Ottawa Flyfishers Society

Regular General Meeting

April 1, 2008

1.  Call Meeting to Order at 7:31pm by Grant Hopkins, welcome to everyone. Trout open in New York, soon in Ontario and Quebec

2.  Roll Call - 45 members present including 3 guests

3.  Reading of Minutes

·  March 4, 2008- motion to accept minutes: Gary Laver 2nd Brian Graves

4.  Report of Committees

·  Finance (Doug Scorrar) – financial statement presented, club in good financial shape; new members will receive a OFS badge, pin and one free video rental

·  Carp Sportsman Valley Show (Doug Scorrar)– looking for volunteers for Friday and Sunday, see April 11, 12, 13 2008. See Doug for sign-up sheet to volunteer.

·  Programs – Speaker for May’s meeting – John Huff, June’s meeting – chef to cook fish

·  Winter Casting Clinic (Bruce Clarke) – 6 of 8 sessions complete, 2 sessions remaining – April 6 & 20, average attendance is 9 people per session, sessions held at Patro d’Ottawa, 40 Cobourg St. 2:00 – 4:00 pm Sunday afternoons

·  Conservation (Bruce Clarke) – City Stream Watch – Rideau Valley Conservation Authority Stream Watch coordinator Grant Nichol has left for greener pastures; replacement / interviews will take place on Friday April 4, 2008; 5 good applications are in hand; Bruce to participate in interviews with Jennifer Lamoureux

Springbrook Creek – initial draft of plan to restore Springbrook creek has been completed, ready to be fleshed out and refined; all adjacent property owners (some 26) have been identified and a letter to explain the project and solicit their cooperation has been drafted; if anyone is interested in volunteering, please see Bruce

South Nation Conservation Auhority Fish & Wildlife – Bruce attended the committee meeting on March 13 representing OFS

·  Open House (Sandy Haggart) going well, looking for volunteers, please sign up for the BBQ, door prize table, fly tying, casting demo, etc. Date: Tuesday, May 20 2008

5.  Unfinished Business - not leading to motion:

·  Website Committee (Mike Fuller) review of screen shot for the public and private views, executive to discuss off-line the person who will be responding to questions from the website, within 2 weeks all members to receive an email with their password “”

6.  New Business - not leading to motion:

·  Canadian Flyfishing Championship - Tremblant – (Denis Landreville) week of September 7 - 13, 2008 – sign up as individual or teams, see website for more details, volunteers needed, free dormitory accommodation, overview of the week’s activities, details of the competition, rules to be confirmed 60 days prior event, asking for more help for OFS.

7.  Adjournment - Motion Brian Graves,2nd Bruce Clark

8.  Presenter: Brian Roadhouse – Fishing Algonquin Park