Press release

The Romanian Leasing Market as of June 30, 2013

Bucharest, August 13th, 2013

New financed volume in the financial leasing

As of June 30, 2013, the Romanian financial leasing market registered a new financed volume amounting at 546 million of Euros, i.e. a decrease of 16% compared with the same period of 2012.

An objective reason that afected in a negative and direct way the financing of the leasing market in the field of used vehicles is represented by the release of the green tax based on E.G.O 9/2013.

Another reason is the decrease of the volume of new aquired vehicles, regardless of the financing source (check APIA), considering that the financing of transporters remains a niche of major interest for the financial leasing companies.

Thus, the granted financings over the first 6 months covered various fields, the means of transport still remaining the major field with 73% (400 million of Euros), as compared with the industrial equipment which covers 24% (133 million of Euros) and the real estate field with 3% (13 million of Euros).

In the transport field the evolution of the financings indicates a constant weight related to the vehicle categories, namely: the cars have a quota of 56%, the heavy commercial vehicles (over 3.5 tons) 26%, the light commercial vehicles (under 3.5 tons) cover 15% out of the total, as well as other vehicles 3%.

In the economic and political context of 2013 the weight of the agricultural field is increasing from 18% to 20%, similar to the equipment financing for the wood processing industry (up from 2% to 5%), the financing of electric power technologies (up from 8% to 15%), the financing of office and IT equipment (from 2% to 4%) and the car service (up from 1% to 4%). In the same above mentioned context, the quota of other industries is decreasing as follows: the construction field from 33% to 18% and food-beverage from 5% to 4%. The financing of the other economic sectors has still a weight relatively constant (9% the metal processing segment, 2% printing and packaging industry, 1% furniture industry) as well as other sectors.

The financing of the real estate sector has not exceeded the historical minimum established in 2012 and it is thus in accordance with the general context of the real estate market in Romania.

The legal clients attracted the largest part (97%) of the total financings, followed by the individuals (3%). We estimate that the implementation of the Regulation 17 of the NBR, starting January, 2013 is a criterion which led to the decrease of financed volumes, especially those for individuals.

The most frequent period of the leasing contracts is 4-5 years (26%), followed by 3-4 years with (25%), 2-3 years (21%), 5-7 years (11%), 1-2 years (10%), 1 year (4%) and 7-15 years (3%). This last period is characteristic for the financing of the real estate market.

The total oustanding of the leasing market as of June 2013 amounted at 2.525 million of Euros, out of which the ALB member companies have 2.183 million of Euros (86%) and the non-affiliated companies 342 million of Euros (14%). The biggest market quota is registered by the sector of the banks’ subsidiaries, with 62% out of the total, followed by the captive companies sector with 24% and by the independent companies sector with 14%.

Based on the ALB statistics, ALB represents 86% out of the total financial leasing market in Romania.

ALB is member of the European Federation of the Leasing Associations – Leaseurope and coordinates the CEE Cluster of Leaseurope at the level of the Secretary General.

Leasing Council of ALB Romania




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Registru Special al Judecătoriei Sector 5, nr. P46/ 22.04.2004/PJ

Cod de inregistrare fiscal C.I.F. 16668651