Draft minutes of Special General Meeting of the Suffolk Division Council
Wednesday 16th September 2015
Belstead Brook Hotel 7pm
Present: Andrew Rowe ( President),Paul Kinnard-Lowestoft(BBHS),Bryony Smith-BSE(Glade Primary)
Max Phillips-BSE (Retired rep from Stowmarket High)Linda Rutter ( West Suffolk),Eleanor O'Dywer ( North Suffolk)Paul Widdowson ( North Suffolk and Assistant Sec), Graham White ( Secretary), Kath More ( Ipswich), Tricia Andrews ( Ipswich), Craig Tournay-Godfrey ( Ipswich), Margaret Bulaitis ( Ipswich), Shelagh Kavanagh ( Supply teachers' officer), Tina Weber ( Ipswich and South Suffolk) - Andy Royall (N Suffolk and Division Treasurer), Gary
Deeks (North Suffolk), Ian Duckett (Lowestoft) and Tina Webber
(Ipswich (SE Suffolk)).
Hilary Bucky and Dave Seagrave from Regional Office.
- Apologies: Martin Goold, Peter Byatt, John Keeger
2a Minutes from SGM 10/6/1
CTG pointed an inaccuracy in S 6.15 and stated that he had not asked whether the meeting was quorate. CTG also pointed out that his question about a possible legal challenge had been omitted from the minutes.
2b Report from Division Executive meeting 1/7/15. President wished it to be pointed out that he had made the decision that everyone was entitled to vote as there had been no conflict of interest.
2c Meeting with John Dixon 1/9/15.
The report had been circulated to council attendees.
Hilary Bucky from R.O wanted to clarify the paragraph beginning ‘John Dixon explained…’
Hilary informed meeting that the union will be taking on additional temporary staff to work with academies who haven’t contributed to the facilities’ pot. This temporary post will work with NUT rep or members in schools to help persuade head to contribute to facility time.
Hilary added further explanation to John Dixon’s points about HMRC’s scrutiny of unions and the concern that individual consultants would not be covered by the NUT’s insurance and could end up personally liable if a member decided to take legal action if they perceived they had been ill-advised.
- The secretary ( Graham White) proposed and Craig Tournay- Godfrey (Ipswich) seconded formally the following motion:
a)That Rule 12 of the July 2015 Rules be rescinded
b)That the recommendations of the Division Executive Committee of July 1st be referred back.
c)That a further Exec Committee be called to consider alternative approaches for those who do casework for Division.
d)That the Executive Committee review the levy from associations.
e)The new recommendations be presented to the November 11th meeting of Division Council.
Motion carried. 12 for, 0 against and 2 abstentions.
(3 continued)
President suggested that Exec committee meeting is organised before half term.
President expressed disappointment that he ( AR), Martin Goold and Graham White had written to Hamilton House and Eastern Region seeking clarification and support for the facilities issue. AR felt that 6 months had been wasted on this matter.
Hilary Bucky thought that it was strange that a reply had not been sent and was convinced that she had seen one. HB had been unable to attend division meetings due to personal reasons but assured the meeting that she would had supported division if she had been aware of the issues.
GW: There had been a reply from HH but it had been inadequate.
Andrew Royall added that he had found HH unhelpful with providing information on other occasions too.
Division Council meeting
Wednesday 16th September 2015
Belstead Brook Hotel 7pm
- (Attendance and apologies as above)
- Minutes from previous meeting. Inaccuracy- should have read as Eleanor O’Dywer.
- Matters arising- no issues.
- Reports.
a)National executive report of June and July’s national executive meetings has been distributed to secretaries by Graham with the request to circulate as widely as possible.
b)Regional office- Dave Seagrave ( organiser) circulated Suffolk Plan ( already circulated by GW by email)
The plan included a number of strategies designed to persuade academies to pay into the facilities budget. All of these involved working with reps and members in schools to empower reps and build the union. The data showed where there were reps and who had been recently trained. Other points:
- DS noted that the Equality data was poor, possibly because it needs to be updated. The data highlights the strengths and weakness in reps density. The overall plan is to recruit and encourage reps to take up training and eventually casework.
- Schools at risk from becoming academies will be targeted by the union and DS will be going into work with members there.
- Clustering- to encourage reps in clusters to meet together and support each other.
- Young members- Suffolk currently has a vacancy for Young Teachers’ officer. Eastern region has had high numbers of young members attending Young Teachers’ conference so young members are there but we just need to find ways to involve them.
- Women’s network- other areas have set these up successfully. Suggested as campaign for Suffolk.
- Cessation planning- 2016- DS suggested that Division should start to think of future roles after Graham retires in 2016.
Questions followed about involving reps and a regular update for ‘Suffolk plan’ was asked for future meetings.
Hilary Bucky also gave a report from R.O.
She reported that Suffolk CC had agreed to increase its contribution to the facilities budget from 99p per pupil to £1.50. She said that this would amount to an increase of 50% to the facilities budget. The strategies highlighted in DS’ ‘Suffolk Plan’ would also increase the number of academies paying into the facilities’ budget.
HB also gave a report from the regional meeting on Tuesday 9th Sept 2015. The main focus was increasing the number of academies paying into facilities’ budget. HB reiterated that school reps should approach heads and not to leave it to Graham to contact heads. She felt that the situation was less bleak than earlier in the year.
HB also said that other divisions were in greater difficulty than Suffolk which had the 4th largest facilities allocation in the region.
She also said that measures have now been put in place for some casework ( eg in the independent sector) to be referred back to RO.
C. Division
i) Secretary’s report.
GW distributed report ( see attached) and spoke to it.
Dave Seagrave added that there would be an additional Pay Progression appeals meeting on 20 October and that he would be able to offer his services to reps and Division council members organising around this.
ii) Assistant Secretary’s report
Paul Kinnard (VP) took the chair at this point ( 8.15)
PW distributed report ( see attached) and spoke to it.
PW ended his contribution with the information that the council is aiming to save £37 million per year from budget.
iii) No report from EOTAS
iv) Treasurer’s report
AR distributed and spoke to.
GW informed meeting that honoraria now needs to be tax compliant and recommended that officers use the union’s tax system.
AR agreed with this and informed meeting that details needed to be sent in before 31 March 2016 otherwise honoraria wouldn’t be paid until following year. Actual honoraria will be reduced because of the union’s administrative charges and tax reductions.
v) Health and Safety
GW now on SCC H and S committee. No reports as yet but will take up concerns
vi) Equal opportunities
There haven’t been any meetings as yet but Kath More is very keen to liaise with DS and RO regarding women’s network.
Vii) Student recruitment
Linda Rutter has distributed packs and will give update on response at later meeting. LR disappointed that packs arrived so late in the summer (mid-August) and requested that they arrive earlier for earlier distribution. HB noted concern.
viii) Supply teachers
Shelagh Kavanagh distributed report and spoke to it. (see attached) This was a very interesting and important discussion issue and many delegates contributed to the discussion. Points covered included:
- Supply teachers make up 10% of union membership
- Supply agencies are tearing up pay and conditions
- The spread of supply agencies is part of the spread of the GERM ( Global Education Reform Movement)
- Many of these agencies are multi-nationals and union breakers
- The current Trade Union Bill will allow the use of agency staff to replace striking workers.
- The union will need to consider the position of NUT supply teachers on strike days.
- October 28th Supply teacher lobby. SK requested that all members turn out to support it and that this is publicised as widely as possible
- SK is campaigning to re-open the supply pool in Suffolk
- She warned that more schools than we imagine are using these private companies
- There is a petition to sign 38degrees.org/petitions/stop-the –agency-rip-off- in education
Sign and share
- The meeting congratulated SK on all her hard work.
PW asked Regional secretary that in light of or concerns about the above agencies, could the union demand that we demand a similar transparency for employer organisations to the one being demanded of trade unions in the new Trade union Bill!
d) Local Associations
West Suffolk- Final days of the SRO.
Lowestoft- Benjamin Britten H S is about to become part of a MAT and is awaiting TUPE
Ipswich- to hold reps meeting on Sept 24th before AGM. Association has been involved with refugee support groups and will be discussing further support at general meeting on 24th.
North Suffolk
Tricia Andrews is arranging an EQT in December in the Leiston area in December in response to the results at the academies and free school in that area. Christine Blower has been invited as has representatives from Bright Tribe and Seckford Foundation.
Venue and date TBC
PW- North Suffolk general meeting- 23rd Sept.
5) Motions- none received
6) AOB
Andrew Royall. Changes are taking place with Unity Trust bank. New cheque books etc will be issued.
Next meeting
Wednesday 11th November ( Graham’s 60th Birthday!!)
Margaret Bulaitis 17/9/15