The above coat of arms was designed with all Leibbrandt's in mind.

(25 November 1991 by State Herald Pretoria in order by Douglas Paul Leibbrandt).

The flaming sword in the center symbolizes the meaning of the name 'The People of the Burning Sword'. The lions are the Bavarian lions, note the left hand one has two tails. The lion above the helm is in honour of the Leibbrandt spelled Luitprand, a Bishop of Cremona(~ 920-972), the lion of Lombardy. To him we owe a history, and the origin of the name, because the King of Lombardy, Luitprand (713-744 A D) probably went into battle with 'a burning sword'. Read the next section on Page ii , the Leibbrandt's.

The motto ' Ingenuitas' is Latin for ingenuity. Most Leibbrandt's seem to have this quality in abundance.

Legally , the owner and his offspring can use the coat of arms. As the legal owner I have no objection to any true Leibbrandt using my coat of arms. A true Leibbrandt is one born with the surname Leibbrandt.

(This document was made 1991 by Douglas Paul Leibbrandt, born in Cape Town, South Africa, 1927)


Page Number.

The Leibbrandt's Coat of Arms.Unnumbered.

Foreword and Layout.i.

The Leibbrandt's . (History) ii - iii

The German Leibbrandt'siva- vii

Leibbrandt's INDEX OF NAMES.viii-xxiv

Distaff INDEX OF NAMES.xxv-xxxv

The South African families, grouped in families.1 - 32

Individual short histories, opposite page to the family. 2a - 32a

Appendix. A.People untraced and unplaced.

Distaff relation information. Al - A27

Appendix. B.Short Biographies.

Hendrik Carel Vos B1 - B2

John Romaine Addison B2 - B4

Douglas Paul (the author) B5 - B7

GRAPH. To assist identification

Age Gap v. Child Number. B8

Appendix.C.The Walstra- Leibbrandt family. C1

The Spies- Leibbrandt family. C2

Appendix. D.Photographs.

9.2258.Hendrik Carel VOS/SINCLAIR. Dl..3

9.2254.Pieter Ulrich/DE VAAL.D2.3 , 7

9.2255.Johannes (Baasie) /BRESLER.D3.3.

10.22554.Christoffel JohannesD4.8.

Daughters of Christoffel.D4a.8.

10.2253.Johann Sebastiaan *1820 +1842D5a.3.

11.225544.John Romaine Addison/WILSON.D5.9.

Children of John Romaine.D6a - D6 9.

11.241232.John Percival Muller ID7a14.

TOWNSEND and children.D7.14.

12.2412322.Douglas Herbert/PATTERSONand children.D8a.17.

12.2412326.Victor Muller Payne/DAVIES and children.D9a.17.

13.24123222.Douglas Paul/KRUGERD10a17.

and familyD10.31.

11.241241 and 11.241244. Johann /HendrikD11.13.

10.22927.Charles Gert JacobusD12.4 , 6.

12.2291213.Sidney Robey.D13.26.

10.2258.12.2.William Albert andD14a18.

10.2258.12.4.Eileen Louise.D14.18.

10.22587.Pieter Paul Willem JacobD15a.9 , 26

His wife Emily ZINN.

11.225873.St Clair Royden and his wifeD15a.32.

Myrtle Dorothy Florence McKAY.

12.2258731. Anthony Errol and his firstD15.32.

wife Myra DONALDSON.

Please read the foreword to assist your search.

Page 1.



Layout. (1). Numbers and numbering system.

Each person is given a number. The first number is the generation after Wolfgang on page 1. The second set of numbers is the 'child number' read from RIGHT to LEFT. For example 12.2526411 Joseph Peter is the 12th generation after Wolfgang, and the first,first,forth,sixth,second, fith,second,CHILD.

There are three 'lines' of Leibbrandt's. The Johann Sebastiaan line with a number **.22****, the Johann Michael line with a number **.24***, and the Johann Conrad line with a number **.25****. Thus the relationship can be seen at a glance at two Leibbrandt's numbers.

(2). The POS NO: relates to the Appendices as well as the above numbering system. Thus BANTJES Eliza Jane PbS.Number BAF 1858 page A25,one would find in Appendix A page A25, with a heading BAF 1858.

Similarly for the other Appendices B, C, D.

Errors and Omissions.

While every effort has been made to find errors, I am sure there are some. My proof reading wife has been a very careful reader, but my errors may be unseen.

Omissions are largely as a result of missing information on death notices and other documents. Word of very unreliable, and dates given are usually approximate. The use of 'C' (meaning circa) notes my estimation of a date. Children are usually two years apart and the graph on page Appendix B8, has been very useful in tracing a father or grandfather.

This is a one name study. The other names are given to assist other researchers.

Some of the names have 'CC' after the name. This is a designation given by the death notice, and refers to the cape coloureds. Note Venters book , chapters 2 and 13.

Photographs were obtained from relatives and the Archives.

The 'German Leibbrandts' research was carried out by a German that can read the old German script, and this is how the third line of Johann Conrads relationship was found.


  1. All Archives and Master of the Supreme Court Records with any reference to a Leibbrandt. Archives , Cape ,Pretoria I Bloemfontein, Pietermaritzburg. Supreme Courts at the above and Grahams-town, Kimberley.

2.Albany Museum and Cory Library Grahamstown.

3.Argief-jaarboek vir Suid Afrikaanse Geskiedenis.

4.Personalia of the Germans at the Cape.Dr J Hoge.

5.Genealogies of old S A Families. De Villiers and Pama.

6.Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope. Rev. H C V Leibbrandt.

7.Under Lions Head by M.Murray. (A.A.Balkema 1964)

8.The Historians History of the World. Volumes 7 and 9.

9.A Profile of Two Million South Africans. A L. J. Venter.

Page ii


The importance of a surname only became necessary when there were too many people of the same first name.This came about in approximately the eleventh century and people were named after places , trades , colour , and anything that would give that person a distinct identification as a second name.

The surname Leibbrandt has its origin in the Germanic people that moved from what is now known as Bavaria to north Italy Lombardy. The Lombards or Langobardi ( named after the long spears they carried or for their long beards) originally occupied the region of the lower Elbe . They were first mentioned in history in connection with the Roman invasion in the first century. The Lombards pressed further south into the Danube valley where they overthrew the Gepidae (568 A D) and invaded northern Italy under their king Alboin. They established themselves by futher conquests over most of Italy. In the time of queen Theodelinda (600 A D) they embraced Catholicism and began to build many churches and monasteries.

They founded cities and carried on extensive trade. Among the most powerful kings were Agilulf (592-615 A D), Rothri (636-652 A D) who collected their laws, and Luitprand (712-744 A D) Luitprand was able conquer the whole of Italy for a short period, and was able to make a non aggression pact with Charles Martel (714-741 A D)

The learned people were the monks and clergy and spelling of names was phonetic . After consulting with linguists , the conclusion was reached that Luitprand and Leibbrand 'sound' the same or are variations of the same name. Notice that the 't' was left off deliberaly as, documents in 1700 have been found without the 't'.

The name was probably in two syllables , ' Luit I meaning a burning torch , and 'brand' which is a sword in old German. Thus Leibbrand meant people of the 'Burning Sword'.

There was another Luitprand who was the Bishop of Cremona (~ 920-972 A.D), and he was very active as a chronicler , or a historian , and he contributed to the history of the period. His main work. was writen in latin and called 'Antapodosis'. He also was sent W to Constantinople to make a marriage treaty for Otto 11 (968A D).

The history of South Africa shows that a Leibbrandt was at the Cape in 1658 . A letter was written by Leibbrandt dated 13th December 1658 , at the time of Van Riebeeck, to the Council of India. He wrote in Dutch ' in our opinion the Colony should be worked and established by Europeans and not slaves , as our nation is so constituted that as soon as they have the convenience of a slave they become lazy and unwilling to put forth their hands to work , and this is a great failing in India with the Dutch.'

No futher trace of this Leibbrandt has been found.

The Leibbrandt family in South Africa consists of three branches :

1.Johann Sebastiaan came to S A in 1774.

2.Johann David a nephew of Sebastiaan came in 1799.

3.Konrad Friedrich arrived in circa 1805.

All the above came from Leonberg near Stuttgart.

Page iii

Some Interesting Leibbrandts.

Having made a study of the character of many Leibbrandts there are some conclusions that can be drawn.

The majority are just ordinary good citizens but what stands out are three characteristics.

a.They have a belief in their opinions that causes outspoken and contentious problems.

b.A stubborn character.

C.Brave enough to carry out their beliefs.

We have two of the clan whose lives are common knowledge and both belong to the Johann Sebastiaan line.

Genealogists may be aware of Hendrik Carel Vos as he was South Africa's first Archivist. One could read with interest a write up of his history in the Cape archives and as a Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church,how he was given , in the modern idiom a redundancy package of 2500 pounds stirling because of his outspoken beliefs . He also refused to retract his statements. His work as an Archivist was prodigious and without doubt he laid a good foundation for the archives. He was also a linguist note speaking reading and writing Dutch, German , and English. Being a minister of the church he was also versed in

Greek and Hebrew.

The second character of a more notorius nature was Sidney Robey , whos escapades during the second world war are well recorded in Hans Strydom's book The Forth Reich. He felt so strongly about Nazi philosophy he named one of his sons ( Izan Nazi reversed.) He was an excellent boxer , outspoken , and brave beyond belief.

The other two branches also yield their notable characters' and solid citizens from all walks of life. Medical practitioners engineers , lawyers , and competent artizans.

Sadly , war with all its horrors and faults , had Leibbrandts on both sides of the conflict. The Anglo Boer war had , like Christiaan de Wet and his brother Piet , brother fighting brother.

As the Leibbrandts have been in South Africa for many centuries they are related to most other branches of the old Cape families On the distaff side surnames such as Rissik , Kruger , Ferreira Wet, Barnard , Botha , and even Smith are evident. In fact Agnes Rissik , whose father was Johann Rissik and her mother Maria Magdalena Wilhelmina *1867 †1947, has contributed to the Leibbrandt family tree for her branch. The other two lines or branches has been documented by the author with an index of the distaff side. By 'distaff' is meant all ladies that married Leibbrandts and men who married Leibbrandt ladies.

Sportsmen related to Leibbrandts by marriage , the Rowan brothers Athol and Eric , and the swimmer Terry Collard.

This research is a one name study , but one is conscious at all times that the distaff side is just as important a part of everyone's genes. Most times the mothers have a more difficult task of bringing up family , and this is evident when we see the death notice of the father dying at the age of 45 years.

Thus this study has 419 names in the 'distaff' index , not many repeated , and very few males.

Page iva.

Farm SEEHAUS , 2 km from Eltingen , 5 km from Leonberg 12 km fromStuttgart,Wurtemburg Germany. The farm was leased by the Wurtemberg State to 6.2 . Johann Georg Leibbrand from 1745 to 1766. In the right hand wing ,erected 1609 , was born , 6.22. Johann Sebastiaan Leibbrand *3.8.1747 and he arrived at the Cape in 1774.(See page V item 2 under heirs) The nephew of Johann Sebartiaan , 8.241. Johann David was at the Cape in 1797 . See Page vii , at the bottom article 1. Johann David's father, 7.24. Johann Michael *1749 was also born at the farm SEEHAUS.

Number 17 SEESTRASSE , ELTINGEN , now part of the town of LEONBERG, Germany . Where , (number 1) Andreas LEIBBRAND lived in 1600, in the left hand side of the house. The right hand side was a tile factory. The Leibbrand's occupied the building as tile makers until 1745 when 6.2 Johann Georg moved to the farm SEEHAUS above.

These photographs are placed opposite the ' German Leibbrand's ' for clarity.

Page iv

The German Leibbrandt's.

The number shown in front of the persons name refers to the following. The first number is the generation after Wolfgang , the next number refers to the child , read from right to left.


Auszug aus den Kirchenbüchern der evang. Pfarrei Pfäffingen

Sterberegister 1776:

Joh. Georg Leibbrand

6. 25. Apr. mittags um 11 Uhr starb Johann Georg Leibbrand von Leonberg geburtig, bisheriger herrschaftl. Bestander allhier an emer hizigen Brustkranckheit in emem Alter von 57 Jahr und 2 Tagen, und wurde d.. 27. ejusdem vor gehaltener Predigt uber Ps. 136.5.6. auf dem innern Friedhof begraben.


Johann Georg Leibbrand, native of Leonberg, a tenant of the manorial estate in Pfaffingen, died on 25 Apr. 1766 at 11 o'clock a.m. in Pfäff ingen by a hot disease of the chest aged 57 years 2 days and was buried on 27 Apr. at the interior cemetery.


Auszug aus den Kirchenbüchern der evang. Pfarrei Leonberg

Eheregister 1745:

Dom. II. III. Iv. p. Trinit. copulirt 12ten October

Johann Georg Leibbrand, Burger u. Baur dahier, weyl. Joh. Georg Leibbrandt Burgers U. Zieglers dahier hinterlass. ehl. Sohn und Elisabetha Regina, Joh. Michael Bohringers, Burgers u. Stattbotten dahier ehl. Tochter.


The marriage between Johann Georg Leibbrand, farmer at Leon-berg (son of late Johann Georg Leibbrand, brickmaker at Leonberg) and Elisabetha Regina (daughter of Johann Michael Bohringer, city messenger at Leonberg) has been performed on 12 Oct. 1745 in Leonberg.

Page v

The German Leibbrandt's continued.

Stadtarchiv Leonberg, Inventuren und Teilungen 22.11.1775 - 29.11.1776

A volume including probate records of the citizen of Leonberg. The pages have a folio numbering (one number for two pages).

Pages 250-388, dated 13 May 1776:


Probate record of Johann Georg Leibbrand, citizen of Leonberg, tenant of the manorial estate at Pfäffingen, district of Tübingen, who has died on 28 April there after a short disease of the chest

Names of the heirs:

1.The widow Anna Maria, assisted by Georg Michael Stocklen, member of the council in Leonberg.

The children of his first marriage with Elisabeth Regina Böhringer:

2.Johann Sebastian, a baker, abroad.

3.Christina Friderica, the wife of Jacob Heigelen in Leonberg.

4.Elisabetha Regina, the wife of Christoph Metzger at the Katzenbacher Hof farm in the territory of the City of Esslingen.

5.Anna Maria, the wife of Lorenz Kramer, baker at Eltingen.

6.Joseph, a citizen of Leonberg but currently absent, his curator is counselor Weiβ.

7.Conrad, aged 21, a tanner, absent, his curator is Joseph Leibbrand senior, brickmaker at Leonberg.

8.Salome, unmarried, aged 20, her curator is counselor Nick.

9.Michael, a blacksmith assistant, abroad, his curator is surgeon Nick.

The widow was at first married with Michael Müller, miller at the Schweizermühle mill in Eltingen. The following children sprang off from this marriage:

a.Michael Müller, miller at Eltingen.

b.Anna Maria, the widow of Johann Georg Leibbrand junior, tenant at Pfäffingen.

The widow had no children of her second marriage with the deceased.

The proceedings then list the entire estate in detail, i. e. all real estate and movables piece by piece, the debts to pay and the debts to collect. I have not copied this information.

There are several entries whereas Joseph and his mother Anna Maria have been in prison in Tubingen for a while.

Pages 368ff.: the assignment of the share of Conrad Leibbrand. He claims a share of 947 florins and is satisfied by the following items: an eighth of half of a house, yard and barn in the Klostergasse lane, valued 100 fl.; four fields and a meadow; a song book, cloths, bed sheets, linen, brass tools, tin tools, copper and iron tools (all listed in detail), cabinets, barrels and belongings, and household items.

Final remark:

The entire probate record extends over 276 pages and it would be guite time consuming to evaluate the whole thing, but give very good information about Johann Georg Leibhrand and his family. Xerox copies cannot be made because the pages are bound together closely, but it may be possible to take a microfilm of these pages and make reader-printer-re productions.

Page vi

7.25Johann Conrad *1755 +1824

Auszug aus den Kirchenbüchern der evang. Pfarrei E1tingen Taufregister 1755:

Dies etInfantesParentesSusceptores


d. 10.CunradJoh. Georg LeibbrandSebastian Nick, Burger

Mart. Bestander auff demin Leonberg, Christina

Seehaus,Friderica, H. Johann

uxor Elisabetha ReginaFriderich Dalers, Kel

lers in Leonberg Toch

ter, u. Anna Maria,

Sebastian Haffners,

Burgers in Leonberg


Summary:Cunrad was born on 10 Mar 1755 and baptized in Eltingen (now part of Leonberg), a son of Johann Georg Leibbrand, tenant of the Seehaus estate, and of his wife Elisabetha Regine.

8.252Conrad Friedrich Georg *5.3.1780

Auszug aus den Kirchenbuchern der evang. Pfarrei Leonberg Taufregister 1780:

Mensis etDiesInfantesParentesPatrini



5.MerzeodemCunradJohann CunradJoh. Michael

morg. 7 UhrFriedrichLeibbrandtMiller, Mül1er

B. und Weisauf der Schwei


uxor CatharinaJgfr. Louisa

Margaretha geb.Langin, H.

KepplerinAmptspf legers


Maria Salome


Summary: Cunrad Friedrich was born on 5 Mar. 1780 at 7 o'clock a.m. in Leonberg and baptized the same day, a son of tanner Johann Cunrad Leibbrandt and his wife Catharina Margaretha née Keppler.

Page vii

7.25 Johann Conrad Leibbrand *1755 +1824

Tanner and senator (member of the municipal council) of Leonberg1 b. 10 Mar. 1755 in Eltingen, d. 3 Apr. 1824, son of Joh. Georg Leib-brand, tenant at Eltingen, and of Regina nee Böringer,

m.I 20 July 1776

Katharina Margaretha Keppler, b. 11 Oct. 1750, d. 6 Febr. 1819, daughter of rope-maker Christoph Keppler and of Elisabetha née Scholkopf;