Call for abstracts for ECOG 2017

·  The abstract submission deadline is 20/07/2017.

·  Only abstracts uploaded through the following registration link will be considered:

If you have problems or questions regarding the submission system please contact

·  Abstracts must be submitted in English with a maximum word count of 250 words (including headings). Authors from non-English speaking countries are requested to have their text thoroughly checked. Figures, graphics and footnotes will not be accepted.

·  The ECOG2017 abstract template is available below.

·  The submission fee is 25€ per abstract. The fee must be paid at the time of submission through the following registration link

·  Presenters of accepted abstracts are expected to attend the Congress and will be entitled to an early bird registration fee once they are notified of their abstract acceptance.

·  15 abstracts will be selected for oral presentations.

·  16 abstracts will be selected for poster sessions.

·  All approved abstracts will be published in Acta Paediatrica, if the submitter attends the congress.

·  All abstract submitters will be notified of the status of their abstract by 31/08/2017.

Abstract template for ECOG 2017

Please note that only abstracts using the following template will be considered


Arial 11 font bold, left aligned


Arial 11 font. Initial of first names, last name. Presenting author to be in bold, affiliations numbered in superscript.


Arial 11 font, left aligned


Arial 11 font, left aligned, maximum 250 words (including headings and text. Figures, graphics and footnotes will not be accepted.


The abstract is followed by a maximum of five keywords, listed alphabetically.



Childhood Obesity


B Green1, N Red2, P White 2

1 University of Hogwarts, Rivendell, Middle-earth

2 Royal Green Hospital, Lannisport, Westeros


Aim: Lorem ipsum dolor sit, consectetur adipisicing elit, eiusmod tempor Methods: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt Results: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do incididunt ut Conclusion: Lorem dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit Keywords: Amet, consectetur, elit, ipsum, tempor. (ADD Total count of words here)