Table of Contents

Introduction i

Unit 1: The Stafford Act
Portal Questions Portal 1-1

Unit 1 1-1

Unit 2: Government Response to a Disaster Declaration

Portal Questions Portal 2-1

Unit 2 2-1

Unit 3: Response Operations

Portal Questions Portal 3-1

Unit 3 3-1

Unit 4: Mission Assignments

Portal Questions Portal 4-1

Unit 4 4-1

Unit 5: Information and Planning

Portal Questions Portal 5-1

Unit 5 5-1

Unit 6: Individual Assistance

Portal Questions Portal 6-1

Unit 6 6-1

Unit 7: Public Assistance
Portal Questions Portal 7-1

Unit 7 7-1

Unit 8: Mitigation

Portal Questions Portal 8-1

Unit 8 8-1

Unit 9: Disaster Financial Management

Portal Questions Portal 9-1

Unit 9 9-1





he purpose of the independent study course Disaster Basics, IS 292, is to provide a wide range of FEMA personnel with basic knowledge to describe the major
requirements, important features, and dynamics of FEMA disaster programs and activities.

After demonstrating successful completion of this course, you may become eligible to attend designated advanced or higher-level FEMA disaster management courses.



fter completing this course, you should be able to:

q  Describe in general terms how the Stafford Act and the declaration process govern FEMA’s disaster operations.

q  Explain how response operations, often executed through mission assignments to other Federal agencies, address life safety and other human needs and protect property and public health.

q  List the key functions performed by Information and Planning on emergency teams.

q  Outline the basis and operation of the Individual Assistance, Public Assistance, and Mitigation disaster assistance programs.

Completing the Course

You should take this course at your own pace. You will remember the material best if you do not rush through it. As an estimate, you might expect to spend 30 minutes to
1 hour on each unit.

Each unit of the course begins with a few basic questions. If you answer these questions correctly, you will have the option of skipping to the next unit. Of course, you may want to read the unit anyway to build your knowledge base. This approach enables you to tailor the course so that it matches your level of knowledge on the topics covered.

Take the time to study the material in each unit and jot down notes. Take a break after each unit and give yourself time to think about what you have just read.

A final exam will test the knowledge you have gained from the course. Your test will be evaluated and the results will be mailed to you within a few weeks. If you score 75 percent or higher, a certificate of completion will be mailed to you.

Any inquiries may be made in writing to the address below, or you may go to the Web site at http://www/

EMI Independent Study Program

16825 S. Seton Avenue

Emmitsburg MD 21727

Disaster Basics ii