From September 2012, a 90% threshold of attendance has been introduced and parents will be informed by the headteacher if attendance falls below this level and what the next steps are.

If you have any thoughts about taking your child out of school, please come and see us.

Holidays in Term Time

We encourage parents not to take family holidays in term time and will only authorise leave of absence under exceptional circumstances.

Dorset County Council will be supporting all schools in ensuring the law is upheld. In law, parents and carers are committing an offence if they fail to ensure the regular and punctual attendance at school. Therefore, any unauthorised absence, such as taking holidays in term time, may result in a Fixed Term Penalty Notice. Failure to pay a Fixed Term Penalty Notice may result in a criminal conviction and a fine in the Magistrates Court of up to £1000.

The Law

·  The law does not say that parents have an automatic right to take their child out of school for holidays during term time. However, in exceptional circumstances, school may authorise leave of absence and will determine the number of school days a child can be away.

·  The request for leave must come from a parent with whom the child normally resides.

·  If a child then stays away from school for more that the authorised period, this will then be recorded as unauthorised absence and could be quoted in a prosecution for poor attendance.

·  The Education (Pupil Registration, England) Regulations states that school can only approve absence for family holidays if they consider there are special circumstances.

·  Holiday prices, and the fact that parents have booked a holiday before checking with school are not special reasons.

The Facts

·  Time off school for a family holiday is not a right. Schools may grant leave of absence if they believe the circumstances to be exceptional. If the school refuses a request for term time leave and the child is taken out of school, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.

·  If you do decide to take your child on holiday without prior approval of the school, you may be liable for a £60 Penalty Notice per parent per child. This could then lead to prosecution if this is not paid.

·  Research suggests that children who are taken out of school may never catch up on the work they have missed.

·  Parents must consider when making the decision to take their child out of school; the lessons they will miss, the difficulty they will have in catching up, the effect it will have on their progress and their overall attendance.

Absence Request forms can be obtained from the school office and must be signed by the Headteacher before the holiday takes place.

It would be advisable to carry this form with you whilst travelling so that you have evidence of your child’s authorised absence.

Other Absence from School

The Education (Pupil Registration, England) Regulations state that if a child is of compulsory school age, who is a registered pupil at school, fails to attend regularly and/or is persistently late at school; his/her parents/carers are guilty of an offence.

In the case of illness, or unforeseen absence, parents must inform the school before 9.30am, on each day of absence. If you are phoning early in the morning, you can leave a message on the school’s answer phone. Telephone 01297 442623. Alternatively, you can email the office at

Notification must be provided by the parent/carer that their child has to leave school, or sign in late due to a medical appointment. Any correspondence about absence must go to the School Office.

If parent or carers have to be away from home for a prolonged period of time, leaving your child temporarily in the care of a relative or a friend, it is important that the school office is notified.

Parental notes, telephone calls or personal contact in relation to a particular absence do not necessarily mean that the school is obliged to accept the explanation or to authorise the absence where doubt remains about the explanation, or where there is no reason for the absence, then the absence must be treated as an unauthorised absence.

If an absence has not been reported, the school will make contact with the parent/carer on the day of absence, using the emergency contact numbers you have provided. A message will be left if contact is unsuccessful. If the parent/carer does not make contact with the school to explain the absence, the school may choose to unauthorise the absence.

If the child’s attendance becomes a concern, the school will send an official letter to the parent/carer informing them of their concerns. If after this there is no improvement, the school are obliged to report this to the Early Intervention Service who will arrange a home visit to talk about the legal implications of continued poor attendance. Penalty Notices may be issued if attendance does not improve.

Other Absence from school which will not be authorised

·  Looking after brothers/sisters or unwell parents

·  Relatives visiting or visiting relatives

·  For any type of shopping

·  Resting after a late night

·  Birthdays

Other Absence from school which will be authorised

·  Approved sporting activities

·  Genuine illness

·  Unavoidable medical/dental appointments

·  Days of religious observance

·  Exceptional circumstances such as bereavement

·  Seeing a parent who is on leave from the Armed Forces

·  External Examinations

·  When traveller children go on the road with their parents

The law requires the school to open for pupils 190 days each year and every day is important. Please help your child not to miss any of this valuable time.

We hope that when you have read this information, you will consider that your child’s education is too important to take holidays or unnecessary days off during term time.

Head Teacher: Miss Annabelle Grose

Website: www.stmichaelslyme.dorset.sch.uk