January 23, 2017
The Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00 a.m. Present were Chair Karen Skoog, Vice-Chair Steve Kiss and Clerk of the Board Rhonda Cary. Commissioner Mike Manus was excused.
Zak Kennedy of Potts & Associates was present via conference call for a legislative update. Topics discussed included bills relating to marijuana, water, and wheeled all-terrain vehicles.
M. Manus arrived at 9:30 a.m. M. Manus offered the invocation. K. Skoog led the flag salute.
K. Skoog mentioned reports of cougar activityin the northern part of the county and provided an update from the Northeast Washington Counties meeting she attended. The Board was in consensus to schedule a town hall meeting to address wildlife concerns.
Northeast Tri-County Health District Administrator Matt Schanz was present to introduce the Environmental Public Health Director AlyssaSpradley. The group discussed theEnvironmental Health Specialist position open in Pend Oreille County and public health matters.
Interim Community Development Director Andy Huddleston was present for a Community Development Update. Also present was Consultant Gregg Dohrn. Topics discussed included a snow plowing MOU, marijuana, the sub-area planning committee, water, and building regulations.
The Board recessed for lunch at 12:30 p.m.
Public Works Update – Present were Public Works Director Sam Castro, County Engineer Don Ramsey, and Office Manager/Risk Manager Teresa Brooks.
D. Ramsey presented the Road Levy Certification which is a required annual report to the County Road Administration Board (CRAB). Motion was made by M. Manus to allow the chair to sign the annual road levy certification. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.
S. Castro requested approval for the purchaseunderState contract of four vehicles for the Sheriff’s department. Motion was made by S. Kiss to approve the purchase of four white 2017 Chevy Tahoesin the amount of $155,112 excluding tax. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried unanimously.
S. Castro requested approval for the purchase under State contract of a pickup for Buildings and Grounds. Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the replacement of the Chevy S10 with the purchase of a 2017 Ford F350 4x4 in the amount $31,600 excluding tax. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.
S. Castro requested approval for the purchase under the National Joint Power Alliance Membership of a 2017 Grader to replace the current 2010 model. Motion was made by S. Kiss to approve the purchase of the 2017 John Deere 772G 6-wheel drive motor grader for a net purchase amount of $203,491 excluding tax. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried unanimously.
S. Castro requested approval for the purchase under State contract of a pickup for the Solid Waste department. Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the replacement of the ½ ton pickup with the purchase of a 2017 Ford F250 4x4in the amount of $28,144 excluding sales tax. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.
T. Brooks provided a risk management update. Topics covered included the recent tour of county buildings by the risk pool, looking into county properties on waterfronts, a follow up on risk pool insurance rates, a social media training, accident reports, the ADA transition plan, and emergency preparedness.
Public Works update items included Coordinated Prevention Grant funding, training for the handling of hazardous waste, replacement of the skid steer, legislation regarding solid waste, notice to call for bids for Sandy Shores project, emergency flooding preparedness, the Sullivan Lake Inlet Bridge, and upcoming presentations by the department.
Prosecutor Dolly Hunt was present for an update. Also present was Newport Miner Reporter Sophia Aldous. Update items included a water banking agreement and a public records request.
Human Resources Manager Spencer Shanholtzer was present to request an executive session pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(a) regarding collective bargaining for 15 minutes from 3:30 to 3:45. Also present were Auditor Marianne Nichols and Financial Manager Jill Shacklett.
Public Comment Period – There were no persons present for comment.
Consent Agenda - Motion was made byM. Manus to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously. The Consent Agenda includes this week’s Agenda, the Minutes of the Board’s January 16, 2017 meeting and the following items:
Investment Earnings (year-to-date)$2,132.79
Payroll Change Notice:
Counseling Services –
Nancy Ashburn, Longevity, $120.00/mo., Effective 1/01/2017
Sheriff –
Geoff Rusho, $71,322.21/year, Effective 1/01/2017
Christopher Thibodeau, Corrections Officer, Step 1, $3,035.67/mo., Effective 01/17/2017
2017 Salary Structures
Motion was made by M. Manus for K. Skoog to continue to serve on the Aging and Long Term Care of Eastern Washington Governing Board. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the 2017 Martin Hall budget. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.
Approving and Authorizing the 2017 Maintenance and Operation Budget Pursuant to the Amended and Restated Interlocal Juvenile Detention Facility Agreement (Martin Hall); and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto
At 4:30 p.m., K. Skoog continued the meeting to January 24.
January 24, 2017
The meeting room was available at 8:30 a.m. for refreshments.
The meeting of the Elected Officials and Department Heads was called to order at 9:00 a.m. Present were D. Hunt, Weed Control Coordinator Sharon Sorby, IT Director Mark Lemen, J. Shacklett, District Court Judge Philip Van De Veer, D. Ramsey, S. Shanholtzer, M. Nichols, County Clerk Tammie Ownbey, S. Castro, T. Brooks, Counseling Services Director Annabelle Payne, Commissioner Programs Christine Rahoun, Treasury Manager Lisa Vallieres and Sheriff Alan Botzheim.
Department Spotlight - Pend Oreille County Noxious Weed Control. S. Sorby presented a power point which covered the definition and identification of noxious weeds, programs offered by the department, identification and treatment of problem areas on the Pend Oreille River, weed management, and funding.
K. Skoog identified workgroups and committees within the county including Finance, Facilities Planning, County Lands, Social Media Policy, and Safety.
Departmental updates were provided. Public Works will be the Department Spotlight for the February meeting.
A. Payne was present for a Counseling Services Update and a request for approval to promote within the department. Motion was made by Manus to approve the request to promote Jessica Ausborn to the Chemical Dependency Professional-Training position. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.Motion was made by S. Kiss to advertise and hire for the Business Office Assistant position. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried unanimously.
Update items included Electronic Medical Records kick off meetings, evaluation of competency services and diversion issuesby the DSHS office of Forensic Mental Health, Prevention surveys, representation through WSAC Association of County Human Services (ACHS), and pending legislation.
The Board moved into executive session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) regarding the performance of a public employee for 15 minutes from 11:15-11:30. Also present was S. Shanholtzer. K. Skoog requested an additional 30 minutes until 12:00.
The Board recessed for lunch at 12:10.
The Board moved into executive session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) regarding the performance of a public employee for 30 minutes from 1:30 to 2:00. Also present were D. Hunt, A. Botzheim, S. Castro and S. Shanholtzer.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Regional Director Steve Pozzanghera and Enforcement Captain Dan Rahn were present via conference call to discuss a proposed town hall meeting. The group also discussed the recent cougar activity in the county, sightings and depredations data, and public safety.
S. Kiss presented invoices approved for payment by the Hotel/Motel Tax Board as follows: PORTA-$4,421.10; Pend Oreille County (advertising)-$144.00; Pend Oreille County Auditor(supplies)-$19.92. Motion was made by M. Manus to approve payment of the invoices as presented. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by M. Manus to reappoint Jeanneta Taylor to the Pend Oreille County Parks Board. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing – Marijuana Moratorium. Present wereG. Dohrn, PUD representative Chris Jones, county residents Jim Brewster, Bob Eugene, Bob Sanborn, JoHannaGrider, Donna Anderson, Ty Krohn, and Diana Fredley, Counseling Services Prevention Specialist Carrie McKinley, and A. Payne. The hearing was opened and the notice was read. G. Dohrn provided an overview of the Planning Commission’s recommendations as well as options the Board could consider. C. Jones explained potential electrical impacts. Comments from the public were received regarding the benefits of tax revenues from retail sales, putting the issue to a vote by the citizens, allowing retail sales, opposing retail sales, effect of water availability, and negative messages being sent to the youth. The hearing was closed.
Motion was made by M. Manus to extend the moratorium until further research is complete. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.
Extending up to an Additional Six Months the Moratorium on the Establishment, Location, Permitting, Licensing, or Operation of Marijuana Retail Sale Facilities
Correspondence Received:
1.06A. Huddleston & G. Dohrn-Planning Commission Recommendation
1.07J. Lee-resignation from Civil Service Board
1.08NETCHD-January Agenda
1.09D. Wear-comment for hearing
1.10J. Northrup-comment for hearing
1.11L. Johnson-comment for hearing
1.12B. Sanborn-comment for hearing
1.13J. Taylor-request for reappointment to Parks Board
As of this date, the Board approved vouchers for payment as listed and made available by the Auditor’s Office. The following vouchers/warrants/electronic payments are approved for payment:
Salary and Claim
Current Expense$ 50,518.59
Counseling Services$ 4,823.91
Fair$ 812.26
Law Library$ 10.74
Park$ 91.10
Road$ 1,328.30
Veteran’s Assistance$ 485.87
Treasurer’s O&M$ 220.00
Trial Court Improvement$ 6.68
Emergency 911 Communications$ 1,562.63
Extension Education$ 22.94
Growth Management$ 19.98
Low Income Housing/2060$ 1,605.93
Homeless Program/2163$ 2,022.57
Public Facilities$ 29.66
Solid Waste$ 3,331.84
IT Services$ 2,608.46
TOTAL$ 69,501.46
Checks 162367 through 162432totaling $66,558.07 and Electronic Fund Transfer 10859 totaling $2,943.39 dated January 23, 2017.
With no further business to conduct, K. Skoog adjourned the meeting at 4:25 p.m.
Clerk of the Board Chair of theBoard
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