Minutes of the meeting of the Finance & Services Committee held on 13 July 2010 in the Mine of Information at 7.00 pm
Present Councillors Moulds (Chairman), Holland, Taylor, Bett, Downing, Fox and Frost.
Also present Mr Peter G Hills (Clerk), Mrs Lisa Hill (Assistant Clerk), Mr C Barker (Chargehand Handyman) and Mr M Pottinger (Handyman).
FS20/1011 – Apologies for absence
There were no apologies for absence.
FS21/1011 Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest.
FS22/1011 – Minutes of the last meeting held on 8 June 2010
The minutes of the last meeting held on 8 June 2010 were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
FS23/1011 – Matters arising from the Minutes
FS23.1 Minute FS17.5 – the Clerk reported that he had written to three structural engineers. To date only one response had been received but the quoted cost for designing the depot was prohibitive. The Clerk reported he had also sent the plans Mr Snowden has produced to DLG Construction in your for their advice. DLG Construction were the only company who had quoted for the works previously. Councillor Holland said he would provide details of other engineering companies. Action – Councillor Holland.
FS23.2 Minute FS17.8 - the Clerk reported that the planning application for the change of use of the cemetery field from grazing land to burial land had now been granted. Arrangements were now being made for the land to be consecrated. Decisions still needed to be made regarding the positioning of fences and hedging. Action – Clerk, Councillor Moulds, Cliff Barker.
FS23.3 Minute FS17.9 - the Clerk reported that the hanging baskets from Rose Acre Nursery in Belton were now filling out. Councillors thought that the flowers were not as good as in previous years and that alternatives should be investigated for next year. Councillor Downing commented that Southwell’s flowers were good this year and suggested that the nursery which provided them should be contacted for a price. Action – Clerk.
FS23.4 Minute FS17.10 - The Clerk reported that the Community Payback Service (CPS) workers had been to cut back grass and remove rubble from the footpath near Haynes Close garages bordering the school playing field to enable the Council to maintain the grass in this area. However, the area would require much more work and many more skips and the associated costs before the grass was in good enough condition to be cut and maintained by the Handymen. It was felt that the cost of the further skips required would now be cost prohibitive. Mr Jason Reeson had been asked to quote for using a JCB to remove the rubble. Action – Clerk.
The Clerk reported that he had received a reply from the Divisional Commander of Nottinghamshire Police. The Council had expressed its disappointment that its well-respected PCSO Tony Ciacci had been transferred to Retford as a result of a change to the operational base for PCSO’s in the area. The Council was also concerned that the new PCSO was not seen regularly around the town. The Chief Superintendent’s reply stated that although a change in operational base had occurred this did not affect how Tuxford was policed.
FS23.5 Minute FS17.11 - the Clerk reported that the presentation by Bassetlaw District Council (BDC), to explain the ‘Encouraging Play in Rural Areas’ scheme that was due to take place in July had been cancelled due to lack of interest. The Clerk reported that he had met with Ms Andrea Oswin, Nottinghamshire County Council Youth Worker to discuss the best way to consult the young people of Tuxford in preparation for applying for funding. Ms Oswin would be consulting the young people at the mobile Youth Centre held on the Village Hall Field on Monday evenings and report her findings back to the Clerk. The Clerk reported that he had met with the School Council at the Primary School for their views on what play facilities they would like to see in Tuxford and was meeting with students at the Secondary School on 15 July 2010. Once all this information had been collated a funding application would be produced for submission to BDC by 31 August 2010.
FS23.6 Minute FS17.13 - the Clerk reported that areas had now been identified for the creation of more mini gardens/pocket parks under the NCC Local Improvement Scheme (LIS). Karen Tarburton from Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire (RCAN) would be seeking permission from A1 Housing for permission to use their land for gardens. The roundabout outside the senior school was another possible site.
FS23.7 Minute FS17.4 – Councillor Moulds expressed his concerns that the pedestrian access at the car park was inadequate. It was suggested that a section of wall could be removed at the primary school end of the car park to allow for pedestrians to access the car park safely. It was agreed that Punch Taverns, the landlord, should be informed before any work was undertaken.Action – Clerk.
FS23.8 Minute FS19.2 The Clerk reported that a low wall had been put around the Canadian Airman’s grave and red and white busy lizzies planted. Permanent planting was currently being investigated for the Autumn.
FS24/1011 Financial monitoring and invoices for approval
FS24.1 The Clerk circulated copies of the monthly financial monitoring sheet that monitored actual versus budgeted expenditure for each budget head. The sheet covered the first three months of the 2010/11 financial year and showed expenditure under budget. The Clerk gave reasons for the variances between budget and actual expenditure to date and answered questions on the financial information. (see Agenda Item 5.1 attached) The Clerk explained that over the last 2 years the Council’s average monthly expenditure had not increased significantly. For example, the Council’s average monthly expenditure in 2008/9 was £7016, increasing to £7122 in 2009/10. This year’s average budgeted expenditure was £7818. Councillor Holland queried the underspend on Wages and Salaries. The Clerk explained that various factors contributed to this underspend – a) it was a four week payroll month, b) no local government pay rise this year and c) the payment of Statutory Sick Pay instead of normal pay to one of the handyman for six weeks.
FS24.2 The Clerk circulated copies of the income and expenditure sheet to 30 June 2010. (see Agenda Item 5.2 attached).
FS24.3 Invoices shown in Agenda Item 5.3 for July 2010 were presented to the committee. It was Resolved: that all the invoices should be paid with the exception of the invoice from the Memorial Hall Trustees for £200. The Committee considered that the Council, too, had incurred some expenditure arising from the Fair and that it would, therefore, be equitable to split the money received from Thomson’s 50 – 50 between the Council and the Memorial Hall Trustees. It was Resolved: a cheque for £100 should be raised. Action – Clerk.
FS25/0910 Town maintenance and equipment
FS25.1 The Chargehand Handyman reported that three litter bins had been burnt out on the Village Hall field, there had been a fire in the old tree stump, flowers had been pulled out of the planters outside the library, a hanging basket had been stolen from outside G D Hall’s Newsagents, a litter bin had been pulled off its bolts at the junction of Marnham Road and Lincoln Road and that drugs had been found on the Village Hall field. Clearing rubbish and broken glass from the Village Hall field was still taking up a large proportion of the handyman’s time.
FS25.2 The Clerk reported that Mr Mark Sweeney from A1 Housing had advised him that A1 Housing was being externally audited in November and had therefore asked that Tuxford Town Council take particular care with grounds maintenance at that time.
FS26/0910 Christmas 2010
The Clerk presented a schedule of suggested ideas for Christmas 2010. These ideas were discussed. It was Resolved: that the Christmas Market and Lights Switch-on should be held on Sunday 5 December 2010.
FS27/0910 Delivery of Local Services for NCC by Tuxford Town Council
The Clerk reported that NCC had written to the Council regarding the possibility of Tuxford delivering various highways services on its behalf. The highways services which could be performed by Tuxford Town Council were:
· Maintenance and repair of public footpaths and rights of way;
· Grasscutting, tree and shrub work on highway verges (grasscutting is already done);
· Cleaning of low level non-illuminated signage (direction signs etc);
· Bus shelter cleaning and maintenance;
· Street lighting patrols/reporting of faults;
· Reporting problems in snow conditions;
· Refilling of grit bins.
The delivery of these services by Tuxford Town Council would give the Town Council greater control over when and how they are undertaken but would also incur costs. NCC indicated that the re-numeration to the Town Council for carrying out all or some of these services would be ‘to a maximum of the cost of the County Council providing the service’. It was Resolved: that this scheme should be investigated further before a decision could be made. Action – Clerk.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.40pm.