June 2013

Dear Kindergarten Parents and Guardians:

I am delighted to welcome you and your kindergarten child to Sunrise Elementary School! We are busily preparing for the start of the new school year. On the chart located in the front office window, you will find what we anticipate to be your child’s daily schedule for the 2013-14school year. This assignment is based upon the date and time of your registration, your schedule preference, and our projected student enrollment. If no AM or PM assignment is noted this means that your registration is incomplete or your child’s attendance at Sunrise could be contingent upon space. Please contact the school office at the number above to determine which situation applies.

Kindergarten Schedule: AM 8:20-11:40

PM 11:10-2:30

Assignment pending –

□ Immunizations are incomplete

□ Proof of residence needed, SMUD or PG and E

□ Contingent upon space, possible overload status

Important Dates:Tuesday, August 13th – Parent Back-to-School Night 6-7PM, Multi

Wednesday, August 14th – Kindergarten Pre-assessment & Visitation Day

Kindergarten Back-to-School Night

To help you and your child make a smooth transition to kindergarten, we will be holding kindergarten parent Back-to-School Night before school begins on Tuesday evening, August 13th from 6:00-7:00 PM. At this important meeting you will find out your child’s classroom teacher, hear an overview of our kindergarten program, and learn all of the important start of school procedures and details. Back-to-School Night is designed for parents. We will not have child care on campus. Please make child care arrangements for your child(ren).

Kindergarten Visitation

On Wednesday, August 14th , kindergarten teachers will be hosting a kindergarten visitation. At the Kindergarten Back-to-School Night, you will sign up for a 15 minute appointment time. This visit will provide an opportunity for you and your child to meet the teacher and for the teacher to determine the initial skill level of each student. Given the number of students that we need to accommodate, please be on time for your appointment. We have found that this approach resolves many first day of school jitters and equips for child’s teacher with valuable initial academic information.

IMPORTANT - Kindergarten First Day of School, Thursday, August 15th– See detail on reverse side.

First Day of School Kindergarten Schedule

Thursday, August 15th, 2013

AM Kinder


PM Kinder


Friday, August 16th RESUME Regular Schedule

AM Kinder


PM Kinder


To support our youngest students as they begin their kindergarten experience, we begin our first day, Thursday, August 15th, with a modified schedule. This modified schedule allows us to dismiss and receive students on their first day without the press of both AM and PM classes arriving and departing simultaneously. We thank you for your support in keeping our youngest students happy and safe!

We will begin our regular schedule on Friday, August 16th as noted above.

I look forward to meeting all of you and welcoming our newest class of Sunrise Spartans!


Judy E. Hunt-Brown