Application for funding to The Ebico Trust for Sustainable Development

We invite applications for funding from organisations who wish us to support projects that tackle fuel poverty in sustainable ways, whether by offering advice, guidance or education, or by making practical and sustainable improvements to the material conditions of properties occupied by those in, or likely to be in, fuel poverty. The Trustees also wish to support those undertaking research into fuel poverty, its incidence and the various methods by which it may be tackled.

Project Title
Project address, main location of operation and contact person
Which housing sector is your project primarily intended to target?
(i.e. owner-occupier/social rental/private rental)
Project summary (max 300 words please)
Total amount of funding requested
Period of funding (1 year, two years etc)
Why are you applying for funding?
What will the project achieve?
Will your project be providing lasting energy efficiency improvements to properties (if so, what)?
If your project intends to work with householders to help them improve energy efficiency/reduce fuel bills
  • how will you target support on the homes of the fuel poor
  • How do you propose to identify and engage with such householders?
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Provide an estimated amount of people/households (please specify) in fuel poverty in the area that the project will be operating
Provide an estimated amount of people/households (please specify) in fuel poverty that the project will help
Details about your organisation
Summary/overview of the project budget (we may come back for more details at a later stage)
What proportion of time/money, if any, will be spent on home visits?

This application form should be submitted via email or post to:



The Ebico Trust

2nd Floor

The Zinc Building

Broadshires Way



OX18 1AD

The application must be received by the close of business of the date published on our website. As a rough guidance these are usually inFebruary, May, August and November but these dates are subject to change. Any changes are notified on the website.

You will be notified of the Trustees decision on your application within one week of the meeting date.

In order to enable the Ebico Trust to continue funding projects, such as yours, to help people in fuel poverty, Ebico needs to continue to be commercially successful as an energy provider. As such, we ask all Trust funding recipients who intend to use community interventions, to help us promote the impact the funding – and your projects – has on the lives of individuals and organisations challenged by these issues. We hopethis will raise awareness of the issue, and drive interest in Ebico and the Ebico Trust amongst ethical consumers who want to help.

The Ebico Trust works with other charitable organisations with similar objectives. Please be aware that, from time to time, the Ebico Trust may share, with other trusts, those grant applications which the trustees believe may better match these other trusts’ selection criteria.

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