Comms Network: 27 March 2017

Member news

YouthLink Scotland

·  New website launching early May. Could members please share suitable photography with Nuria () to feature?

·  Comms Network 2-day residential confirmed for 7 and 8 August 2017 in Perth.

·  Potential workshop ideas include: storytelling, film-making and editing, evaluation, research and impact, Year of Young People, working with user-generated content, and paid advertising.

·  We’re moving from Basecamp and email to Slack. Get in touch with Gwen () if you haven’t received your invitation link yet.


·  The DofE Diamond Challenge raised £1.4 million last year.


·  Lois started in a newly created post: Youth & Volunteer Engagement Manager.

·  Have money available for group residentials this year, up to 40% funding for a trip.

Girlguiding Scotland

·  Could Comms Network members help to promote Tartan Gig coming up in June?

·  National campaign to end sexual harassment in schools is performing well.

Prince’s Trust

·  The Trust has a new partnership with BBC Scotland and they’re looking for young people to co-produce content. This will feed into a launch during Mental Health Week in May.

·  Also launching is a new online mentoring service, which well be open to everone (not just those supported by PT).

Scouts Scotland

·  New website launched. Feedback welcome!

·  New Youth Advocacy Award for MPs.

·  Census in April.

LGBT Youth Scotland

·  Zara shared the comms success of Purple Friday. Thanks to all members who took part.

·  Life in Scotland survey closed now.

·  New website launching in July ( more focus on video)

·  Would like further discussion on how comms capacity is funded in youth work orgs. Looking to expand digital work, in particular looking at a new digital youth work platform.

Boys’ Brigade

·  BBS have appointed a new director, John Sharp. He joins them from Project Trust.

·  Hosting a parliamentary exhibition in May, looking at how youth work enables young people to get active.

·  Joining Scottish Youth Parliament, with two new MSYPs from June.

·  Junior section turns 100 this year. Looking out for campaign launching in September.

·  If anybody has any statistics they would like to put forward to the MSP please send it to Niall.

Youth Scotland

·  Mark has just joined as their new Head of Partnerships and is working on a website relaunch.

Action for next Meeting:

Further ideas for YoYP campaigns and strategy to be uploaded to Slack by 2 May.

-  We will send you contact details for policy holder

-  Need to use communication platform for the Communication Network to have everything in one place.

-  Comms residential decided at the meeting it will be over 2 days ideas for workshop:

·  Effective story telling workshop

·  Doing more film workshop, editing, using software

·  Evaluation of communication work how to show our impact

·  How to gather statistic

·  Social media: Instagram

·  Live stream

The next meeting will be around the Year Of The Young People on Monday 19th June at 10am