Hopkinton Public Schools

Department of Music

Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748

Dear Parents of Grade 8 chorus members, January 9, 2014

On Saturday, April 5th, 2014, the 8th Grade Chorus will travel to Algonquin Regional High School to participate in the MICCA Choral Festival and Competition. A panel of adjudicators will evaluate and rate the performances of each group. After the evaluation, the groups will have a clinic with one of the adjudicators.

Students are asked to meet at the HMS water tower parking lot no later than 12pm on Saturday April 5th. The 8th Grade will be performing at 2:00 pm.We will return at approximately 3:30. Students will be allowed to call home on the bus to inform you of a more definite return time.

Please return the attached permission slip to Mrs. Conant by Friday,Feb 28, 2013.

As per school policy, we need to have one parent chaperone for every 15 students going on the trip and we are always in need of more adults. You will need to have a current CORI on file through HPS. Please fill in the bottom of this slip if you are interested in going as a chaperone. We will then contact you to let you know if you are needed and if you have a current CORI on file. You will be able to see your child perform.

If you have any questions regarding this festival, please contact the Mrs. Conant at


Mrs. Lisa Conant

I give my son/daughter ______permission to attend the MICCA Music Festival at Algonquin Regional HS Saturday April 5, 2014.

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______

____I am interested in chaperoning this event and understand that a valid CORI check is required.

Phone Number______EMAIL:______

You will be contacted if we need you as a chaperone. You will be able to see your child perform while saving on gas! Thank you for your assistance!