Meeting rooms should accommodate 30 to 40 people for seating for each organization during Mid-Winter, Fall Workshop and District Convention. Department Convention will require seating for 75 for each and seating for 150 during the Joint Sessions. SAL will accommodate for 20 people.
- Water, Coffee and donuts/rolls should be provided for the members.
- Head tables will be required. Water for head tables.
- Auxiliary - Head table for 8 officers, including tablecloth and modesty cloth.
- Convention will require an additional 8 tables for packets, trophy, awards, ect.
- Spring and Fall Meetings; Three or four banquet size tables are needed for displaying District awards and/or Unit packets and handouts.
- Legion - Head table for 4 officers, including tablecloth and modesty cloth.
- Require 2 additional tables for handouts at all meetings.
- Require a total of 3 table for information & trophies during Department Convention.
- SAL - Head table for 4 officers, including tablecloth and modesty cloth.
- Require 1 additional table for handouts at both meetings.
- Podium, sound system, 3 American flags and 6 flag stands for Legion,SAL and Auxiliary.
(If none available, contact Department Adjutant and Department Secretary)
- Department will bring the Department and Detachment Flags.
- Department Convention – Posts and Units will bring their colors.
- Posts will pick up the multiple flag stands at the end of Convention for the next year.
- Units will pick up the District signs at the end of Convention for the next year.
- Meeting spaces should be available:
- Department Convention – Wednesday through Saturday.
- Mid-Winter – Friday night and Saturday.
- Fall workshop – Saturday
- District Convention – Saturday or Sunday for 4 hours.
Department Convention
American Legion
Executive Committee:______Date:______Time:______
Convention Meeting:______Date:______Time:______
Post Everlasting &
Memorial Services:______Date:______Time:______
VA&R Luncheon:______Date:______Time:______
Convention Banquet:______Date:______Time:______
Past Post Cdr. & Adj. Breakfast______Date:______Time:______
Past Dept. Cdr. Breakfast:______Date:______Time:______
New Executive Committee:______Date:______Time:______
American Legion Auxiliary
Finance Committee:______Date:______Time:______
Executive Committee:______Date:______Time:______
Convention Meeting:______Date:______Time:______
Americanism Luncheon:______Date:______Time:______
VA&R Luncheon:______Date:______Time:______
Past Presidents Parley:______Date:______Time:______
Sons of the American Legion
Executive Committee:______Date:______Time:______
Convention Meeting:______Date:______Time:______
Mid-Winter Conference
American Legion
Executive Committee:______Date:______Time:______
Convention Meeting:______Date:______Time:______
Conference Banquet:______Date:______Time:______
American Legion Auxiliary
Finance Committee:______Date:______Time:______
Executive Committee:______Date:______Time:______
Girls State Meeting:______Date:______Time:______
Sons of the American Legion
Executive Committee:______Date:______Time:______
Conference Meeting:______Date:______Time:______
Fall Workshop
American Legion
Workshop Meeting:______Date:______Time:______
Executive Committee:______Date:______Time:______
American Legion Auxiliary
Finance Committee:______Date:______Time:______
Executive Committee:______Date:______Time:______
Leadership Meeting:______Date:______Time:______
Convention and Conference
Banquet room should hold 100 to 140 guests; final count can be made after registration closes. The dinner should start at 6:00, 6:30 or 7:00 PM with a no host social starting at 5:00, 5:30 or 6:00 PM. A head table with podium and sound system is required. The head table will seat tento twelve individuals. Coordinate with the MC the night of the function for seating at the head table.
The following is a checklist to help with your planning:
______Banquet Room secured.Cost:______
______Menu Secured.Cost per meal:______
______Podium and Sound System
______Flags and stands
______Place cards for head tableCost______
Example of Seating Arrangements:
LegionChaplain / Legion
NEC / Legion
Guest / Dept
Cmdr. / MC / Podium / Aux
Pres. / Aux
Guest / Aux
Cmdr / Aux
LegionChaplain / Auxilary
NEC / Dept Cmdr / Aux
Guest. / MC / Podium / Legion
Guest / Aux. Pres / SAL
Cmdr / Legion
NEC / Aux
- These arrangements follow protocol used for presenting an informative image of structure to the general public and to our entire membership. Both arrangements are provided as a guide
- Consult the MC for approved seating order
- Place cards are appropriate for the head table. Contact Department Adjutant.
- As a courtesy, guest of the head table especially the National Officers Guest should have designated seating.
Added notes on procedure:
- MC will coordinate with the Department Commander, President, Adjutant, and Secretary.
- The Department and Auxiliary Sgt-at-Arms should be prepared to escort or inform those individuals with assigned seating.
- Introductions:
- When making introductions, begin with the Auxiliary starting on the Unit level, introducing the Host Unit President, District officers, Department Chairman, Department Officers, Past Department Presidents, and members of National Committees or Commissions. This same order will be true when introducing the Officials of The American Legion. A list of these people can be obtained before hand from the Department Adjutant or Secretary.
***The Department President and the Department Commander shall be introduced the entire membership shall rise after their introduction with three raps of the gavel.
Note: Since there will be a large number of introductions, it would be in order for the MC to suggest that the applause be held up until the last introduction in each group is made.
Your task is to find a suitable hotel/motel for the Department Headquarters. This hotel/motel will house the Department Officers and National guests about 20 rooms. An additional amount of rooms should be guaranteed for the general membership. Most of the general membership will stay at this hotel/motel.
Department Convention about 30 additional rooms will be used. Duration 3/4 nights.
Mid-Winter Conference about 25 additional rooms will be used. Duration 2 nights.
Fall Workshop about 20 additional rooms will be used. Duration 2 nights.
The following is a checklist to help you obtain housing:
______A list of the Hotels and Motels in your city that are interested in providing any rates for the convention group.
- Visit with the manager.
- Ensure the Post home is easy to get to from the hotel/motel.
- Show room rates on the list.
- Find out if hospitality rooms are available.
- Find out if smoking is permitted.
- Find out if a deposit is required.
Department Convention - January forward the list to the Department Adjutant and Secretary to publish it in the newspaper.
District Conventions/Conferences - February forward the list to the Department Adjutant and Secretary to publish it in the newspaper.
Department Mid Winter - December forward the list to the Department Adjutant and Secretary to publish it in the newspaper.
Department Fall Workshop - August forward the list to the Department Adjutant and Secretary to publish it in the newspaper.
Post Everlasting Ceremony
In recent years we have combined the Post Everlasting Ceremony with the Auxiliary Memorial Service. This is the preferred service the only reason it would change is if the designated Honor Guard is unfamiliar with the protocol. The both services will be held together one following the other.
Also in recent years with the joint opening ceremony it is recommended that both of these services be done during this session in an air conditioning environment where seating is available. The Department Commander will coordinate with the Department President and make this decision on location and Honor Guard team before Mid Winter.
Both Department Chaplains will be the lead for the planning and preparation in carrying out the details. The Committee should be available to assist with logistics.
Checklist for Post Everlasting Ceremony:
______Two Wreaths and stands. (Department Adjutant and Secretary will supply)
______Chairs, sound system, and podium.
______Joint Session or…
______Other Venue: Veteran’s Hospital grounds, Veteran’s Cemetery, a church, ect.
NOTE: It is recommended that an inside location be your first choice because of the weather.
______If outside, have a back up location ready
______Honor Guard team: Department Commander may request a specific team.
Program Committee
Your task is to publish the official program for the Department Convention. The program booklet will contain: the agendas for The American Legion meeting and The American Legion Auxiliary meeting and other information, as directed by the Department Commander and Auxiliary President.
Advertising may be sold by the Committee to pay for the cost of producing the booklet. Any profit made shall remain at the Post.
Copy of the agenda from both organizations should be available on 15 May.
Pictures to appear in the booklet must be submitted prior to 1 May. The Committee will be responsible for all engraving, half tones, or reproducing charges.
The following is a checklist to help you with the program booklet:
______Printer contacted.
Cost of printing______
Number of copies______(200 should be enough)
Number of pages______
______Establish pricing table
Full page $______Half page $______Quarter page$______
Business card $______
______Pictures received
___ National Commander______National President
___ Department Commander______Department President
___ NEC______NEC
___ Governor______Mayor
___Post Commander______Unit President
___ SAL Detachment Commander
(These pictures and letters are complementary)
______Agenda (15 May)
Registration Committee
General Information:
Registration is used to get a count of members attending the function. Have each individual sign in with their full name, Post or Unit they are representing, and office or position.
You can sell lunch tickets, banquet tickets, and any other meal ticket at this time. By doing so you can get an accurate count for the meals.
The registration should start on the day prior to the opening of the function; however advance registration may be sold at any time.
Fall Workshop – Friday night and Saturday morning.
Mid-Winter - Friday night and Saturday morning.
District Conventions – a couple of hours prior to the event
Department Convention – Wednesday afternoon to Friday around noon.
Nametags should be available for those that have none.
The following is a checklist to help you with the registration;
Registration will be located______
Open and Close times
______Registration book: Show Name, Post or Unit number, City, and title.
______Persons manning the registration
Tables 410/01/18