November 19, 2012 Harrah, 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting

1. Flag Salute

2. Call to Order and Verification of Quorum

3. Set Agenda

4. Consent Agenda

(a) Approve Meeting Minutes of October 15, 2012

(b) Approve Payroll and Checks

(i) Payroll Warrant No. 68541 – 68585 for $49,663.05; Vendor Warrants No. 68586 – 68609 for $167,023.30 for a total payroll of $792,361.81

(ii) General Fund Warrant No. 68610-68611 for $16,562.22; No. 68612 – 68725 for $322,083.01;

(iii) ASB Fund Warrant No. 4583 for $1,576.60; No. 4584 – 4600 for $6,094.69

(iv) Transportation Vehicle Fund Warrant No. 35 for $120,570.29

5. Student and School Programs

(a) Out of State Band Trip Request – Jeff Chang

(b) PTSA – Parent Teacher Student Association – Jennifer Hudson

(c) Community Awards – James Heinle

6. Hearing From Individuals and Groups

7. Financial Report

(a) Enrollment

8. Superintendent’s Report

(a) Collage Board Forum Recognition

(b) ESD Regional Committee

(c) SCRISC Data Processing Coop

(d) LEA/ESA’s IDEA Summary for 2011-12 School Year

9. Departmental Reports

(a) Transportation – Don Jensen

(b) Maintenance – Wayne Kosik

(c) Director of Teaching and Learning – James Heinle

(d) Special Ed/High School Athletic Director – Warren Starr

10. Building Reports

(a) White Swan High School/Mt. Adams Middle School – Dana Jarnecke/Manuel Rangel

(b) Harrah Elementary – John Hannah/Robert Everts

11. New Business

(a) Out of State Band Trip

(b) Memorandum of Understanding with Yakima County Sheriff’s Office

(c) Drug Free Communities Support Services Agreement

(d) MESA School Site Agreement

(e) Washington State University Student Affiliation Agreement

(f) Independent Contractor Agreement (2) – District Psychologists

(g) Independent Contractor Agreement (1) – Consultant for Drug Free Communities Grant

(h) Independent Contractor Agreement (1) – Consultant for Good Behavior Grant

(i) Resolution No. 12-302 Authorizing Deposit Account Documentation

(j) Resolution No. 12-303 Updating Building and ASB Change Fund Amounts

12. Personnel

(a) Resignation (1)

(b) Recommendation for Hire – Bus Driver

(c) Recommendation for Hire – Highly Capable Teacher

13. Travel

(a) WSSDA Conference

(b) NIISA Annual Conference

14. Information

(a) White Swan Arts and Rec Meeting Information

15. Adjourn Meeting