Compound Nouns

(homework, notebook) / TWO WORDS:
(cookery book, telephone book) / TWO WORDS with HYPHEN:
(notice-board,get-well c.)
blood test
blood pressure(pressure of blood as it travels around the body)
blood donor / paper bag
plastic bag
shoulder bag / hand shake(an act of shaking sb's hand as a greeting)
hand writing
hand book(MANUAL:book
building site
bomb-site / rainbow
raindrop(kaplja) / ice cube(piece, used for cooling drinks)
iceberg(mass of ice floating in the sea)
ice ring(ring for skating)
waterfall(a place where river falls from a high place,over a cliff)
water-skiing / sunshine
sunset / birthday cake
birthday present
birthday card
green house(building with
glass sides+roof for growing plants
greengrocer(a person who sells fruit and vegetables)
green salad(salad of lettuce) / in) / roadworks(popravlanje c.)
road sign
road rage (besneti na c.) / landscape (pokrajina)
landslide (a mass of earth, that falls down of a cliff)
night club
nightmare(frightening dream)
night shift(time,when workers start to work as other group finish) / blackboard(šol.tabla)
floor board
notice-board(oglasna d.) / sports car
sports center
sports ground
briefcase(flat case,for carrying papers, documents)
suitcase(case for clothes)
bookcase(furniture for books) / day light
day break
day-dream(pleasant thoughts) / address book
visitors' book
notebook(book of plain paper for writing notes in)
toothache(pain in tooth/teeth)
toothpaste / birthday card
credit card
get-well card / newsagent's
travel agent's
estate agent's(agency which sell houses and land for people)
dining room
living room
changing room=fitting room / hairdresser(cut, wash)
hair cut(shorter by cutting) / wrapping paper
writing paper
toilet paper
traffic lights
trafficwarden(p.w,checkthat people don't park the wrong pl.)
traffic jam / air-conditioning
airport / chairman(person in charge of a meeting)
dustman(p.wremove waste)
motorway(a wide road,2lanes in each direction,for faster travelling)
motor racing
motorbike / teacup
teapot / shopping center
shopping basket
shopping spree(needless)
fire-engine (gas.brizgalna)
fireplace(open space for fire in the wall)
fireworks (explodingpowder that produces bright lights, at celebrations) / sunglasses
sunset / bookcase(knjižna omara)
book shop (knjigarna)
book worm (knj.mol)