What Dreams May Come – Awake Thou That Sleepest!
There seems to be a great deal of interest these days in realizing that the worldwe humans live in is projected or created by the mind. There is talk of "What the Bleep Do We Know" the movie. There is talk of the sub-conscious projecting out into the world. There is talk of the Dream which we create out of a "pattern of possibilities" out here and even A Course In Miracles speaks of creating a "happy dream" whileThe Infinite Waystates, "this world isn't a world at all it's a dream!"
And so I guess we are pretty much in agreement that it's a dream, a dream thatcan be manipulated. Some are discovering that it can be manipulated for good or evil as well. But this is really nothing new. There has always been good magic and bad magic, the good kahuna, the bad kahuna, good karma, bad karma, good mojo and bad voodoo.
This sense of duality is the very nature of the Dream. And it appears to be the intention of most of us to continually try and change the dream from the bad dream to the good one, the happy dream. Today we experience lack, so let us double our efforts to create abundance. We can apply what we know Mentally, and change the dream picture. Today we are sick so we chant, or pray, or hold to positive thinking and we get better. But tomorrow, something else has cropped up; where is my perfect companion, my soul-mate? Oh I have to work on that now.
To realize that there is so much more to us than just the physical life, the animal life of eating, sleeping, having sex and reproducing is great. We actually come to see that there is this mental side to us. A side that can comprehend the beauty of a Monet, or a sunset; a mental side that can complete advanced mathematics and applied sciences, or enjoy the rhythm and meter of a symphony. A Mind that can concentrate and actually co-create the world it is living in; this Mind really can, by changing thought alone,create a happy dream.
But to what purpose?It is still a DREAM !
There is another level of existence than the physical or the mental. There is a Spiritual Dimension that really exists right now and has always existed as that EternalCreation of God. And some of us are waking up from the dream, some of us really are becoming aware of that spiritual dimension and are dwelling in it right now and here while still tabernacling on earth.
Discovering this Dimension, this Kingdom, this Reality, in fact waking up to it, is the result of living in these other states of consciousness, (the dream), for a long time and becoming willing to give all that up and move forward. There is a place where we no longer desire a happy dream, where we are no longer concerned with manipulating the dream for ANY reason, we just want to wake up -- "Awake thou that sleepest!"
This new state of Divine Consciousness is not an idea or an ideal, but it is a very real experience which when it is but touched,willtransform our outer world into the Reality that was created by God. Actually, in this higher awareness we simply become aware of that which is and has always been Reality; the transformation takes place in our perception.
This experience becomes a working part of the mind. We are able to as A Course in Miracles states, "give over our false perception to the Holy Spirit and ask that Spirit to show us what we are really looking at;" or as it states in The Infinite Way we may pause and ask, "Father what do You see, show me your vision?" It is referred to as "Spiritual Discernment" or the "Holy Instant" and it is a real soul faculty that we can develop and employ.It will reveal the finished Kingdom here and now.
What I am writing here is not a theory, it is a very real living experience. And I have been walking in it for over 30years now. It has revealed that God is One. One Presence, one Life, one Mind, one Being, one Reality, one that Is and that Isness permeates all of creation. And this is not an idea it is a Living Reality that can be experienced by anyone that feels that inner drive to come up higher into the Realm of soul or Spirit. And this Reality is our birthright, our inheritance, which makes us "joint heirs with Christ."
From this vantage point we behold a Divine Universe made in His image and likeness, God, the substance of all form. From here we watch as illusion after illusion drops away into it's native nothingness and God reveals once again that all that God made is good, perfect and eternal.
I am aware that the dream can be manipulated and in the past I worked with that. But I am no longer interested in a happy dream, indeed, nor a dream of any kind. All of us on planet earth have been called, andsome of usare listening to that call, nay, more than that, we have begun walking, and in some cases even attaining this higher Consciousness.
In the book of Thomas, Jesus is quoted as saying, "When the insides become the outsides and the outsides the insides, then shall you know the Kingdom of God." John said, "And the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us." And Rumi stated that, "The two worlds have become one!"
The time has come for this "New Jerusalem", this finished Kingdom to be revealed as a present possibility. The time has come for humanity to enter this new Dimension. The time has come for all people to awaken from the dream for, "Lo, the Kingdom of Heaven is right at hand."
Paul said it also when he said, "That I might know you [Christ] in the power of your resurrection, that lifts me out from among the dead, even while still in the body."
Clearly, he understood that even while in a body, even while here on earth, we can in fact be lifted out from among the walking dead, those unaware of their Real existence, those still dreaming, into a higher Dimension called Christ or Christ Consciousness.
To this end then, I am devoted; to walk in the Light as it is revealed by the grace of God that functions in and as my Consciousness as I become still and "wait on the Lord"; as I enter that Silence in which God speaks and "the earth [of dreams] melts."