Volunteer Coordinators Forum – Tuesday 12th July 2016

In attendance

Alison Thorp (Chair) – VAR, Emma Vizor – Crisis SY,Kathryn Wild – Age UK Rotherham, Terry Lowell – Bluebell Wood, Tracey Harrison-Marr – Rotherham Hospice, Lisa Porter – SY Police,Mel Marshall – Crossroads Care, Samantha Steele – Victim Support, Simon Pugh – South Yorkshire Sport, Nicky Bennett – RVS, Sue Butler – SY Fire & Rescue, Rachael Moss – MHA,Rachel Cooling – British Red Cross, Kerry McGrath – VAR, Julie Hodgkinson – Rush House, Laura Wagstaff – CAB, Carol Purvis – RMBC, Jane Kidd – SYCIL, Liz Hopkinson – Crossroads Care, Sandra Tanser – Dementia Action Alliance, Kirsty Fletcher – Lifeline, David Bunch – Shiloh, Charlie Pearson - YAA


Jo Farey – Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust,Neil Leatherland –Rotherham District Scouts,Mark Smith – SAFE@LAST,Janette Walker – Nacro,Tracy Wright – REMA,Amy Lang – RNIB, Gail Curtis – Alzheimer’s Society, Scott Liddle – Action Housing,Emma Scott – Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Neil Leatherland – Active Scouts, John McDonnel – Shiloh, Jane McDonnel – Shiloh, Sue Wakefield – Doncaster Children’s Services Trust, David Woodward – Rotherham Hockey Club, Len Wilson – Shiloh, Leanne Clarke – Active Regen, Michael Linney – Active Regen


Allison Carr–VAR

  1. Sign in, Welcome Minutes from the last meeting

Alison Thorp (AT) welcomed everyone to the meeting and accepted the apologies. The notes of the previous meeting were passed around the group. A discussion took place around this year’s Community Achievement Awards. AT encouraged the group to complete nomination forms if they knew of any projects or volunteers they would like to nominate. Forms are available from VAR or can be downloaded from the website here: The deadline for nominations is Fridays 26th August 2016.

  1. Review of ‘The Big Walk’ June 2016

AT shared some feedback and figures with the group. This year there were volunteers involved in the planning of the walk and AT thanks Jenny Scott and David Selman for their input. AT felt that the walk engaged the public better this year BUT the event seemed like 3 separate events so lots to organise; too much perhaps. AT asked the group for other feedback from the day. Some points were:

  • Meeting in the park was nice and the walk was good but people particularly enjoyed the minster and the chapel tours. Everyone was together at the minster.
  • Didn’t engage the public as much as we could have done.
  • The mascots were brilliant and helped attract attention.
  • Having the different parts of the event added to the feeling of a celebration of volunteering.
  • The singing from the choir was brilliant.
  • There was a suggestion of starting at the bandstand next year.
  • The moment of reflection at the remembrance wall didn’t work as well as expected.
  • A community channel LB24 interviewed members of the group on the walk and AT made the group aware of the film.
  • More help is needed for future events as there is a very large amount of work involved.
  • Volunteers can be involved and proved very helpful.
  • It would be good to give groups responsibility for set tasks.
  • There was a suggestion of a university student giving support as part of their placement.
  • There was a suggestion of doing volunteer recruitment events at the beginning of June then doing the walk at the end.
  • An event flyer was available but wasn’t given out on the day. Maybe this could be given to all volunteer coordinators next time.
  • There was good support from private companies this year. There was support with printing costs and support provided on the day. Some also donated refreshments. Irwin Mitchell and Mears group were invited back to VAR after the event to say thank you.
  • Allocating a group leader to look after groups of volunteers didn’t really work as volunteers went their own way.

Approximately 200 individuals attended on the day from 38 groups which was an increase from last year. The group asked whether volunteer applications increased during volunteers month. Julie Adamson is still working on some figures. Update:Count Me In 2016 Impact Report and Walk Evaluation Report now available.

The Rotherham Volunteer NetworkFacebook page has lots of information including the LB24 file and lots of photos, please like the page and like/share posts if you can, thank you.

  1. Kitemark

Seven organisations have recently passed their Kitemark and have been awarded Kitemark Plus status. There was a really high standard of evidence provided and really good procedures which could be shared with the group. There was a suggestion of groups bringing procedures in to share. Those who attended the Kitemark workshop thought that it was useful and another one is currently being planned. Information about the Kitemark is available on the VAR website here: A discussion took place around sharing some of the evidence and procedures at the next extended meeting and Kerry McGrath will let the group know when the next panel meeting is.

  1. Considering the Value of Peer Support for Volunteers

A discussion took place around setting up formal peer support with volunteers where more experienced volunteers mentor new volunteers. The groups discussed what other organisations currently do and any ideas on how this would work:

  • VAR have information shadowing so volunteers can learn from others.
  • Samaritans allocate a mentor for 1-1 support for new volunteers and they will do the same shifts and provide support for the first six months.
  • CAB match up new volunteers with others for training but this is not very formal.
  • The Hospice have considered producing a buddying role for more experienced volunteers.
  • The support needed would depend on the type of role the volunteer will be carrying out.
  • Red Cross have a lead volunteer role description who supports other volunteers. They also have a mentor system. These are often established volunteers and the roles are interviewed for.
  • There is a need to be clear about volunteer roles and boundaries which needs to be reiterated in support sessions.
  • Debrief sessions and time out sessions can be useful.
  • A suggestion was made of holding peer support meetings which could be at the end of regular meetings or before or after regular group sessions. It was also suggested that a volunteer rep can be helpful to feed back issues from the meetings to the volunteer coordinator.
  • Often, sharing issues or stories of difficult situations in an open forum can help volunteers ‘get things off their chest’and give time to reflect.
  • Make sessions, and settings for sessions, more informal.
  • Grading meetings can help so volunteers know whether it is important that they attend.
  • Invite guests into meetings (i.e. staff members or people from other organisations) so that volunteers can ask questions.

Jo Farey at The Rotherham Foundation Trust carried out a survey of her volunteers which AT shared with the group. If anyone needs ideas for their own survey, they can contact Jo.

  1. Ask the Oracle

A discussion took place around rewarding volunteers and how to do this differently. Some points raised were:

  • Ask volunteers what they want.
  • Volunteers are really diverse so it’s difficult to accommodate them all.
  • Let the volunteers organise something.
  • Letters to volunteers to thank them for their time can be appreciated.
  • Sometimes saying thanks is enough.
  • Other organisations have had a good response to cards.
  • Other members of staff saying thanks and showing appreciation.
  1. Other Business

A discussion took place around Employer Supported Volunteering. VAR recently held an event on ESV and has a policy and ESV toolkit available and can arrange placements.

Topics for next time:

Claire Tester – RMBC will attend as a guest speaker

Kitemark good practice session sharing some of the portfolios from the last Kitemark round.

Date of Next meeting: Thursday22nd September 2016,9am – 11am atVAR, The Spectrum, Coke Hill, Rotherham, S60 2HX

Please confirm your attendance