2695 Midway Rd

Decatur, GA 30030

Telephone: (404) 641-0717


Anna Robertson, MS LAPC



Education: __


Columbus State University, Columbus, GA

M.S. Community Counseling

Chi Chi Honors


Auburn University, Auburn, AL

B.S. Animal and Dairy Sciences

Work Experience


Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault

Atlanta, GA

Community Outreach Coordinator

Coordinate efforts of Georgia rape crisis centers to raise community awareness on the issue of sexual assault through events and campaigns. Train rape crisis center advocates, law enforcement, victim witness assistants, and others statewide in their role as advocates. Supervise interns and volunteers. Collaborate with Department of Community Health and Men Can Stop Rape on statewide primary prevention campaign. Work to build collaborations with other organizations around the state that support GNESA’s mission.


North Georgia College and State University Counseling Center

Dahlonega, GA

Therapist / Alcohol & Drug Educator

Provided individual and group therapy to college students in a liberal arts/ military college setting. Coordinated programming for on-campus alcohol and drug education program. Project Manager for grant sponsored by the Georgia Governor's Office of Highway Safety. Project Director for proposed grant to expand services and promote awareness of women's issues on campus.

7/02 – 3/04

Forensic Health Services

New Mexico Women's Correctional Facility / CCA

Grants, NM

Clinical Therapist

Provided individual and group treatment to female inmates in the NM correctional system. Conducted intake screenings, diagnostic clinical assessments, and crisis intervention. Participated in psychiatry consultation meetings, conducted art therapy workshops as well as yoga and other holistic programs, coordinated discharge planning.

6/01 – 5/02

Columbus State University Counseling Center

Columbus, GA

Counseling Intern

Provided individual and group counseling to college students, conducted intake assessments, DSM-IV diagnosis, and crisis intervention. Developed and conducted campus-wide workshops. Conducted career counseling with students.

3/99 – 1/00

Georgia Outdoor Therapeutic Program

Warm Springs, GA


Facilitated group work for 10-11 troubled adolescent girls in a wilderness setting. Part of a multi-disciplinary treatment team to develop and implement treatment plans for clients. Planned and implemented extended outdoor trips and assisted with basic living skills.

Professional Training, Consultation and Speaking Engagements:

·  Dating Violence

Brewton Parker College Mt. Vernon, GA

Presented in conjunction with Georgia Legal Services and The Haven Domestic Violence Shelter to discuss sexual assault in a dating violence context for college students.

United Way of Dekalb County Decatur, GA

Facilitated discussion with low income teen girls on safety planning, self-esteem, dating violence, and good decision making as part of larger program in preparation for prom.

Job Corp of Atlanta

Facilitated a group discussion with a mixed gender group of students from the on dating violence as part of a larger educational fair.

·  Advocacy 101

The Haven Valdosta, GA

Hodac, Inc. Warner Robins, GA

Sexual Assault Center of Northwest Georgia Rome, GA

Northside Hospital Cumming, GA

Grady Rape Crisis Center Atlanta, GA

YWCA of Northwest Georgia Marietta, GA

Statesboro Regional Sexual Assault Center Statesboro, GA

Golden Isles Children’s Center Brunswick, GA

Lily Pad SANE Center Albany, GA

SAFE Blairsville, GA

Appling Healthcare System- Baxley, GA

Presented a 3-Day Advocacy training curriculum in which I developed for rape crisis center advocates, campus counseling staff, victim witness advocates, volunteers and campus law enforcement.

·  Sexual Assault and SANE Programs

Emory University Decatur, GA

Conducted module on sexual assault basics and SANE programs in Georgia as part of a larger training hosted by Emory University.

·  History of the Rape Crisis Center

Southern Poverty Law Center Immigrant Justice Project, Project Esperanza

Montgomery, AL

Presentation on the history of the rape crisis center movement and sexual assault basics to advocates working with migrant farm worker women as part of their annual working group meeting.

·  Sexual Assault Prevention on College Campuses

North Georgia College and State University Dahlonega, GA

Invited speaker for women and leadership committee and project dignity on-campus presentation on sexual assault in Georgia.

·  Stress Management for Corrections Employees

Corrections Corporation of America Grants, NM

Training for prison employees on stress management as it relates to working in a corrections environment.

·  Suicide: Myths and Misconceptions

Corrections Corporation of America Grants, NM

Training for prison employees on suicide education.

·  Yoga Therapy for Trauma Survivors

Women Healing Women Atlanta, GA

Seminar conducted for women of color support group.

·  Safety Planning for Domestic Violence Victims

Southern Poverty Law Center Law Department Montgomery, GA

Training on safety planning and assessment of sexual assault as part of initial interviewing for attorneys working with migrant farm worker populations.

·  Yoga for Holistic Health

2005 Women in Leadership Conference Dahlonega, GA

Conducted holistic yoga workshop as a part of the Women in Leadership Conference.

·  Women and Gender in the Workplace

City of Augusta EEOC

Presented a module on gender in the workplace as part of a larger diversity training.


City of Atlanta Fire Department

Contributed to policy and procedure as well as training curriculum for project Safespots offering refuge to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, child exploitation, and infant abandonment in Atlanta.

·  Civil Remedies for Sexual Assault Victims

Georgia Legal Services

Presented on civil legal needs of victims of sexual assault as part of a larger training for the VAWA funded legal assistance to victims program.

·  Ethics and Confidentiality in Advocacy

Hodac, Inc. Warner Robins, GA

Clinical Group Work Conducted:

·  Stress and Mood Management- A 10-week psycho-education group for female inmates on the physiology of stress and mood as well as skills for coping.

·  Grief and Loss- A 10-week psycho-education group for female inmates on the stages of grief outlined by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and John Bowlby.

·  Adjustment Group- Weekly group with women new to the prison facility to address issues of adjusting to being in prison. Group conducted in the reception and diagnostic unit, a maximum-security unit within the facility. Utilized poetry to facilitate discussion of coping with imprisonment and justice system.

·  Recidivism Reduction Group- Conducted 4 units (12 hours) of a team-facilitated group on recidivism reduction with women about to be released from prison. Covered career counseling, education, belief systems, and mothering.

·  Anger Management- A 10-week psycho-education group for female inmates on ways to manage anger while in the facility as well as after release.

·  Women's Empowerment Group- A 10-week psycho education group for female inmates on finding empowerment after and during domestic violence. Curriculum encompassed cycle of violence psycho-education.

·  Relaxation Exploration- An introductory workshop designed to teach relaxation techniques to college students.

·  Career Seminars- Seminars designed to help students in career decision-making using Holland Occupational Classification System (HOC).

·  OUTREACH- A Campus support group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students.

·  Substance Abuse Group- Group conducted with sanctioned college students.

Clinical Testing Experience:

·  Career

DISCOVER windows version

SII Strong Interest Inventory

WPT Wonderlic Personnel Test

·  Personality

MMPI-2 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2

BSIBrief Symptom Inventory

TAI Test Anxiety Inventory (“Test Attitude Inventory”)

16 PF Fifth Edition

·  Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse Measures (SASSI-3)

Texas Christian University (TCU) Drug Screen

·  Other

Suicide Probability Scale (SPS)

Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES)

Certifications/ Special Training:

·  Management Concepts Grant Training Uniform Administration Requirements for OMB A-102 and 2-CFR Part 215

·  Office of Justice Programs Fiscal Management Seminar

·  Licensed Associate Professional Counselor (LAPC)- Georgia Composite Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage and Family Therapists. License #APC001031

·  Certified Yoga Instructor- Peachtree Yoga Studio followed by additional training with Erich Schiffman and at Tias Little. Additional training at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, Massachusetts.

·  Sand Tray Therapy Training Level 1 and Level 2, New Mexico Sand Tray Training Institute

Community Volunteer Activities:

·  Georgia Organics- Volunteer Coordinator 2008

·  Oakhurst Community Garden

·  Cook’s Warehouse- Decatur, GA

·  Atlanta Women’s Foundation Destiny Fund- Atlanta, GA 2005-06

·  Women in Leadership Conference -Dahlonega, GA 2005

·  Lumpkin County Sexual Assault Task Force- Dahlonega, GA 2004

·  Humboldt Arts Council- Eureka, CA 2004

·  New Mexico Coalition to Repeal the Death Penalty- Santa Fe, NM 2004

·  Skirt Art Women’s Art Circle- Montgomery, AL 2002

·  Aid to Inmate Mothers- Montgomery, AL 2002

·  East Alabama Battered Women’s Task Force- Auburn, AL 2001

·  Old 280 Boogie Music and Art Festival- Waverly, AL 1999

Other Work Experience:

·  5/05-8/05

Full- Time Freelance Yoga Instructor

Dahlonega, Gainesville, Sautee

·  9/04-5/05

Instructor- Strategies For College Success (SFCS 1000)

Instructor- Yoga (Recreational Sports)

North Georgia College and State University

Dahlonega, GA

·  8/97 – 8/98

Graduate Assistant

Department of Dairy Science

Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, VA

·  10/96 – 8/97

Assistant Herdsman

Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center


Brown’s Valley, CA

·  6/95 – 12/95

Advertising Intern and Public Relations Coordinator

World Wide Sires

Visalia, CA