Problem 2 (Problem 5 not solved in class)
Utility functions in the above problems represent some ‘model’ preferences. Of course, we can be dealing with other types of preferences, so the utility functions can take other forms. Below you can find some examples, that you probably did not see during the lecture. Draw the utility map, find marginal utilities and MRS. Are marginal utilities positive? Does law of the diminishing rate of marginal substitution work? Are the axioms or rational choice satisfied? What type of preferences these functions represent? Can they illustrate our real preferences? Under what conditions?
U = 3*X12 + 5*X2
U = 20 - (X1-10)2 - (X2-10)
U = (X1 - X2)2
MU2= δU/δX2=10X2
MRS= -MU1/ MU2=-3X1/5X2
Marginal utilities are positive.
Completeness – yes.
Reflexivity – yes.
Transitivity – yes.
Monotonicity – yes (a negative slope).
Convexity – no (an example of concave preferences – the shape of the curve!)
The law of diminishing rate of marginal substitution doesn’t work (the more X1, the steeper the curve).
That’s an example of concave preferences.
This can illustrate our real preferences – one can like both milk and cherries while consuming them separately. However, the person doesn’t want to consume them together.
MU2= δU/δX2=-1
MRS= -MU1/ MU2=-2X1+20
Marginal utilities are not positive.
Completeness – yes.
Reflexivity – no (cannot be derived from transitivity).
Transitivity – no (for certain X2 there are two values of X1).
Monotonicity – no (changes in the slope’s sign, sometimes the slope is positive).
Convexity – no (the shape of the curve).
The law of diminishing rate of marginal substitution doesn’t work (irregularities, finally the more X1 we have, the steeper the curve).
That’s an example of concave preferences.
The consumer’s preferences are inconsistent. The consumer is irrational.
On the other hand, the curves remind me of an example of satiation, when there is some overall best bundle for the consumer and the closer he is to that best bundle, the better off he is. The satiation point would have an X1 coordinate of the peaks of the curves and X2 coordinate lower than the X2 coordinate of the peak of the lowest curve.
I cannot judge whether it’s an example of consumer’s inconsistency or a satiation case…
JT: This is consumer inconsistency – he should not be equally well off with two different consumption bundles. Other than that, a perfect solution.
MU2= δU/δX2=2X2-2X1
MRS= -MU1/ MU2=-(X1-X2)/(X2-X1)
Marginal utilities aren’t positive.
Completeness – yes.
Reflexivity – yes.
Transitivity – yes.
Monotonicity – no (positive slope).
Convexity – no (X2 are ‘bads’ which we don’t want to consume while the convexity axiom implies that we would like to consume two goods at the same time).
The law of diminishing rate of marginal substitution doesn’t work (adding X1 doesn’t change the slope of the curve).
X2 are bads while X1 are goods. We want to consume as much as possible of X1 (which we like)and as little as possible of X2 (which we dislike).
Author: Wojtek Deja
U = 20 - (X1-10)2 - (X2-10) is a very interesting function. It can be drawn as demonstrated below (x is X1, while y is X2 thereafter).
It would really be difficult to interpret it. It was probably meant to be: U = 20 - (X1-10)2 - (X2-10)2 i.e. a straight quadratic function like this.
U = (X1 - X2)2 can be represented by:
C’est a dire, X2 is not totally an economic ‘bad’. It is better visible in the third dimension:
X2 might be thought of as an economic ‘bad’ in a slightly different setting, e.g.:
U = X1 – (X2)2 .
It would have the following graphical representation.
Author: mgr Anna Kukla-Gryz