at vendor of the Contractual documents.
- Engineering overview and discussion (pending points/issues only)
- Discussion and review of the supply and the applicable procedures / Codes / standards
- Clarification points & review of exceptions / deviations to PO
- Welding procedures / welders qualification / PWHT (actual status and forecast issue date)
- Notification for inspection (inspection application)
- Finalization of vendor and s/vendor ITP (Inspection Testing Plan)
- Inspection and test requirement (inspection activities at Supplier and s/Suppliers)
- Inspection schedule / plan (three weeks / monthly look ahead)
- Non destructive testing methods (NDT) and extent, NDT operators qualification review
- Client involvement / Third Party inspection (if any)
- Inspection Authority (IA) (if any)
- Procurement status (proposed sub vendors , list of s/orders, un-priced copies of main sub-orders and its technical attachments, review of sub orders requirements for inspection at s-vendors premises)
- Fabrication schedule review and job progress status check
- Vendor’s QA/QC system check (Traceability / marking / Equipment test etc..)
- Manufacturing procedures
- Non conformity procedure (NCR)
- Painting requirements
- Packing/Shipment/Transportation and preservation details
- Inspection release
- Finaldocumentation / Manuals
- Workshop tour
- Any other remaining topics / close out meeting
No / Descriptions / Action By / Due Date
1 / Organization chart (Vendor’s QA/QC organization)
2 / Communication line
3 / Review of Purchase Order and attachments to verify Vendor’s knowledge and completeness
4 / Purchase order acknowledgement verification (Acceptance letter)
5 / Check of the availability at vendor of the Contractual documents.
6 / Engineering overview and discussion (pending points/issues)
7 / Discussion and review of the supply and the applicable procedures
8 / clarification points & review of exceptions / deviations to PO
9 / Welding procedures / welders qualification / PWHT(actual status and forecast issue date)
10 / Notification for inspection
11 / Finalisation of vendor and s/vendor ITP (Inspection Testing Plan)
12 / Inspection and test requirement(inspection activities at Supplier and s/Suppliers)
13 / Inspection schedule / plan (three weeks / monthly look ahead)
14 / Non destructive testing methods (NDT) and extent, NDT operators qualification review
15 / Client involvement/third Party inspection (if any)
16 / Inspection Authority (IA) if any
17 / Procurement status (proposed sub vendors , list of s/orders and un-priced copies of main sub-orders and review of sub orders requirements for inspection at s-vendors)
18 / Fabrication schedule review and job progress status check
19 / Vendor’s QA/QC system check (Traceability / marking/Equipment Test etc)
20 / Manufacturing procedures
21 / Non conformity procedure (NCR)
22 / Painting requirements
23 / Packing/Shipment/Transportation and preservation details
24 / Inspection release
25 / Finaldocumentation / Manuals
26 / Workshop tour
27 / Any other remaining topics / conclusion