The great adventure aka back to school week! Here’s some thoughts to wrap our heads and hearts around as we dive into our own version of organized chaos!It seems, ALL my child’s activities tend to fall on the exact same day of the week, on opposite sides of town! My wife and I have to divide and conquer after school in order to get everyone to their different activities – thank goodness for unlimited data on our smart phones! Our new schedule feels like algebra. (Every extra thing we add dramatically affects someone else in the family.

I already miss the relaxed nature of summer. Keep your best yes! There’s a lot of great things to say YES to, but every YES you add, means saying NO to something else that is also important.

Don’t take the kids with you when you buy the school supplies. Save time and just go by yourself! Enjoy some quiet time at Target. Taking kids is guaranteed to double your time. Shopping from a list with kids grabbing all the shiny objects outside your peripheral vision just makes you feel like Jason Bourne chasing ninjas through a dollar store. You’ll end up with a cart full of Doritos, fidget spinners and Pokemon folders,but you’ll go home realizing you missed the #2 pencils and Lysol wipes the teacher asked for. Sneak out on your secret school supply mission with a checklist and a latte. (Maybe you should grab an extra Starbucks for the new teacher as a peace offering.)

Your new teacher isn’t the enemy. Talk to them. Ask questions. Think about ways you can intentionally serve them and help! This will fuel your child’s education in so many extra ways. Forget the PTO politics. By investing in your teacher, you’re investing in your kids. Shine a light. Be an encourager. The big question is, “how are you intentionally going to bless your child’s teacher this year?”

Does the new year start on January 1st or on the first day of school for your family? Ask kids to make new school year resolutions. (Go into children’s church and record kids on your phone before you do the bit on the air) How are you motivating your kids to start strong? How can you teach a work ethic to your kids?

Here’s some stories from mom’s most memorable first day of school:

Hilarious stories about kids in the classroom. Always fun to share the first week of school!

Best/worst first say of school stories from Reddit:

Here’s a fun one from Reddit:

“I graduated college in 2009 and couldn’t find a permanent job so my mom got me a job working as a substitute teacher at my high school. I showed up for work on the first day on school in September 2009 and when I reported to the office to get my classroom assignment/schedule the secretary asked me where my school ID was and what homeroom I was in. I tried to explain to her that I was there to work but she didn’t believe me and tried to send me to the principal’s office for lying to her.

Got sent to the principal’s office as a 22 year old substitute teacher!”

Summer break went by so fast this year! If you were able to squeeze in a last minute family vacation, post a picture of the best part on our Facebook wall! If you didn't go anywhere, then just leave a sad face!!

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