Seabreeze Leader
April, 2016
Seabreeze is lighting the way for tomorrow’s leaders.
Spring has arrived! We hope everyone enjoyed their time away during Spring Break and is ready to focus on learning for the final nine week period. We look forward to ending our year on a positive note with all our students.
FSA Assessments
Testing continues through the month of April. Our students are doing AMAZING! Please refer to the calendar on the back of this newsletter for specific grade level dates and ensure your child is present and on time everyday. Students do much better on assessments when they take their tests in the normal testing environment. Remember to encourage them to do their best and ensure they get plenty of rest. They have worked very hard and are ready to shine on these assessments. We appreciate all of your support of this process.
Morning Mile Club
We have begun a trial running club with our Kindergarten and First grade students in the mornings from 7:45-8:15 on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. Students earn a popsicle stick for every lap they run around the baseball field and will earn rewards at the end of the year for their efforts. We are encouraging all students to participate and a permission slip needs to be returned before that can occur. If you are interested in this activity for your child please contact your child’s teacher or Mr. Gilbert at 247-5900. We look forward to expanding this opportunity to all students next year.
Yearbook Pictures
Got pictures from Seabreeze events this year?
PLEASE email any pictures you’d like considered for the yearbook by Friday April 8th to Cori Retherford ! Thank you!!
YearbooksOn Sale
If you would like to guarantee your student gets a yearbook, please send in $20 check or cash WITH YOUR STUDENT’S NAME AND TEACHER byMONDAY, APRIL 11th!This is the presale period that will guarantee your child receives a yearbook.Anything orders received after 4/11 will NOT be guaranteed.
PTA will order an additional LIMITED quantity and offer them for sale when the books come in at the end of May (first come, first served).
Sweet Frog
Join your Seabreeze family and friends for Seabreeze Spirit Day at SweetFrog on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13th from 12-close! It's an early release day, so enjoy all the yogurt and toppings you could want after school, after practice or after dinner!! Let them know you're from Seabreeze and they'll give back!
Naccarato’s Notes
Drama Club presents Press Start! April 21st & 22nd at 6:00pm
Cathedral Arts Program Showcase April 23 at UNF’sLazarra Center at 10:30 am
Talent Show
- Talent Show Auditions for grades K-2Monday,May 2 at 3:00pm
- Talent Show Auditions for grades 3 -5 Tuesday, May 3 at 3:00pm
Seabreeze Elementary Talent Show Thursday, May 19 at 6:00 pm
Character Counts
Due to our FSA Testing schedule Character Counts has been moved to April 15th. Please mark your calendar with this important date change.
Parent Survey
Please take a moment and fill out the DCPS Parent Survey at The survey will be available through April 15th. Paper copies are available in the front office. Simply fill it out and return it to the school. If you have questions, concerns or praises…let your voice be heard. We value your opinions at Seabreeze.
Lost and Found
Please check our new “Lost and Found” rolling cart for lost items. It will be located in the cafeteria, but will roll weekly to car riders and extended day for your convienience. We have a ton of sweaters, jackets, lunchboxes and water bottles. We encourage you to write your child’s name inside or on items for identification.