Supplementary Table 1: Gene annotations for IBD associated-methylation in B cells

Gene / Functional Annotation
BCL3 / B-cell CLL/lymphoma 3. A proto-oncogene.
IL12B / Interleukin 12 beta subunit. Subunit of IL-12 and IL-23. IL-23 activates the JAK-STAT signaling cascade, stimulates memory T-cells and promotes production of proinflammatory cytokines. SNPs of IL12B AND IL23R are associated with CD and UC..
PPARG / Peroxisome proliferative activated receptor gamma. Nuclear receptor that regulates gene transcription. PPAR-gamma identified as an IBD-associated gene by GWAS. Its levels are decreased in patients with UC. PPAR-gamma activation inhibits endothelial inflammation by suppressing inflammatory gene expression.
TJP2 / Tight junction protein 2 (zona occludens 2). Barrier function in epithelial and endothelial cells.
SMAD2 / SMAD, mothers against DPP homolog 2. Mediates signal of TGF-beta.
HCK / Hemopoietic cell kinase. Member of the Src family of tyrosine kinases. Coupes Fc receptor to respiratory burst. May play a role in neutrophil migration and degranulation.
LMTK2 / Lemur tyrosine kinase 2.A transmembrane protein kinase. Critical role in endosomal membrane trafficking.
CASP2 / Caspase 2, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase. Involved in activation cascade of caspases in apoptosis.
SOX1 / Sex determining region Y-box 1.
COL18A1 / Collagen, type XVIII, alpha 1. Encodes the alpha chain of type XVIII collagen.
LMO1 / LIM domain only 1 (rhombotin 1). Transcriptional regulator
Crohn’s disease
Gene / Functional Annotation
SEPT5 / Septin 5. Cytoskeletal organization
GUCY2F / Guanylate cyclase 2F. Thought to be involved in resynthesis of cGMP.
CLDN4 / Claudin 4. Barrier function – Tight junctionin protein.
SERPINE1 / Serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E. Endothelial plasminogen activator inhibitor2. Thrombosis.
LMTK2 / Lemur tyrosine kinase 2. Myosin VI-binding protein. Regulates endosomal membrane trafficking.
MST1R / Macrophage stimulating 1 protein receptor.
BGN / Biglycan. A small cellular or pericellular matrix proteoglycan.
MXI1 / MAX-interacting protein 1. A transcriptional repressor.
IL16 / Interleukin 16. Modulator of T cell activation. Signaling process is mediated by CD4. IL-16 mRNA and protein expression in the colonic mucosa of IBD patients is increased twofold compared with healthy controls.
GADD45A / Growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible alpha. Responds to environmental stresses and DNA-damaging agents by activation of the p38/JNK pathway via MTK1/MEKK4 kinase.
EPHA2 / EPH receptor A2.
RHOH / Ras homolog gene family, member H. (RhoH) is a small signaling G protein (GTPase).
LIF / Leukemia inhibitory factor. Involved in induction of hematopoietic differentiation.
IL10 / Interleukin 10. Essential immunoregulator in the intestinal tract..Down-regulates expression of Th1 cytokines and MHC class II Antigens on macrophages. Enhances B cell survival, proliferation, and antibody production.
Ulcerative colitis
Gene / Functional Annotation
EYA4 / Eyes absent homolog 4. Transcriptional activator through its protein phosphatase activity.
DHCR24 / 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase. Reduction of sterol intermediates during cholesterol biosynthesis.
EPS8 / Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8. Functions in the EGFR pathway.
TBX1 / T-box 1. A transcription factor.
TEK / Tyrosine kinase, endothelial. Endothelial cell-smooth muscle communication in venous morphogenesis.
PPAT / Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferase. Catalyzes the first step of purine nucleotide synthesis.
BAX / BCL2-associated X protein. Functions as an apoptotic activator.
SEPT9 / Septin 9. Involved in cytokinesis and cell cycle control.
IL12B / Interleukin 12 beta subunit. Subunit of IL-12 and IL-23. IL-23 activates the JAK-STAT signaling cascade, stimulates memory T-cells and promotes production of proinflammatory cytokines. SNPs of IL12B AND IL23R are associated with CD and UC..
SMARCB1 / SWI/SNF related. Relieves repressive chromatin structures, allowing access for transcription.
PPARG / Peroxisome proliferative activated receptor gamma. Nuclear receptor that regulates gene transcription. PPAR-gamma identified as an IBD-associated gene by GWAS. Its levels are decreased in patients with UC. PPAR-gamma activation inhibits endothelial inflammation by suppressing inflammatory gene expression.
CD81 / Cluster of Differentiation 81. Cell-surface protein that may mediate signal transduction.
ARHGDIB / Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor beta. Initiates the activation of the Rho small G protein.
Over-expression leads to disruption of the actin cytoskeleton.
MUC1 / Mucin 1 - cell surface associated. Binds to pathogens and functions in cell signaling.
PLAT / Tissue plasminogen activator. Cell migration and tissue remodeling.
HLA-DOB / Major histocompatibility complex, class II, DO beta. Modulator of HLA class II restricted antigen presentation in B cells.
ELK3 / ETS domain-containing protein. A transcription factor.
ERN1 / Endoplasmic reticulum to nucleus signaling 1. Alters gene expression in response to ER stress.
MOS / V-mos Moloney murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog.
LIG3 / DNA Ligase III, ATP-dependent.
P2RX7 / A purigeneric (ATP-gated) receptor. Monocytes stimulated with bacterial components (via NOD/TLR receptors). Induces release of IL-1beta and IL-18. In endothelial cells, activation of P2X(7)R results in release of bioactive IL-1beta and IL-1Ra (IL-1 antagonist). Net biological effect is anti- inflammatory.
IL16 / Interleukin 16. Chemoattractant and modulator of T cell activation. Signaling mediated by CD4. IL-16 mRNA and protein expression in the colonic mucosa of IBD patients is increased twofold compared with healthy controls.
POMC / Proopiomelanocortin.
PECAM1 / Patelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule. PECAM-1 (CD 31) Mediates leukocyte migration in experimental colitis.