A Meeting of Hundon Parish Council was held on Wednesday 15thMarch 2017at 7.30pm in Hundon Village Hall.


Present:Cllr P Impey, Cllr H Ballantyne (Vice Chair) Cllr J Mayes,

Cllr D Nimmons, Ashley Proctor, Jenny Basham & Geoff Spooner (Chair)

Attendance: S Button , Hundon Parish Clerk

Public: 5 Hundon residents

Church Warden
Mary Evans, Councillor

Apologies for Absence

All present

Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests noted at this meeting. However, a reporting system is now in place for any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests

Mary Evans (ME) County Councillor arrived at 7.30pm.

1.TVAS machines – ME has stated that the cost of the machines, plus brackets etc., are less that she thought. However, the cost will still be divided 50/50. Information taken by the TVAS machines is sent to the Police and if their findings are that more than 12% of motorists are exceeding the speed limit, they will provide Police Officers with speed guns to stop and fine offenders.

2.Police – New SNT (Safe Neighbourhood Team)InspectorDanny Cooper.

3.Dog-poo posters – The competition has now taken place at the school for the most original posters. The aim of the posters, which are to be hung around the village is to shame dog owners into picking up their dogs mess and use the bins provide.

4.Flooding - ME to report water leak up Pippets Hill and Greys Lane/A143 again. As the HPC has been informed that the Council are aware of these problems, however it is the responsibility of the drainage department. HPC & ME to report – again.

5.Highways – potholes. After reporting the potholes in North Street to the Local Council, the HPC was informed that they were not that bad and did not need repairing at the moment. ME is to enquire as to who has been to look at the potholes.

6.Social Care Levy – The levy for social care has been capped @ 3% in Suffolk.

7.School Funding –There is still a discrepancy in the amount of funding per pupil between Hackney & Suffolk, as an example. Hackney has been allocated £6000 per pupil, whereas Suffolk is only £4000. MP’s are being lobbied as it should be the same per pupil across the country.

Mary Evans left @ 7.40pm

Parish Council meeting reconvened @ 7.45pm

Public Forum

  1. 5 residents objected to the proposed planning application at 56 Farmerie Road. Although the application has been resubmitted with slight changes, the residents still object. It is thought that there is a clause in the Deeds which forbids building on the proposed land. Cllr. JB to check with the Land Registry and report back. The Parish Council and residents are still waiting for a report from the Borough Councillor, Jeremy Farthing, who attended the Extraordinary meeting. Residents also complained about the noise nuisance and the Parish Council directed them speak to the Environmental Health office who would look into this complaint. Cllr JB is to resend the original letter to the planning office, detailing the objections outlined at the Extraordinary meeting.
  2. The Parish Council were advised that lambing in the East Paddock by the church will start shortly.
  3. A tree has been reported as being unstable. HPC to deal with,
  4. Football club – A better option for the changing rooms has been put forward. It will be timber framed on a concrete base – costs to be circa £80K. The drawings are to be shown to the Parish Council. A telegraph pole needs to be moved and there will be a cost for this. The Council were informed that there is a spare pole in Myzon Close. HPC clerk to look into this. GS is to look into whether a claim can be made from the Broxted Trust.

Minutes of Meeting 15.02.2017

The minutes of the previous meeting which was held on the 15.02.2017 were approved and signed by the Chairman (Geoff Spooner)

Reports from County and Borough Councillors & Police

The Borough Councillor & Policer did not attend the meeting.


Three planning applications were received:

  1. LOCATION 56 Farmerie Road, Hundon, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 8HA. Planning Application - 1no. dwelling (following removal of existing garage) with associated vehicular access, as amended by drawings received 13th March which reduce the size of the bungalow from a 3 bedroom to a 2 bedroom dwelling.
    Some Residents of Farmerie Road & Parish Council hold objections to the proposed planning application.
  2. LOCATION Brockley Hall Brockley Green Hundon Sudbury. CO10 8DT. Planning Application - (i) Conversion and extension to annexe/out-building (following part demolition) to form dwelling; (ii) 1no. 3 bay cart lodge to serve host dwelling; (iii) associated vehicular access.
    The Parish Council does not hold any objections to the proposed planning application.
  3. LOCATION Hundon Thicks Farm, Hundon, Suffolk, CO10 8DJ. Proposed installation of replacement Telecommunications Mast. Removal of existing 20m high dead tree mast and its replacement with an 18m monopole with 6 antennas and 1, 0.6m transmission link dish, 1 replacement and 1 additional equipment cabinets on existing concrete base along with ancillary development thereto.
    The Parish Council hold objection to the replacement of the dead tree mast.

Progress Reports

  1. Wheelie Bind Speed Stickershave been delivered. Any unwanted stickers are to be returned to Cllr HB for redistribution, if required.- Completed
  2. Cllr. ME & HPC to report flooding/block drains to Council - again
  3. Cllr JB to resubmit letter regarding opposition to planning application in Farmerie Road.Completed
  4. Telephone box to be repainted by Mr P Rook, free of charge, so no quotes required. Paint to be purchased by Cllr DN.
  5. 3 quotes are to be obtained for hedge cutting.
  6. Pothole opposite Farmerie Road has been reported to the council by the HPC, Cllr ME to enquire as to who has looked at the offending portholes, as the local council stated that they were ok at present.
  7. Road Markings at the end of Church Street /North Street which were reported to the Council are to be reinstated. The Surfacing Team have been reminded and they have been asked to add a ‘give way’ triangle marking, to highlight the junction better. - Completed
  8. The ‘give way’ triangle on Mares Hill is on a single-track road less than 4.5m wide so the correct placement for this marking is in the centre of the carriageway and we have been informed that the existing markings are correct.Completed
  9. The village sign has been cleaned. No quotes required as work was done free of charge. Completed
  10. It was suggested that a book be bought to the meetings where details of any Pecuniary and/or non-pecuniary notes can be made. HPC has this in hand –Completed
  11. A big thank you to Julian Basham has been printed in the Hundon Herald for his work, clearing up debris throughout the village after Storm Doris. This work was undertaken free of charge to the Parish.


See attached spreadsheet detailing, income and expenditure.

Correspondence & future agenda items

Correspondence received and forwarded to Parish Council: (not in date order)

  1. Broadband subsidy
  2. Surviving Winter
  3. 2 planning applications – 56 Farmerie Road & Brockley Hall.
  4. Planning updated decisions
  5. Training sessions – SALC
  6. Emails about TVAS machines
  7. Email regarding the proposed new telecommunications mast
  8. Dog-poo posters – help required by HPC in handing the posters around the village.
  9. Rural Services Network
  10. SALC – Forest Heath & Edmondsbury Area meeting
  11. Suffolk Community Foundation – Pargiter Trust fund
  12. Highways response to the flooding Barnardiston/A143
  13. Highways response to the potholes in North Street
  14. War Memorials Grant scheme
  15. Suffolk Cloud Website training
  16. Housing White Paper
  17. TVAS site suitability

Future Agenda Items

  1. Hundon Parish Clerk to obtain a contract of employment. Ongoing
  2. HPC to update website with future meeting dates. Ongoing, need to contact CAS.
  3. New Hundon Emergency Plan to be updated by Parish Clerk. Still ongoing
  4. A vote of no confidence to be taken at the next meeting for Borough Councillor Jeremy Farthing.
  5. The school wall is in need of repair before it falls down.
  6. Drop Kerb – bungalow in North Street. Is this legal AP to investigate
  7. A Complaint has been raised regarding heavy vehicles in Mill Road.
  8. 3 road signs need attention. 1. Babel Green, 2. Clockhall Lane & Mount Pleasant. HPC to report to the Highways division.
  9. Help with funding the new changing rooms for the Football Club.

Next Meeting

TheYearly Annual Parish Meeting is to be held on the 19th April 2017 at the Hundon Village Hall Social Club at 7.30pm. Representatives of Hundon’sorganisations are invited to attend to give their reports on their activities. Unfortunately, due to time limitations, letters received from Hundon’s organization will not be read out. Attendance only please. Hundon’s electors are also invited to attend/speak.

Meeting closed @ 9.05pm