SPAD 45092
Internship in Sport Administration
Contract is to be completed by the student and presented to agency supervisor for signed agreement prior to the internship experience. (It must be typed.)
Agency: Phone:
Supervisor’s name:
City: State: Zip:
Student name: Phone:
City: State: Zip:
E-mail: Banner ID:
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation in the Sport Administration major at Kent State University, I am required to complete a 15-week (600 hours) internship. My starting date is and my responsibilities will include:
(type a paragraph outlining your internship responsibilities)
As my agency supervisor you are being asked to agree to:
1. Supervise my work daily and provide feedback at least weekly;
2. Complete a brief written assessment of my work with your agency at the midway point of my experience on the form provided;
3. Complete the final evaluation of my job performance on the form provided and return directly to KSU supervisor by the 13th week of the internship.
Do not hesitate to contact my KSU supervisor at 330-672-0227 if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns.
Student date:
Agency Supervisor date:
KSU Supervisor date:
Internship Weekly Reflections Report Form
Daily Activity Summary
All forms must be typed. Keep copies of everything you send. You can send forms as an e-mail attachment to:
Instructor on record or mail them to: FLA 264 Gym Annex, Kent, OH 44242
Weekly Reflections Report Form and Daily Activity Summary
For the First four weeks of your internship, you will need to write your reflections. Also include what you have learned about the agency, yourself, and the nature of the work (duties you have preformed/daily activities). Feel free to compare where you were in the beginning of your experience to later entries. Also record the number of hours you worked each day and give the total for that week. You must e-mail or send me a report at the end of each of the first four weeks.
Kent State University Sport Administration
Internship Weekly Reflections Report Form
Daily Activity Summary
Date / HoursCompleted / Personal Reflections &
Duties Performed
Total Weekly
Hours: / What are your goals for next week?
Student Signature:
Kent State University Sport Administration
Internship Weekly Reflections Report Form
Daily Activity Summary
Date / HoursCompleted / Personal Reflections &
Duties Performed
Total Weekly
Hours: / What are your goals for next week?
Student Signature:
Kent State University Sport Administration
Internship Weekly Reflections Report Form
Daily Activity Summary
Date / HoursCompleted / Personal Reflections &
Duties Performed
Total Weekly
Hours: / What are your goals for next week?
Student Signature:
Kent State University Sport Administration
Internship Weekly Reflections Report Form
Daily Activity Summary
Date / HoursCompleted / Personal Reflections &
Duties Performed
Total Weekly
Hours: / What are your goals for next week?
Student Signature:
Week Due
1. Weekly reflections reports End of weeks 1,2,3,4
2. Mid-semester evaluation completed by supervisor, End of 7th week
agency report, special project approval
3. Timesheet for weeks 5-9; reflections and goals sheet End of 9th week
4. Timesheet for weeks 10-13; reflections and goals sheet;
internship summary letter; special project description;
agency report; final evaluation End of 13th week
5. Remaining timesheet to complete 600 hours; End of 15th week
Make copies of the blank forms in the manual. Beginning week 5 keep a record of your hours on the time sheet provided. Your supervisor must sign the form. Be sure to give total hours for the day and for the week so we can keep a tally. You should also keep a record of your total hours. Under each day of the week, record the total number of hours worked for that given day.
Mail the forms to me at the end of week 9, 13 and week 15.
Mailing Address
264 Gym Annex
Kent, OH 44242
Briefly describe what you did for your special project. (One to two pages) The special project is designed to be a contribution you will make to the agency. It should go beyond your typical daily tasks and duties for the organization; an idea you come up with that will be useful to the agency; a manual, brochure, or special program you design would be approved.. Running a tournament that has been part of the agency's existing programs is not a special project. The special project MUST BE APPROVED by the KSU supervisor no later than the 8th week of the internship and prior to starting it. After the special project is completed, a one-page report describing the planning, implementing, and final product (i.e., were you happy with the final outcome?) is completed.
The purpose of the agency report is to demonstrate that the student has a well-rounded knowledge
of the internship setting. See agency report guidelines below. NOTE: The report must be in your
own words, and typed. No brochures, literature or policies from the agency may be used
other than the organizational chart. Reports should be stapled; no binders please.
Sections and Sequence of Presentation For The Agency Report
1. Discuss the location, setting, mission, goals and objectives of the agency.
2. Describe agency's target population (provide demographics).
3. Outline the organizational structure of the agency, including:
a. Departmental structure - organizational chart (include line and staff positions)
b. Department personnel - include an example of a job description
I. What methods are used in recruiting personnel?
II. When applying for employment what type of evaluation system is used, i.e., written examinations, education and experience, personal interview, physical examination, etc.?
III. Does the organization have a probation period for new employees? If so,
IV. How are salaries determined for new employees and does the organization use a
salary scale?
V. What types of benefits does the organization provide, i.e., medical, education, health, insurance, retirement, vacation, etc.?
VI. What procedure is used to dismiss employees and what process is used to
carry this out?
c. Financial resources - what are the financial resources of the organization, and describe where information is obtained regarding policies and procedures for handling funds.
d. Recreation areas and facilities - provide an overview of the facilities.
e. Organized programs and services - discuss major programs and services.
4. Describe the qualifications and duties required for performing an internship at the agency.
Please check appropriate box:
Dates / Hours / Hours / Hours / Hours / Hours / Hours / Hours / TOTALSUNDAY / MONDAY / TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY / THURSDAY / FRIDAY / SATURDAY
Total for this timesheet
Agency Supervisor's Signature
(Filled out by onsite Supervisor)
Student's Name Agency Date
1 = Below Average - seems to lack the particular trait or demonstrate it less frequently than her/his peers;
2 = Average - acceptable performance, no better or worse than peers
3 = Above Average - demonstrates the trait above the level of peers
4 = Superior - consistently demonstrates a high degree of achievement, far beyond level of peers
5 = Non-applicable - cannot rate student, insufficient observation (N/A)
Instructions: Please check the column which best represents the student. / 1/ 2 / 3 / 4 / N/A
Professional Preparation
Rapport with supervisor and co-workers
Interactions with Clients
Emotional Maturity
Professional Conduct
Personal Appearance
Remarks: Please use this space for comments you may care to make. A statement of the student's greatest asset, talent or aptitude will be most helpful.
Name (Printed) Title
Agency Address/Zip Code Phone
I have discussed this evaluation with the student intern.
Agency Supervisor's Signature Date
Mail to:
264 Gym Annex
Kent, OH 44242
(Filled out by onsite Supervisor)
Please evaluate the intern on the following areas:
Attendance and dependability
Job performance in relation to quality and quantity
Ability to communicate with the public, other employees, and supervisors
Acceptance of criticism
Initiative, judgment and versatility
Intern's strong points
Areas on which intern still needs to work
Other comments
On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the highest), how would you rate this individual's performance?
Evaluation discussed with intern
yes no
Agency Supervisor's Signature Date