Resume Example

Summer Job or Internships in Natural Resources/Sciences

Marlin Q. Duckworth

623 Henrietta Plaza, Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 826-2222

Objective: Summer field experience in wildlife with a Biological Consulting Firm.


Working toward B.S. degree in Wildlife (Wildlife Management & Conservation option),

Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA. 3.7 Major GPA (3.4 Overall GPA). Expected graduation

May 20xx.

Pertinent Coursework:

Principles of Biology General Botany Wildlife Techniques General Zoology Plant Ecology Ornithology Chemistry Plant Taxonomy Mammalogy

College Algebra Intro. to Wildlife Envir. Ethics

Biometry Prin. of Wildlife Mgmt. Wildlife Ecology

Research Projects:

·  “Vigilance budgets of green-winged teal in northern California – a comparison of gender”,

project completed for Ornithology class, HSU. Fall 2006.

·  “Habitat Selection of Black Tailed Deer in Six Rivers National Forest”. Project completed

for Wildlife Ecology class, HSU. Spring 2006.

Wildlife Experience:

Biological Technician (GS-4) Summer 2006

USFS – Six Rivers National Forest Eureka, CA

Located and monitored Northern Spotted Owls to determine nesting and reproductive status in the national forest. Conducted Marbled Murrelet surveys and stream surveys (habitat typing, data collection and documentation of fish and amphibians present). Drove 4x4 vehicles, worked in rough terrain, camped in remote areas. Used aerial photo maps, topographic maps, compass, GPS (hand-held) to orienteer and locate survey sites.

Research Assistant (volunteer) January – May 2006

Jaime Sharpe, M.S. Candidate, HSU Arcata, CA

Worked with graduate student in her study of non-endangered species in the Gasquet area of Six Rivers National Forest. Collected, interpreted, and entered species data in field records. Utilized digitizer

to plot all detections for historical records. Mapped and evaluated habitat critical areas as prep work to biological evaluations and proposals.

Special Qualifications:

·  Wildlife Techniques: mist-netting, bird banding, small mammal trapping, radio telemetry.

·  Outdoor Skills: backpacking and outdoor experience, use of compass, hand-held GPS.

·  Training & Certification: Field Orienteering with Map, Compass & GPS (2005), Wilderness First Responder (2006), CPR and First Aid (current), U.S. Government Drivers License (2006), Spotted Owl Survey training (2006).

·  Relevant Activities: Member, Conservation Unlimited (Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society), HSU (2004-present); Member Wildlife Conclave Team, HSU (2005 & 2006).


Luke George, PhD Richard W. Sandburg Jaime Sharpe

Wildlife Department Wildlife Biologist Wildlife Department

Humboldt State University USFS – Six Rivers N.F. Humboldt State University

Arcata, CA 95521 Eureka, CA 95501 Arcata, CA 95521

(707) 826-1234 (707) 445-1721 (707) 826-4321

Prepared by Barbara Peters

Career Counselor