Submitted By CLES
CONTENT: 4.4 c) The student will divide whole numbers, finding quotients with and without remainders.TOPIC: Force, Motion, and Energy
What do your students need to KNOW? / DEMONSTRATORS
What do your students need to be able to DO? / ASSESSMENT
How will you assess what your students ALREADY KNOW, and assess WHAT THEY’VE LEARNED? / ACTIVITIES
HOW will you teach it?
All students will know:
- Develop and use strategies to estimate whole number sums and differences and to judge the reasonableness of such results.
- Understand that addition and subtraction are inverse operations.
- Understand that division is the operation of making equal groups or equal shares.
- Understand that multiplication and division are inverse operations.
- Understand various representations of division and the terms used in division are dividend, divisor, and quotient.
- Understand how to solve single-step and multistep problems using whole number operations.
- Estimate whole numbersums, differences, products, and quotients.
- Refine estimates by adjusting the final amount, using terms such as closer to, between, and a little more than.
- Determine the sum or difference of two whole numbers, each 999,999 or less.
- Estimate and find the products of two whole numbers.
- Estimate and find the quotient of two whole numbers.
- Solve single-step and multistep problems using whole number operations.
- Verify the reasonableness of sums, differences, products, and quotients of whole numbers using estimation.
- Daily Math Review used as a pre-assessment of student knowledge. (Template located in Augusta County Pacing Guide)
- Classwork (worksheets)
Division Worksheets 2
Division Worksheets 3
Division Drills
- Quizzes
- Tests
- Released SOL Test Questions
- Flannigan
- IXL Math
- Grade 4 SOLely Virginia
- Separating/dividing manipulatives
- Drawing pictures
- Use of multiplication chart
- Harcourt Textbook Activities:
Lesson 13.3 pages 282 - 285 Division Procedures
Lesson 13.4 pages 286 - 287 Problem Solving
Lesson 14.1 pages 296-297 Estimating -- See Standards for estimation explanation
Lesson 14.2 pages 298-299 Placing the digit
Lesson 14.3 pages 300-301 Divide 3-digit numbers
Lesson 14.4 pages 302-305 Zeros in the division
How will you meet the needs of all students? / RESOURCES / TEACHER NOTES:
- Problems given will be appropriate to student’s academic level.
- Students will have access to a multiplication chart.
- Enrichment – Mentoring Mathematical Minds (see differentiation specialist)
- Harcourt Textbook:
Lesson 13.3 pages 282 - 285 Division Procedures
Lesson 13.4 pages 286 - 287 Problem Solving
Lesson 14.1 pages 296-297 Estimating -- See Standards for estimation explanation
Lesson 14.2 pages 298-299 Placing the digit
Lesson 14.3 pages 300-301 Divide 3-digit numbers
Lesson 14.4 pages 302-305 Zeros in the division
- Teaching Student Centered Mathematics 3-5:
Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 10 - VDOE Lesson Plan Materials
- Augusta County Pacing Guide
- Rockingham County Public Schools Lesson Plan Materials