Document Title: HIV Infection and AIDS Policy
Version No. / 1.2 / Policy Owner / Executive Director of Human Resources
Superseded version / Approved 1993 V1.0, Minor amends 2014 V1.1 / Author Role Title / Health & Safety Adviser
Approval Date / 2nd November 1993
Reviewed March 2018 / Approved by / EPC
Effective Date / March 2017 / Review Date / March 2019

HIV Infection and AIDS Policy


1.1Teesside University is committed to equality of opportunity in its employment. It is also committed to protecting and promoting both the health of its employees and students.

1.2 Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are complex issues which have the capacity to arouse fears, doubts, anxieties and other powerful emotions. In this climate, clear, consistent and authoritative guidelines are needed throughout the University.

2.The Role of the University

2.1 Teesside University has a range of roles in relation to HIV infection and AIDS, which include:

  • Protecting the health and safety of employees and students by training, health care and the provision of information, thus contributing to the prevention of further transmission of HIV which can lead to AIDS.
  • Providing care and counselling services for employees and students with HIV or AIDS and those with whom they have direct contact.
  • Preventing discrimination against those affected.
  • In accordance with World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations, it is intended that this policy will be reviewed in the light of epidemiological information and monitored for its successful implementation by the Occupational Health Adviser.

3.Overall Aims

3.1To reduce the spread of infection by highlighting the issue as one which affects everyone and that employees/students must adopt appropriate preventative measures, depending upon the level of risk involved.

3.2To increase the awareness of the consequences of HIV infection and to provide adequate levels of care and other services to employees/students who are HIV positive, or have AIDS.

4. Recruitment and Selection

4.1There will be no discrimination in recruitment against applicants internally or externally on the grounds that the applicant is HIV antibody positive or has AIDS.

4.2Applicants who are deemed to be fit for employment at the time of interview will not be refused an offer of work because they are HIV positive or have AIDS.

4.3No prospective employee or student will be required to take any test for the presence of HIV antibodies.


5.1Teesside University will provide resources for the provision of adequate support to the employee/student and their carers, and any arrangements reasonably practicable to enable work to be continued by the person with HIV infection or AIDS.

5.2Employees/students will not be prevented from continuing work, except where they are deemed medically unfit to do so.

5.3Employees will not be denied any conditions of service to which they are entitled because they are HIV positive or have AIDS.

5.4There should be no victimisation of an employee or student who is HIV antibody positive. Should victimisation be deemed to have occurred, the medical facts about HIV and AIDS will be made available to the offending employee and he/she may also be given the opportunity to receive counselling about HIV and AIDS in the work place. However, if victimisation continues it will be considered a disciplinary offence, and appropriate action will be taken.


6.1Teesside University will not require employees who are HIV antibody positive, or who have AIDS to inform their employer.

6.2The strictest confidentiality will be maintained in relation to information about a person who has, or is thought to have HIV or AIDS. Information about an employee with HIV or AIDS, however obtained, must not be disclosed to anyone by anyone whilst acting as an Agent of the University, without the individual's written consent.

6.3Deliberate breaches of the required confidentiality by any employee of Teesside University may constitute a disciplinary offence.

6.4Although new employees will not be questioned regarding HIV or AIDS, it is hoped that individuals diagnosed HIV positive would inform the Occupational Health Adviser and/or the Student Well-being Services Co-ordinator in full confidence to ensure (where applicable) the health and safety of other University staff and students. Appointments with the Occupational Health Adviser can be arranged through Human Resources. Appointments with the Student Well-being Services Co-ordinator can be made directly or through Student Services.

7.First Aid Precautions

7.1 Specific training for dealing with body fluids and the disposal of contaminated materials will be included in all first aid courses.

8.Employee Responsibilities

8.1 It is the duty of all employees to maintain confidentiality regarding members of staff and students who may have become HIV positive, or have AIDS.

9.Employee Education and Training

9.1Teesside University recognises the importance of employees/students receiving accurate updated information on HIV and AIDS, in particular the importance of training for all employees/students in the implementation of this Policy.

9.2All induction programmes for new employees will include information about the Policy.


10.1 The University recognises the need for a counselling service for those who have HIV or AIDS. Therefore a confidential and impartial counselling service for employees/ students and their carers will be provided, both within the University and through external specialist AIDS support agencies.