Sand hopper

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  9. Papi, F. 1955. Experiments on the sense of time in Talitrus saltator. Experimentia 11, 201.
  10. Pardi, L. & Grassi, M. 1955. Experimental modification of direction finding in Talitrus saltator (Montagu) and Talorchestia deshayesei (Aud.) (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Experimentia 11,202-203.
  11. Pardi, L. & Papi, F. 1952. Die Sonne ais Kompass bei Talitrus saltator (Montagu) (Amphipoda, Talitridae). Naturwiss. 39,262-263.
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  15. Ugolini, A. & Macchi, T. 1988. Learned component in the solar orientation of Talitrus saltator Montagu (Amphipoda: Talitridae). J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 121,79-87.
  16. Węsławski J. M., Kupidura T., Żabicki M. 2000 Sandhopper, Talitrus saltator (Montagu, 1808) (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) at the Polish Baltic coast. Seasonal and spatial distribution patterns. Crustaceana, 1-9pp
  17. Węsławski J. M., Stanek A., Siewert A., Beer N. 2000 The sandhopper (Talitrus saltator, Montagu 1808) on the Polish Baltic coast. Is it a victim of increased tourism? Oceanological Studies
  18. Williamson, D.I. 1953. Landward and seaward movement of the sand hopper Talitrus saltator. In How animals find their way about. Repts Brit. Ass. adv. Sci. (Section D), 71- 73.