Algebra 2A Course Guidelines

Mr. Vaughn 2013-2014 (Room C 321)



What we will cover – This course concentrates on the following concepts: the tools of algebra, functions, equations, graphs, linear systems, quadratics, and polynomials.


You are required to have a binder, which you must bring to class every day, even test days. I recommend a 1 ½” three-ring binder. In addition, you will need three divider sheets with tabs (anyone having difficulty obtaining these supplies should see me). In this binder, you will be required to have the following:

Binder check page - Your binder will not be checked for credit if this page, which I will give to you, is not inside. This page is used to keep track of how you are doing with the upkeep of your binder and should be placed in the very front of your binder before turning it in to be graded. Binders are typically checked on test days.

NOTES (Tab #1) - All class notes for each unit should be kept in your binder in a separate section labeled “NOTES”. All notes should be dated and numbered. They must be in order.

ASSIGNMENTS (Tab #2) - All assignments for each unit should be kept in the next separate section and should be labeled “ASSIGNMENTS”. These should also be labeled with the date, chapter & section, page numbers, question numbers, and in the order assigned. Assignments will also include written work, worksheets, group work, or anything that is not an assessment or review.

QUIZ/REVIEW (Tab #3) – All quizzes and review material should be placed in a third section of your binder for easy reference labeled “QUIZ/REVIEW/MISC”.

Everything you complete in the class should be put in the correct section in the binder. There should be no loose papers in the pockets or work from other classes. During the binder check I will concentrate on the following: complete and legible notes that are labeled and ordered, all assignments in order and completed, all quizzes are in order, and everything, in general, is neat and organized.


It is important that you diligently do all your assignments and stay up-to-date with them. I will not be grading each and every homework assignment that I assign to you in class. However, in order to be successful in this class, you will need to know how to complete all problems that are assigned, as they are all susceptible to being put on a quiz or test. When I do collect assignment they are worth 5 points and could be graded for completion, accuracy, or both. Late work (within 2 days of the original due date) will only be accepted for HALF CREDIT, (THAT’S ONLY 50%), unless very special circumstances justify otherwise. You have 2 days to turn in the day’s work if you are absent, and you must complete the work on your own time. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING THE ASSIGNMENT ON YOUR OWN. YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO ASK ME. I SHOULD NOT BE ASKED FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. EITHER ASK A MEMBER OF YOUR GROUP OR LOOK AT MY WEBSITE.


There will typically be a ‘mini quiz’ every one or two sections, in general for each unit. Quizzes will always be announced in advance. You will have the opportunity to make quiz corrections for half of the points you missed back on every quiz we take, more on this will be discussed in class. If you miss the day before a quiz, expect to take the quiz with the class.


There will be a test for every unit/chapter, and it will always be announced ahead of time. You will be allowed to make corrections for a quarter of the points you missed back during our after school test correction program (time sensitive). More details on the after school test correction program will be announced in class. If you miss the day before a test, expect to take the test with the class.

***Make-Up Test or Quizzes: If you miss the day of a test or quiz, you must make an appointment with me to take it after school within in 2 days of the original quiz/test date.


Grades will be calculated throughout the grading period according to the following scale:

Summative Assessments = 40%
Formative Assessments = 40%
Final Exam = 20%
+ ______
100% / A = 100 – 93%C = 76-73
A- = 92 – 90C- = 72 – 70
B+ = 89 – 87D+ = 69 - 67
B = 86 – 83D = 66 - 63
B- = 82 – 80D- = 62 - 60
C+ = 79 – 77E = 59 - 0

Summative assessments will be given at the end of each unit, these will consist of your unit/chapter tests. Formative assessments will be given throughout a unit and will include everything that is not a test or the final exam. Thefinal exam will cover all course material, and will be at the end of the trimester.

  1. Extra Credit

Rarely will you have the opportunity to earn extra credit points during the semester. I do not hand out individual extra credit assignments, either, so do not ask for any.

  1. Attendance

I will follow the school’s attendance policy for both absences and tardies, students should refer to the student handbook. Refer to the ‘Homework’, ‘Quizzes’, and ‘Tests’ policies previously mentioned for making up what is missed during an absence.

  1. Rules and Guidelines

Rules: (set consequences)
  1. Follow directions the first time given
  2. Give any speaker your eyes, ears, and attention
  3. Come to class on time and prepared (with homework, binder, textbook, and pen/pencil)
  4. Respect others
  5. Do what you’re supposed to be doing
  6. Use common sense
/ Guidelines: (no set consequences)
  1. Never be afraid to ask questions
  2. Give your best effort, all the time
  3. Contribute ideas and opinions
  4. It is okay to make mistakes
  5. Have fun!

The consequences for breaking the rules usually entail a verbal warning followed by a detention or removal from the class if the problem persists, along with a phone call home. Serious infractions may result in immediate removal from the class. If behavior continues to be an issue, you may be sent to the In-School Suspension room for an indefinite period of time.

***Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones should remain out of sight and out of mind, as well as turned off, unless the teacher clearly permits their use. I will let students know if and when cell phones are allowed to be out, and will only do so for educational purposes. Students should never use their cell phone in class to make a call or send a text message (even to parents), and doing so could result in confiscation. If a student needs to contact their parent they can do so from the main office. If you need a parent/guardian needs to contact their student, they should do so through the main office, per school policy.


Students are expected to follow the guidelines laid out by the “Student Code of Conduct” found in the student handbook. ***Never be afraid to contact me via e-mail or phone, parents or students.

You will be expected to follow all rules and behave appropriately while you are at school.

Common sense should guide you through this idea!

"The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics." -Paul Halmos

Please have your parent/guardian review the syllabus, and then print and sign the following.


I hereby understand and comply with all the class information and requirements as stated above.

Hour: ______Date: ______

Student Name: (Print) ______(Signature) ______

Parent Name: (Print) ______(Signature) ______