Kremer Clarkson Krause
Award Entry Form
The Kremer Clarkson Krause Award is named in honor of three outstanding Exchangites who exemplified the term “Communicator”: Felix Kremer of the Madison, Wisconsin Club, Paul Clarkson of the Quincy, Illinois Club, and Charles Krause of the East Moline/Silvis, Illinois Club.
The award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding service as a
communicator over an extended period of service to Exchange.
This award recognizes both the nominee’s communication skills and range of written and spoken word whether via Print (e.g. newspaper articles, press releases, Club bulletin, etc.), traditional Broadcast (e.g. radio, television), New Media (Facebook, Twitter, and other Internet activities, e.g. webinars) or in Design and Art (e.g. brochures, posters, signage, etc.)
Despite the many talented communicators within the District, the award is not necessarily presented each year
The recommendation can be made by any Club member who is in good standing with his/her respective Club.
Nominations shall be submitted in essay form and should address the individual’s communication contributions based on the above. Examples of the nominee’s prior work are encouraged but not mandatory and their absence will in no way affect the final pinion of the judges.
In your submission, please include the following:
§ Name of sponsoring Club
§ Nominee
§ Years in position as Club communicator
§ Range of communication activity
§ Please make mention of specific communication event(s) that you feel best exemplify the nominee’s reason for consideration. Be specific with examples.
§ As the Nominating Member, please include your name, date of submission and email address should questions or need for clarification arise.
Deadline is May 15, 2017.
All nominations should be submitted to Morrie Cook via email or hard copy, per below.
Mail to: Email to or if Questions:
Morrie Cook Email:
Lincolnland Kremer-Clarke-Krause Award Phone: 847-445-8434
503 Calvin Court , Gurnee, IL, 60031