Essential Service Functions – Field Crew & Youth Outdoors Member/Leader/Field Specialist
Position: AmeriCorps Field Crew Member/Leader/Field Specialist & Youth Outdoors Member/Leader/Field Specialist
Nature of the Corpsmember position (as outlined in Position Descriptions): Corpsmembers participate in on-the-job training to learn natural resources management skills and put those skills into practice working on habitat restoration projects. Positions involve physically challenging, team-oriented work to accomplish environmental conservation and emergency response projects. Service is performed exclusively outdoors and involves camping for several consecutive days in urban settings or backcountry wilderness.Crews complete natural resource conservation projects such as tree planting, exotic species management, herbicide application, prairie restoration, stream bank stabilization and erosion control, GPS/GIS mapping, wildlife surveys, carpentry, timber stand improvement, prescribed burning, trail construction & maintenance, wild land firefighting and emergency response. Positions are required to operate motor vehicles and other motorized equipment.
Working Conditions / Descriptors / Exposure Severity
(normal, minor, serious, severe) / Requirements
List critical skills, experience, training, certification or work capacity testing needed to perform the task.
Environment / ·  Heat and humidity, cold/hyperthermia
·  UV exposure
·  Burning materials, airborne particulates
·  Poor visibility
·  Weather conditions (cold/hot/wet/dry/humid/snow/rain) / SEVERE - Outdoor temperatures below -10° with wind or above 82° F. Significant airborne particulates. / ·  Desire and ability to work and live outdoors in all weather conditions
·  Obtain First Aid training
·  Obtain proper outdoor attire
·  No Medical History conditions -or- approval from doctor if conditions exist
Ground / ·  Down trees, thick obstructive standing timber, tangled undergrowth
·  Wet leaves/grasses, deep snow, ice, mud or muck, rocky, loose
·  Holes, drop-offs, steep slopes, working at heights
·  Extensive walking and climbing on equipment and through terrain / SERIOUS - Wild lands with brush, forest understory, overgrown areas, marshlands. Uncertain footing. / ·  Pass Physical Fitness “Pack” Test – Moderate Level (minimum)
·  Maintain Corps approved footwear
·  Obtain First Aid training
·  Obtain basic orienteering and map reading training
·  No Medical History conditions -or- approval from doctor if conditions exist
Agility / ·  Bending, stooping, pulling, running, twisting, jumping, kneeling / SERIOUS - All of the work day walking intermittently at a pace of about 15 min/mile, pulling, climbing, twisting, stooping, bending, kneeling under heavy loads. / ·  Pass Physical Fitness “Pack” Test – Moderate Level (minimum)
·  No Medical History conditions -or- approval from doctor if conditions exist
Work Day / ·  Long hours
·  Pace of work
·  Limited or disrupted sleep / SEVERE - Long days, extended hours with spike camping or travel. Work up to 12 days in a row. Rapid pace of work with irregular breaks and rest periods. / ·  Pass Physical Fitness “Pack” Test – Moderate Level (minimum)
·  Maintain consistent pace throughout entire work day for up to 12 days in a row
·  No Medical History conditions -or- approval from doctor if conditions exist
Strength / ·  Lifting or loading material
·  Lift and carry more than specific weights
·  Use shovels, grubbing tools, and other hand tools
·  Power tool operation / SEVERE - Fieldwork requiring above average endurance and conditioning. Demand for strenuous activity in emergencies. Lift more than 50 pounds. / ·  Ability to lift up to 50 pounds repetitively
·  Pass Physical Fitness “Pack” Test – Moderate Level (minimum)
·  Obtain Ergonomics training
·  No Medical History conditions -or- approval from doctor if conditions exist
Other / ·  Insects, ticks, snakes, animals
·  Poisonous plants
·  Construction, agriculture or other heavy equipment, vehicles, trailers, ATV’s, snowmobiles
·  Moving traffic
·  Working over water
·  Chemicals / SEVERE - Known hazards where exposures are certain and protective measures include after exposure actions. / ·  Obtain Employee Right to Know training
·  Obtain and properly use PPE
·  Obtain specialized skill/equipment trainings or certifications (i.e. Snag removal, Pesticide Applicators License, Defensive Driving, Trailering, ATV etc)
·  Study plant/animal ID
·  Obtain First Aid Training
·  No Medical History conditions -or- approval from doctor if conditions exist
Wellness / ·  Hunger, irregular meals, nutrition
·  Dehydration
·  Close quarters
·  Highly aerobic
·  Bodily fluids / SEVERE - Continuous and extended heavy work outdoors where temperatures are more than 77° F, or less than 10° F. / ·  Maintain healthy diet and hydration throughout work day
·  Obtain adequate rest and sleep between work shifts
·  No Medical History conditions -or- approval from doctor if conditions exist
PPE / ·  Respirators
·  Hearing, face, head and eye protection
·  Steel toe cut resistant boots, other clothing
·  Tyvek suits/chaps
·  Use of varying degrees and types of PPE / SEVERE - Hazards and exposures where there is an immediate risk of injury if PPE fails or is improperly used. / ·  Obtain and properly use Corps approved/provided PPE
·  Obtain PPE training and conduct necessary maintenance and replacement
·  No Medical History conditions -or- approval from doctor if conditions exist

Based on these essential functions, applicants offered a position listed in this document must meet the following medical and physical fitness criteria:

·  Upon hire, a medical history form is to be filled out and submitted to the Corps for review. If medical conditions warrant, an evaluation by a medical professional may be requested.

·  Upon satisfactory medical history review or approval from a physician, a physical fitness work capacity or “pack” test, administered by the Corps (walking 3 miles wearing a 45 pound pack/vest in less than 45 minutes over level terrain) must be successfully completed.