Differential fitness in field and forest habitat explains density-independent habitat selection by gartersnakes
William D. Halliday, Gabriel Blouin-Demers
Appendix 1. Thermal preferences of various snake species from published studies.
We compiled a list of studies that calculated the thermal preference of snakes. Most of these studies placed snakes in a thermal gradient and calculated the thermal preference of snakes as the 25th and 75th percentiles of all temperatures selected, although a few older studies did not state how they determined thermal preference. When multiple studies examined the same species, we took the mean lower and upper bounds of all studies as our value of Tset for that species. Based on these data, we calculated the global mean Tset (± S.E.) of snakes as 26.2 ± 0.7°C - 32.7 ± 0.8°C. We also recalculated mean Tset only using the studies that calculated Tset based on the 25th and 75th percentiles as 26.8 ± 0.9°C - 30.7 ± 0.8°C.
Scientific Name / Common Name / Lower Bound / Upper Bound / Reference (s) / CommentsAcanthophis antarticus / Common Death Adder / 27.2 / 38.5 / Lillywhite 1980 / Did not use quartiles
Agkistrodon piscivorus / Cottonmouth / 19.25 / 27.05 / Crane and Greene 2008 / Average female
Austrelaps superbus / Lowland Copperhead / 26.6 / 37.1 / Lillywhite 1980 / Did not use quartiles
Boiga irregularis / Brown Treesnake / 28.2 / 31.4 / Anderson et al. 2005 / Plateau pattern on figure
Bothrops insularis / Golden Lancehead / 24.9 / 26.3 / Bovo et al. 2012 / Summer average
Coluber constrictor / Blue Racer / 22.4 / 37.4 / Kitchell 1969 / Did not use quartiles
Elaphe obsoleta / Black Rat Snake / 26.5 / 29.8 / Blouin-Demers and Weatherhead 2001
Elaphe quadrivirgata / Japanese Striped Snake / 28 / 31.6 / Tanaka 2007
Eunectes notaeus / Yellow Anaconda / 28 / 34 / McConnachie et al. 2011 / Terrestrial thigmothermal mosaic
Heterodon platyrhinos / Eastern Hog-nose snake / 23.4 / 37 / Kitchell 1969 / Did not use quartiles
Hierophis viridiflavus / European Whipsnake / 27.5 / 31 / Lelièvre et al. 2010
Hoplocephalus bungaroides / Broad-headed Snake / 28.1 / 31.1 / Webb and Shine 1998
Hoplocephalus stephensii / Stephen's Banded Snake / 27.8 / 29.3 / Fitzgerald et al. 2003
Lampropeltis triangulum / Milk snake / 29 / 31 / Row and Blouin-Demers 2006
Natrix sipedon / Common Water Snake / 20.8 / 34.7 / Kitchell 1969 / Did not use quartiles
Nerodia sipedon / Northern Water Snake / 24.7 / 29.8 / Brown and Weatherhead 2000
Notechis scutatus / Western Tiger Snake / 24.6 / 32.6 / Lillywhite 1980; Ladyman and Bradshaw 2003 / Average of two authors
Pseudechis porphyriacus / Red-bellied Black Snake / 28.1 / 36.3 / Lillywhite 1980 / Did not use quartiles
Pseudonaja nuchalis / Western Brown Snake / 31.8 / 36.9 / Lillywhite 1980 / Did not use quartiles
Pseudonaja textilis / Eastern Brown Snake / 29.05 / 35.25 / Lillywhite 1980; Whitaker and Shine 2002 / Average of two authors
Sistrurus catenatus / Massasauga Rattlesnake / 30 / 33.6 / Harvey and Weatherhead 2011
Thamnophis sirtalis / Eastern Garter Snake / 20 / 35 / Kitchell 1969 / Did not use quartiles
Trimeresurus stejnegeri / Chinese Green Tree Vipers / 20.3 / 24.3 / Tsai & Tu 2005 / Preprandial
Unechis flagellum / Little Whip Snake / 24 / 36.2 / Lillywhite 1980 / Did not use quartiles
Vipera aspis / Asp viper / 32.69 / 34.66 / Lourdais et al. 2013 / Gravid females
Vipera berus / Common European Adder / 32.17 / 34.22 / Herczeg et al. 2007; Lourdais et al. 2013 / Average of two authors
Zamenis longissimus / Aesculapian Snake / 21.5 / 25.5 / Lelièvre et al. 2011
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