(Handing Over and Taking Over)
Over Head Transmission Line / F05(PRJ(WND)-P-01)
Site / Location
Name of the Connected Substation
Date of Commissioning
Name of the Feeder & Voltage level
Number of Connected WECs
Feeder approved Grid Connectivity
(MW Capacity) By SEB.(As per Grid Connectivity power evacuation facility of connected s/s .)
Length of OHT Line .
  1. Double Circuit
  1. Single Circuit

Type of Conductor
Total Number of Poles / Circuit / RSJ
(With GI / Painted) / RCC/PCC
  1. Number of Pin/Suspension Points
b. Number of Cut/Tension Points
Contractor Name & Address

On date :______with attached list of pending points (annexure-I) the OHT Line as per the above details is handed over to the O&M Department for Operation and Maintenance .However final HOTO will commence only after completion of listed pending points with a timeline of next 30Days .

*OHT-Overhead transmission line

ReNew’s Project Team
Name / Designation:
Date: / ReNew’s O& M Team
Name / Designation:
Date: / Third Party Engineer
Name / Designation:

1. HandoverofDocuments:

No. / Description of Documents / Status / Remarks
‘√‘ / ‘ X ‘
A / Electrical Documents
1 / Approved Single Line Diagram with Substation - WEC Connectivity
2 / OHT Line diagram showing geographical route, HT/LT Line crossings with pole marking
3 / Specification& drawings for Poles, Insulators, conductor and earthing.
4 / General arrangement drawing- Intermediate point, Tension/ Cut point, Angle & Dead end point
5 / General arrangement drawing- Linesectionalizer, with protection SLD, layout, earthing details etc.
6 / Bill of quantity (BOQ) indicating Vendor Details.
B / Statuary Documents
1 / Statutory / SEB approvals for laying OHT Line – Clearance certificate.
C / Land Documents
1 / List of unresolved ROW issues, if any details
2 / ROW Documents (100% for 132kV Line & 80% for 33kV Line).
2 / Copies of land agreements on poles, towers etc installations
3 / Copy of Sale / Lease deed with land owners for erection of poles

Remarks (if any):

2. Feeder wise Line Patrolling check list :-

Checking Date: / Feeder No./ SS: / Line Capacity: / Line length(In KM) :
Line from : Pole no._____ to Pole No.______/ Site:
Sl. No. / Points to be checked / No of Poles / Status / Remarks
‘ √ ‘ / ‘ X ‘
1 / Ground Clearance
2 / Phase clearance
3 / Cross arm/Chanel to Phase clearance
4 / Road clearance
5 / Tree clearance
6 / Building clearance
7 / Stay Clearance
8 / HT-LT line crossing-clearance
9 / Telephone line crossing
10 / Damaged Pin insulator
11 / Damaged Disc insulator
12 / Damaged composite insulator
13 / Flashover on insulators
14 / Split pins of insulators/clamps etc
15 / Insulator hardware
16 / Sag condition
17 / Conductor condition
18 / Jumper condition
19 / Mid-span Joint conditions
20 / Condition of VCB yards (Group controls-Optional) / Operational Conditions (SC & OC relay trip test) / OC__ %,Time___
EF______% Time____
Clamps/ Connectors
Yard free from vegetation
21 / Availability & operation of feeder Intermediate (Group control) AB Switches at each 5K.ms of feeder line/as per site topology.
22 / Earthing of isolator structure (Group control)
23 / Repair sleeve conditions
24 / Conductor Hardware
25 / Line guards on line crossings/road crossing
26 / Stay condition(Anchor pin should be at 30 º to 45º & tight intact)
27 / Earthing wire fitting at dead end(applicable for dedicated Earthing conductor lines)
28 / Earthing wire fitting at Suspension clamps(applicable for concrete poles)
29 / Spacing between Consecutive Poles (Approx. 60mtrs.)
30 / Pole foundation / Copping
31 / Pole Earthing
32 / Pole Damage
33 / Cross arm damage / clamp loose
34 / Condition of Cut Points
35 / Pole Number / Feeder direction mark
36 / Anti-climbing device
37 / Danger board
38 / Pole Painting and Bituminous paint near to muffing
39 / Stay insulators & anchor clamp
40 / Others if any

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