Activities and Transport Manager
Campdowne 2013
UK Scout Headquarters Volunteer Role
Volunteer Application Pack


Page 3 Introduction

Page 4 Role overview

Page 5-6Role description

Page 7Application form

Page 8Contact details

Background to Campdowne

Campdowne is an international Scout and Guide camp held in the UK at Downe Scout Activity Centre in South-East London’s greenbelt.

The event has run every four years for over 20 years with over a thousand participants from the UK and overseas attending each year. Campdowne 2013 will follow a similar format to previous years but with a greater focus on mixing opportunities and with this year’s theme of Carnival, there will be a greater emphasis on entertainments on the main stage at the heart of the event.

Campdowne 2013 will run for 10 days from Thursday 1st August until Saturday 10th August 2013 with some staff being required to attend before and after to help set up and strike the event.

Campdowne 2013 will have the theme of Carnival.
Carnival spirit exists around the world, eg, Caribbean, New Orleans, Notting Hill, Polynesian, San Francisco and so many more. Carnivals are participative and fun for all. That’s what we aim Campdowne 2013 to be!

Set in both woodland and open grassland, Campdowne provides a first class opportunity to make new friends from around the world through an exciting and unforgettable 10 day programme of events and activities.

Open to all members of National Scout and Guide organisations over the age of 10 years old, participants will camp with their Troop, Group or Company in one of three sub-camps each encompassing a mix of international participants. Each Sub-Camp Leadership Team will create a community culture with the Sub-Camp’s own theme and events, plus of course the experience of living, cooking, eating and socialising with Scouts and Guides from around the UK and overseas.

There will be a comprehensive programme of activities on and off site ranging from the traditional to the unusual with we hope some new experiences for all. We are planning a traditional campfire with an International feel, discos, a talent competition, days out, and a huge programme of lunchtime and evening stage entertainment both home grown and professional, not forgetting our renowned opening and closing ceremonies.

There will also be a Leaders’ Club with its own programme of entertainment to allow leaders and staff a little time to relax!

We anticipate that Campdowne 2013 to be the most spectacular and memorable Campdowne there’s been and we are seeking volunteers to join the Carnival and help to create and provide a unique and memorable experience for young people from around the world.

Role overview

The Activities And Transport Manager will be a volunteer and will be responsible for working with the Core Team Managers in the development and planning of Campdowne 2013 with specific responsibility for the planning and execution of all activities and associated transport to and from where necessary The Activities and Transport Manager will be an integral member of the Campdowne 2013 ManagementTeam:

The Activities And Transport Manager will receive support from the relevant Core Team Manager and other members of the team in specialist areas as required. It is also expected that the Activities and Transport Manager will build and lead a team to deliver appropriate activities and transport for the event.

Job Title / Activities &Transport Manager
Job Grade / 2
Reports to: / Core Team Member
Team: / TBC: expect 5-10 – plus allocated volunteers at the event
Job Purpose:
Responsible for leading a team and for ensuring a programme of on and off-site activities which meets the criteria agreed by the Core Team
Key Dimensions:
  • Participant Activities
  • Transport to/from off-site activities
  • Chargeable extra transport for groups requiring transport to/from airports/ stations etc
  • On-site transport management

Key Accountabilities:
  • Appoint volunteer staff subject to approval of line manager
  • Leading team, driving agenda, setting standards, strategic and tactical planning
  • Designing a programme of activities that meet criteria agreed by Core Team eg suitability, safety, cost, etc
  • Sourcing and liaising with suppliers
  • Creating and managing timetable
  • Designing and managing a booking process
  • Organising and managing passenger transport to/from off-site activities
  • Meeting budgetary constraints
  • Organising chargeable transport for participants wishing to be collected from airports/stations etc and passing details to finance.
  • Responsible for landing sponsorship to support department.

  • To assist with the identification of volunteer roles that will form the Campdowne 2013 Activities and Transport Team
  • To assist with the recruitment and selection of Campdowne 2013 Activities and Transport Team members
  • To lead and chair the Campdowne 2013 Activities and Transport Team
  • To liaise with the internal and external suppliers regarding the Campdowne 2013 Activities and Transport Team, keeping Campdowne 2013 Management Team up to date
  • To liaise with the Campdowne 2013 Finance & Administration Manager regarding the finances of the Campdowne 2013 Activities and Transport Team
  • To prepare, maintain and manage a Activities and Transport planfor the participants, volunteers and supporters of Campdowne 2013
  • Undertake appropriate training as required by the Campdowne 2013 Core Team
  • Other responsibilities as agreed with the Campdowne 2013 Core Team

Line Management Support:
  • Campdowne 2013 Management Team
  • Completion of inductions
  • Conduct one to ones
  • Complete reviews
  • Ensure deliverables are completed and reported on regularly
  • Support line management responsibilities
  • Ensure training requirements are completed

  • Campdowne 2013 Transport & Activities Team Role Descriptions and Person Specifications
  • Activities and Transport Team Plan
  • Monthly reports to the Campdowne 2013 Core Team
  • Prepare appropriate feasibility studies
  • Write, maintain and monitor appropriate project plans
  • Monitor appropriate budgets and keep within authorised spend
  • Contribute where necessary to communications as requested by the Campdowne
2013 Core Team
  • Identify potential fundraising/income streams relevant to the Activities and Transport Team

Person Specification

E = Essential; HD = Highly desirable; D = Desirable

Skills required
  • Able to use modern technology, especially email, to carry out a range of tasks
/ E
  • Able to communicate effectively, orally and in writing
/ E
  • Able to effectively chair meetings
/ E
  • Able to establish, lead and work in teams
/ E
  • Able to inspire and motivate individuals
/ E
  • Able to manage and lead people at a distance and in a voluntary environment
/ E
  • Able to be assertive and cope with challenging situations ·
/ E
Knowledge required
  • Knowledge and understanding of the needs and wants of young people
/ E
  • Knowledge of The Scout Association’s structure
/ D
Experience required
  • Previous experience of the effective management of volunteers
/ HD
  • Experience of operating in a multi-cultural and diverse environment
/ D
  • Experience managing Operations, ideally activities & transport
/ HD
  • Experience budget control
/ HD
  • Experience liaising with key individuals eg,Peers, Suppliers, Head Office, etc
/ HD
Personal Qualities required
  • Approachable at all reasonable times
/ E
  • Prepared to make a commitment to The Scout Association’s fundamentals
/ E
Domestic Factors required
  • Sufficient time available for the role, including weekend engagements
/ E
  • Personal computer owner / user with access to email
/ E

Bottom of Form

Campdowne 2013 - Volunteer Application Form

Thank you for your interest in our volunteering opportunities. All information supplied on this form is treated confidentially. If you do not understand any of these questions, please do not hesitate to contact

Name (First, Last)
Telephone Number(s)
Email Address
Existing Appointment in Scouting
Volunteer Role applying for / Activities and Transport Manager
Why do you want to volunteer with
Campdowne 2013?
Describe how your life and / or work experiences and / or personal qualities provide you with the necessary skills required to perform this role?
What would you like to gain from volunteering in this role?
Do you have any concerns about volunteering or require any additional support?
Anything else you’d like to say?

Contact Information

Please send your application to:

Russell Zaple
Event Manager
Campdowne 2013
By email as attachment (preferred) to:

Or by post:
Campdowne Office
Downe Scout Activity Centre
Birdhouse Lane

For further information

01959 572121

Campdowne 2013

Downe Scout Activity Centre - The Scout Association

Patron HM The Queen President HRH The Duke of Kent Founder Robert Baden-Powell OM Chief Scout Lt Cdr (Hon) Bear Grylls RNIncorporated by Royal Charter Charity No. 306101