Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee held on Monday 9th August 2010 in the Council Chamber at 10 Cambridge Road, Sandy, Beds at 7.30pm.


Cllrs P N Aldis (Chairman), M Bartlett, P Blaine, D Broughton, D Gale, P Jones, C Osborne, M Pettitt, M Scott, D Sharman, R Smith and J Welbourn.

Also present was, Central Bedfordshire Cllr C Mauldlin.

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs P Sharman, Mrs Sutton and White. Sally Wileman Service Development Manager, Central Bedfordshire Council.

2. Statutory Declarations of Interests from Members (P20/10)

(a) Prejudicial interests.

Cllr Aldis (Agenda Item 8) as a trustee of the Skatepark.

Cllr Blaine (Agenda Item 8) as a trustee of the Skatepark.

Cllr Osborne (Planning Application CB/10/02404/FULL) as a member of the Parochial Church Council for St Swithun’s Church.

(b) Personal interests.

Cllr Gale (Planning Application CB/10/02706/LB) as a previous employee of Greene King.

Cllr Welbourn (Planning Application CB/10/02706/LB) works with Greene King.

3. Planning applications received for comment by Sandy Town Council (P21/10)

(See List Attached)

4. To approve the Minutes of the Special Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee Meeting held on Monday 14th June 2010 and the Minutes of the Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee Meeting held on Monday 28th June 2010. (P22/10)

The Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee held on Monday 14th June 2010 and as approved/amended and adopted by Full Council Meeting held on Monday 2nd August 2010 and Monday 28th June 2010 and as approved/amended and adopted by Full Council Meeting held on Monday 2nd August 2010, which had been previously circulated, were signed as a correct record.

5. Planning and Enforcement Appeals – Decisions (P23/10)

The decision that the appeal was allowed and planning permission granted by the Planning Inspector for 4 Owlswood, Sandy, SG19 2SL was noted.

6. Verbal report from any local member who attended Development Control Committee on any matters affecting Sandy (P24/10)

Cllr Aldis reported that the application for 7 flats on the Magnolia House site was discussed after a site visit on the previous Monday

Despite representations from the Deputy Clerk and Cllr Aldis approval was given for the application.

7. Fallowfield Play Area (P25/10)

The Deputy Clerk’s report which had been previously circulated was received and considered.

Central Bedfordshire Cllr C Maudlin gave a verbal report.

Following discussion Members

Resolved: (a)That a report is prepared for the next Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting.

(b) That a report on the current condition of the play equipment at Goldfinch Drive after a visit by the outdoor and indoor staff is prepared for the next Planning, Parks and Open Spaces meeting.

8. Request from Ken Lynch (P26/10)

The Deputy Clerk’s report which had been previously circulated was received and considered. Following discussion Members

Resolved: That the item is referred to the next meeting of the Open Spaces sub-committee, to assess if the bins are needed.

9. Highway Maintenance Annual Survey (P27/10)

The Deputy Clerk’s report and the correspondence which had been previously circulated was received and considered. Following discussion Members

Resolved: That the information received from the Members is collated after Wednesday 11th August and the results forwarded to the Highways Department.

10. Sandy Green Infrastructure Plan (P28/10)

The Deputy Clerk’s report and the correspondence which had been previously circulated was received and considered. Following discussion Members

Resolved: (a) That the statement endorsing Sandy’s Green Infrastructure Plan is approved, with the deletion of the word ”, leading” between “this Plan …. and assisting” and deletion of the words “and plans” between “the remit …. of the”.

(b) That Mr Andrews meets with Cllr’s Aldis, Blaine and Scott and the Town Clerk, to discuss ways to implement the Plan.

11. Ball Wall (P29/10)

The Deputy Clerk’s report which had been previously circulated was received and considered. Following a verbal report and discussion

Resolved: (a) That the ball wall is installed adjacent to the skateboard park, so that when football is played the ball is kicked towards the railway embankment.

(b) A basketball ring is installed on the opposite side to the ball wall with tarmac on both sides and Section 106 monies are applied for.

(c) That once the ball wall has been installed a section of the railway embankment is strimmed to allow for the easier recovery of footballs.

12. Bowls Club Fence (P30/10)

The Deputy Clerk’s report which had been previously circulated was received and considered. Following discussion Members

Resolved: The Bowls Club is informed that the old fence will not be removed, because of difficulties in accessing it.

13. Riddy and Pinnacle Management Sub-Committee (P31/10)

The Minutes of the meeting held on the 24th June 2010 which had been previously circulated were received and considered. Following discussion Members

Resolved to recommend: That a tractor box is purchased to carry soil to the eroded areas of the Pinnacle and the cost of £350 comes from Contingency Fund or Stratford Road Depot New Purchases.

14. Riddy – Drain (P32/10)

The Deputy Clerk’s report which had been previously circulated was received and considered. Following discussion Members

Resolved: That the Council has no objection to the Environment Agency spraying herbicide in the central third of the Riddy stream.

15. Press Release (P33/10)

Resolved: That no Press Release was considered necessary.



62/10 / CB/10/02404/ FULL
Revd Derwyn Williams
Church of St Swithun
The Rectory
SG19 1AQ / Full application for installation of glazing and glass door to south porch at Church of St Swithuns, High Street, Sandy, Beds. / Resolved: No objection / PP&OS
63/10 / CB/10/02706/LB
Greene King Pub Partners
Westgate Brewery
Abbott House
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 1QT / Listed Building Consent:Reposition of the timber shelter from previously approved position at The Queens Head, 2-4 Cambridge Road, Sandy, Beds. / Resolved: No objection / PP&OS