ASNMSU 61st Senate – Rules Committee

Rules Committee Meeting #

August 29th, 2017

Convened at: 5:02 PM

  1. Roll Call
  2. Senator De Alba, absent and excused until 7:00pm
  3. Business on the Chair’s desk
  4. Excusal letter from Senator Forbes from 7:15-8:30 from Rules Committee–excused
  5. Excusal letter from Senator De Alba until 7:00pm from Rules Committee–excused
  6. New Business
  7. BILL #5
  8. To the account of the Professional Golf Management Student Association
  9. Bill for students to attend GMG Cup in Colorado Springs, CO
  10. Amendment to decapitalize “fee” and “trip” and change “day” to “night”
  11. Advisor letter read and adopted
  12. Proof of competition read and adopted
  13. Amendment to change “attend” to “compete at”
  14. Amendment to change “in” to “at”
  15. Motion by Senator Forbes to give Bill #5 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent

-Motion by Senator Forbes to read Bill #31 next. Motion passes without dissent

-Discussion began by Sergeant-at-Arms Shareef concerning the number of amendments made to a bill in committee or senate. If more than 7 amendments are made, a sub-bill must be submitted. Motion made by Sergeant-at-Arms Shareef to make it so that more than 7 amendments require a sub-bill, motion passes without dissent

  • SUB-BILL # 31
  • Appropriation to the account of Beta Alpha Psi
  • Amendment to change “room” to “night” on line 11,
  • Amendment to change “attend” to “present at” on line 5
  • Amendment to change to “One Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Three” to “One Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Four” on line 33 and the written total to reflect that
  • Amendment to change “present” to “presented at” on line 37
  • Amendment to change “Senate Bill” to “Rules Committee Substitute”
  • Amendment to change all lines containing “Roundtrip” to “Round-trip”
  • Amendment to add “TX” behind “El Paso” on line 16
  • Amendment to line 6 to change “on” to “from”
  • Amendment to change introduced date to read August 22nd,
  • Amendment to change the referred to date to read August 24th
  • Amendment to insert the word “FOR” after “SUBSTITUTE”
  • Amendment to line 18 to change “NV” to “NM”
  • Amendment to capitalize “Hotel” on line 22
  • Amendment to line 33 to strike the word “the”
  • Amendment to lines 33 and 34 to change “BETA ALPHA PSI” to “Beta Alpha Psi”
  • Amendment to line 6 to change “August 2” to “August 3”
  • Amendment to strike comma from Line 6
  • Amendment to decapitalize “Hotel” on line 22
  • Advisor letter read and adopted
  • Proof of presentation read and adopted
  • Amendment to line 37 to change “Rivers” to “Rivera”
  • Motion by Senator Forbes to give Bill #31 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
  • BILL # 25
  • Senator Forbes added onto “introduced by”
  • Appropriation to the account of Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Organization
  • Students went to Boston, MA to present research at symposium
  • Amendment to lines 28 and 29 to strike “rooms” from the end of the line”
  • Amendment to line 31 to change hyphen to “to”
  • Amendment to change line 31 to align total
  • Amendment to line 26 to add space between parentheses
  • Amendment to line 30 to align decimal point
  • Amendment to line 31 to strike comma and remove “Boston, MA”
  • Amendment to change “introduced by” line to spell “Sarkar” as “Sarker”
  • Amendment to line 6 to change “and” to comma
  • Amendment to line 52 to change “at” to “in”
  • Amendment to line 52 to change “will be travelling to” to “travelled to”
  • Amendment to line 53 to remove space after “9th”
  • Advisor letter read and approved
  • Proof of presentation read and approved
  • Motion by Senator Jones to give Bill #25 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without opposition
  • SUB-BILL # 30
  • Amendment to “by” line to add “t” to “Garret”
  • Amendment to edit to “Rules Committee Substitute”
  • Amendment to add “e” to “rational”
  • Bill amending Chapter 2 of ASNMSU Law Book to change various aspects of CEO duties and include election packet duties, and add election violation duties to the Supreme Court
  • Amendment to line 141 to add space
  • Motion to give Sub-Bill #30 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes with no opposition
  • BILL #7
  • Amending Chapter 5 of the ASNMSU Law Book to take out section 5-4 as Supreme Court Clerk is no longer used, and clarify salary
  • Amendment to “introduced by” line to change font size to 9 from 10
  • Amendment to line up “referred by” line and “senate action” line to align with “introduced by” line
  • Motion by Senator Jones to give Bill #7 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes with no opposition
  • SUB-BILL # 8
  • Amending Chapter 7 of the ASNMSU Law Book to:

- Remove obsolete part of comptroller’s duties

- Expand humanitarian aid definition

- Increase number of people allowed to submit community service hours from 2 to 3

- Allow recommended expenditures per individual to be edited depending on inflation

- Cut sunset clause concerning decrease in Intramural Team funding in 2019

  • Amendment to strike “SENATE” from title
  • Amendment to line up “introduced by,” “referred by,” etc. lines
  • Amendment to add period behind “Rationale”
  • Discussion concerning deletion of sunset clause and other cuts on Intramural Team funding
  • Amendment to change “Activity’s” to “Activities”
  • Motion to give Bill #8 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes 7-2 with one opposed and one abstaining
  • SUB-BILL # 9
  • Amending Chapter 4 of the ASNMSU Law Book to edit rules concerning

- An emergency session of Senate,

- A Senator recall

- Remove Intramural Policy Board from ASNMSU

- Clarification of Special Committee on Elections

  • Amendment to strike “SENATE” from title
  • Amendment to line 1 to add space between “Law” and “Book”
  • Amendment to line 117 to capitalize “Book”
  • Amendment to lines 6 and 7 to add period after “finance board”
  • Amendment to change wording of line 7 to read “Amended with deleted material [in brackets] and inserted material underlined
  • Amendment to line 9 to add a period after “Provisions”
  • Amendment to bold section titles throughout bill
  • Amendment to line 111 to remove bracket
  • Motion to give Sub-Bill #9 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without opposition
  • BILL #10
  • Making an appropriation to the account of Tau Kappa Epsilon, whose members attended a national seminar in New Orleans, LA
  • Amendment to change “referred to” date to August 24th
  • Amendment to add period behind “EPSILON” on line 1
  • Amendment to line 6 from “Louisiana” to “LA”
  • Amendment to line 14 to change “Texas” to “TX and “Louisiana” to “LA”
  • Amendment to line 20 to change “Graduate Student Council” to “No Funds Allocated”
  • Amendment to line 6 to remove “0”s from dates
  • Amendment to strike lines 17 and 18
  • Amendment to line 12 to add decimal point and two “0”s behind “90”
  • Amendment to line 5 to add 2017 after conference name
  • Amendment to line 12 to remove “1 rooms”
  • Discussion on advisor letter as different letter with letterhead is needed
  • Advisor letter read and rejected
  • Motion to give Bill #10 a Conditional Due Pass pending a new advisor letter submitted by 9/6/17 at 12pm, motion passes without opposition
  • BILL #32
  • Motion to table bill by Senator Carrillo
  • BILL # 3
  • Motion to table bill by Sergeant-at-Arms Shareef
  • SUB-BILL # 4
  • Making an appropriation to the account of Critical/Multicultural Educator’s Graduate Student Organization to provide funding for two students to present in Languaging Diversity Conference at the University of Cagliari, Italy
  • Amendment to line 7 strike “th” from after 28 and 30
  • Amendment to lines 12 and 14 to align dollar signs
  • Amendment to line 14 to decapitalize “vehicle”
  • Amendment to line 14 to add “.00” after “$86”
  • Amendment to line 16 to remove dash from between “airport” and “hotel” and add “to”
  • Sergeant-at-Arms Shareef tables Sub-Bill #4 due to too many amendments
  • BILL # 11
  • Amendment to add Senator Jones onto “introduced by” line
  • Making an appropriation to the account of the Reformed University Fellowship
  • Motion by Senator Jones to table bill #11, bill tabled by Rules Committee
  • BILL # 12
  • Amendment to add Senator Jones onto “introduced by” line
  • Making an appropriation to the account of the Collegiate National Association for Music Educators
  • Motion to table bill by Senator Jones, bill tabled by Rules Committee
  • BILL # 15
  • Making an appropriation to the account of Astronomy Graduate Student Organization
  • Amendment to line 15 to capitalize “funds” and “allocated”
  • Advisor letter read and adopted
  • Proof of presentation read and adopted
  • Motion by Senator Jones to give Bill #15 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
  • BILL # 19
  • Making an appropriation to the account of Mathematics Graduate Student Organization for a student to present at the Joint Statistical Meeting 2017 in Baltimore, MD
  • Amendment to line 19 to capitalize “Funds Allocated”
  • Advisor letter read and adopted
  • Proof of presentation read and adopted
  • Motion by Senator Warner-Garrett to give Bill #19 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without opposition
  • BILL # 21
  • Making an appropriation to the account of Mathematics Graduate Student Organization
  • Amendment to line 19 to capitalize “funds allocated”
  • Amendment to line 16 to change “Baggage” to “Luggage”
  • Amendment to line 15 to add “city” between “Inner-“ and “travel
  • Amendment to line 31 to change “is applying to attend” to “attended”
  • Advisor letter read and approved
  • Motion by Senator Warner-Garrett to give Bill #21 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without opposition
  • BILL # 22
  • Making an appropriation to the account of Civil Engineering Graduate Student Organization for one student to present research at the 12thCentral European Congress on Concrete Engineering CCC2017 in Hungary
  • Amendment to line 18 to change “baggage” to “luggage” fees
  • Amendment to line 22 to capitalize “funds allocated”
  • Advisor letter read and approved
  • Proof of Presentation read and approved
  • Motion by Senator Warner-Garrett to give Bill #21 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without opposition
  • BILL # 23
  • Making an appropriation to the account of Computer Science Graduate Student Organization for two students to present research at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Melbourne, Australia
  • Amendment to change “will present” to “presented”
  • Amendment to capitalize “funds allocated”
  • Advisor letter read and adopted
  • Proof of presentation read and adopted
  • Motion by Senator Warner-Garrett to give Bill #23 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without opposition

-Motion to excuse Senator Forbes until 8:35pm, motion passes without opposition

  • BILL # 24
  • Making an appropriation to the account of Computer Science Graduate Student Organization for one student to present research at the 23rd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming in Melbourne, Australia
  • Amendment to capitalize “funds allocated”
  • Amendment to line 13 to change “8 nights” to “7 nights”
  • Advisor letter read and adopted
  • Proof of presentation read and adopted
  • Motion by Senator Warner-Garrett to give Bill #24 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without opposition
  • BILL # 27
  • Sergeant-at-Arms Shareef motions to table Bill #27, Bill #27 tabled by request of author
  • SUB-BILL # 28
  • Making an appropriation to the account of Biology Graduate Student Organization to fund one student to present at the Portland esa 2017 Annual Meeting in Portland, OR
  • Amendment to change title from “COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE” to “RULES COMMITTEE”
  • Amendment to strike comma from “De Alba Garza”
  • Amendment to strike “0” from “August 06-17”
  • Amendment to change “is applying for presentation” to “presented”
  • Advisor letter read and accepted
  • Initial proof of presentation rejected, invoice for registration not acceptable as proof of presentation
  • Other proof of presentation read and adopted
  • Motion by Pro Tempore Forbes to give Sub-Bill #28 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes with no opposition
  • BILL # 29
  • Amending Chapter 6 of the ANMSU Law Book to:

- Reallocate some responsibilities of the Diversity Board

- Fix grammatical errors

- Reformat sections

- Specify Continuing Diversity Program loss of funding depending on status

- Specify the meaning of good standing

- Entrust additional responsibility of Community Outreach director and edit hiring policies of roadrunners

- Increase responsibilities of roadrunners

- Remove Homecoming Review Board

  • Amendment to strike the work “SENATE” before “RULES”
  • Amendment to line 429 to add period after “Rationale”
  • Amendment to line 322 to change “A.” to “1.” And reflect change on sub-lines
  • Amendment to line 422 to add tab
  • Amendment to line 1 to add “6-8-5,” “6-8-5-B,” and “6-8-4-A”
  • Amendment to line 2 to add space between “and” and “6-8-5-B”
  • Amendment to line 59 to put “Black Programs” and “Chicano Programs” on separate lines
  • Amendment to align dates
  • Amendment to line 9 to un-tab it
  • Amendment to line 7 to add “Amended with deleted materials [in brackets] and inserted materials underlined”
  • Amendment to line 7 to strike “s” from line 7 and add colon
  • Amendment to line 324 to change “1.” to “A.” and for sub-lines to reflect change
  • Amendment to lines 397-404 to de-underline all lines, underline both “officials” and make text purple
  • Motion by Senator Cisneros to give Sub-Bill #29 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes with no opposition
  • SUB-BILL # 33
  • Making an appropriation to the account of New Mexico State University – College Cheer for 34 students to compete at the 2017 NCA Collegiate Cheerleading Camp in Las Vegas, NV
  • Amendment to strike “SENATE” from title
  • Amendment to line 12 to move “(Las Cruces…trip)” to new line
  • Amendment to line 13 to decapitalize “Bus”
  • Advisor letter read and rejected
  • Proof of competition read adopted
  • Amendment to line 5 to read “35 students” rather than “34 students” to add student who resigned from cheer teem and was not initially included in bill
  • Amendment to fix names of students
  • Amendment to alter font size of “Referred to,” “Date Signed,” etc. to 12 point font
  • Amendment to add name of missing student
  • Motion by Senator Jones to give Sub-Bill #33 a Conditional Due Pass through Rules Committee pending an advisor letter to be submitted before Wednesday, 9/6/17 at 12pm. Motion passes without opposition
  • Concerning the confirmation of Shayna Gallacher for the position of ASNMSU Chief Justice
  • Motion by Senator Jones to give a No Recommendation to Resolution 11through Rules Committee

Motion to allow Senator De Alba onto floor

  • Concerning the confirmation of Mason Quinones for the position of ASNMSU Attorney General
  • Motion by Senator Jones to give a Favorable Recommendation to Resolution 10 through Rules Committee
  • Amending Chapter 9 of the ASNMSU Law Book to edit substitute bill submission policies
  • Amendment to line 4 to capitalize “summer” and add “2017”
  • Discussion on inclusion of “SENATE” before bill title
  • Motion by Pro Tempore Forbes to give a Favorable Recommendation to Resolution 11 through Rules Committee
  • Concerning the creation of a uniform set of By-Laws to govern all of the Undergraduate College Councils of New Mexico State University
  • Alters bill to make it so that only organizations under Councils seeking appropriations need to attend at least one hour of Senate
  • Amendment to line 33 to strike the word “across” and replace with “encompassing”
  • Amendment to line 58 to strike “human” and replace with “social”
  • Amendment to line 76 to strike the term “maintain good standing” and replace with “to be eligible for a council appropriation”
  • Amendment to line 183 to strike the word “and”
  • Amendment to line 243 to add “elect a replacement to the position”
  • Amendment to line 262 to add “or designee”
  • Amendment to line 536 and 539 to underline the numbers
  • Amendment to lines 624 to 645 to underline the numbers
  • Amendment to lines 652 to 658 to underline the numbers
  • Amendment to lines 734 to add “the Council of Councils procedures, as outlined in section 10-4 or the Amendment procedure in 10-10”
  • Amendment to line 740-onward to fix capitalization
  • Amendment to line 514 to tab it down twice and enter new sub-section “E.” to read “No organization shall receive a council appropriation that has not yet attended at least one (1) hour of an ASNMSU Senate meeting”
  • Amendment to line 517 to change “10-8-9” to “10-8-1” and for further sections to reflect this change
  • Amendment to line 77 to change “each semester” to “during each semester that they are requesting an appropriation”
  • Amendment to line 243 to remove space
  • Amendment to line 292 to fix spacing
  • Amendment to line 288 to add “or designee”
  • Amendment to strike “SENATE” from title
  • Amendment to fix Ferreira’s name on “introduced by”
  • Motion by Senator Jones to give a Favorable Recommendation to Resolution 12 through Rules Committee
  • Amending Chapter 8 of the ASNMSU Law Book concerning the standing committees, the requirements of the Deputy Senate Clerk, office hours of Senators, the point system including a half point for a second breach of decorum, decrease of point numbers necessary for removal from 6 to 5, absences, etc
  • Amendment to line 1 to strike “8-9-K” to “8-9-K-11” and the same with “8-10”
  • Amendment to “introduced by” line to add “r” to “Garett”
  • Amendment to lines 5 to 33 to change the font to Times New Roman
  • Amendment to line 199 to add “the ability to make motions and voting rights”
  • Amendment to line 205 to change “chair” to “presiding officer”
  • Amendment to line 275 to add “prior to the convening of that meeting”
  • Amendment to add commas to line 275
  • Amendment to line 289 to change “Senate Pro Tempore” to “President Pro-Tempore of the Senate”
  • Amendment to line 274 to add “request” and “written”
  • Amendment to line 305 to add space between “a)” and “This”
  • Amendment to strike line 179
  • Motion to give Resolution #13 a Favorable Recommendation through Rules Committee
  1. Old Business

-Motion by Senator De Alba to take Sub-Bill #4 off the table

  • SUB-BILL #4
  • Making an appropriation to the account of Critical/Multicultural Educators’ Graduate Student Organization for two students to participate in the Languaging Diversity 4th International Conference in Italy
  • Amendment to line 20 to decapitalize “Wired” and “Transfer”
  • Amendment to strike line 20 on the grounds that the charge needs clarification
  • Amendment to line 6 to change “in” to “at the”
  • Advisor letters read and adopted
  • Proof of presentations read and adopted
  • Amendment to line 20 to add “Wire transfer fee (1 fee @ $38.00/fee x 2 fees)” and “$76.00”
  • Motion by Pro Tempore Forbes to give Sub-Bill #4 a due pass through Rules Committee, motion passes with no opposition
  1. Announcements
  2. Clarification on excusal letter of Senator De Alba Garza
  3. Since staff meetings occur just before Rules Committee, Rules Committee meetings will now start 5:30pm

Adjournedat: 11:04 PM