Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 19th November, 2013 at Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, Co. Meath at 2.30 p.m.

Members Present: -

Cathaoirleach Cllr. Carey

Cllr.Fegan,Fox,McElhinney and O’Shea

Officials in Attendance: -

Area Manager:Des Foley

Area Engineer:Vincent Collins

Area Administrator:Fiona Skehan

1.0Confirmation of Minutes of AGM Meeting held on the 22nd October, 2013

Proposed by Cllr Fegan and Seconded by Cllr McElhinney.

1.1Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on the 22nd October, 2013

Proposed by Cllr Fox and Seconded by Cllr Fegan.

2.0Matters Arising

Cllr O’Shea advised that there was still a strong view with the new layout from the Town Council members regarding the junction at Marcie Regan’s.

Cllr Fox advised that he’d received reps from Cllr Bligh regarding the matter.

Area Engineer advised that the matter was satisfactory and cannot see where motorists are suffering and explained how changing the markings on the road would lead to two cars turning right.

It was recommended to leave the status quo and keep it under review.

Cllr Fox raised the following items: -

  • Pedestrian crossing at Summerhill – on the NTA list for 2014;
  • ‘Oakleigh’, Longwood;
  • Drainage in the area – was it carried out – advised it was done.

Cllr Carey raised the following items: -

  • Enfield bus-stop shelter – sought to have application resubmitted with revised location.

Cllr O’Shea raised the following items: -

  • Cllr O’Shea sought to clarify who is responsible for putting in place slipway for Trim River Rescue.

It was agreed that the Council will work with any agency responsible for putting slip way in place and to consult with OPW.

  • HGV parking in Navangate – Area Engineer advised it was a matter for An Garda Siochana as HGV’s are not supposed to park there.

Cllr McElhinney raised the following items: -

  • Update of Earl’s Meadow wall – Area Engineer advised that he’d discussed with resident adjacent but that the matter wasn’t resolved.
  • Update regarding CoolronanPark – nothing to date.

3.0Expressions of Sympathy and Congratulations

Congratulations were expressed to:

  • Elaine Loughlin, Kildalkey Road
  • Best of luck to the Brewery at OaktreeBusinessPark.

Sympathies were expressed to:

  • Bernard Carroll, staff member on recent passing of his mother.

4.0Statutory Business

Disposal of land as circulated in accordance to the provisions of Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001 in respect of the sale of land in the townland of Newtown, Hill of Down, Co Meath to Killyon GAA.

Proposed by Cllr Fox and Seconded by Cllr Fegan to proceed to full Council.

Disposal of land as circulated in accordance to the provisions of Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001 in respect of the sale of land in the townland of Newtown, Hill of Down, Co Meath to Killyon Community Development Group.

Proposed by Cllr Fox and Seconded by Cllr McElhinney to proceed to full Council.

5.0Correspondence and Matters raised by the Manager

Area Administrator advised that valuations were received regarding sites no. 6 & 20 at the IDA Industrial site.

Members agreed to proceed with Section 183 for next month’s meeting.

6.0Notice of Motion

6.1Notice of Motion from Cllr William Carey:

‘That Trim Area Council call on the speed limit review committee to meeting urgently to update speed limits in Longwood and Ballivor.’

Proposed by Cllr Fegan and Seconded by Cllr Fox to send onto full Council meeting.

6.2Notice of Motion from Cllr Joe Fox:

‘Trim Area Council calls on Trim Town Council to provide free parking on both on-street and car parks in the two weeks up to Christmas to facilitate and encourage people to shop local.’

Cllr O’Shea advised the meeting of the parking arrangements agreed at the Trim Town Council monthly meeting held Tuesday 9th November, 2013. The details will be circulated to the Chamber of Commerce and advertised in the Focus and on the Council’s website.

7.0Update on works ongoing from Area Engineer


8.0Any other Business

Cllr Fox raised the following issues: -

  • Kildalkey Graveyard – lane needs attention;
  • Kildalkey/Athboy Road – potholes;
  • Bagnals cross – house on the corner under the planning conditions recommended it be demolished. Area Engineer to follow up.
  • Anti-social behaviour on Kilcock to Enfield train. Recommended a letter be sent to the Irish Rail and Supt. Gormley. Cllr O’Shea agreed to bring the matter to the next Trim Town Council JPC.

Cllr McElhinney raised the following issues: -

  • Pedestrian crossing – Ballivor – no green light;
  • Pointon’s corner – dangerous this morning – sign required to notify motorists dips ahead;
  • Pothole at Community Centre Ballivor;
  • St. Kinneth’s – IPB dividend can it be used for amenity. Area Manager advised that the money was allocated for 2013.
  • Requires permission from Library to gain access to St. Kinneth’s;
  • Langan’s cross – lines – any update;
  • Muck on Muchwood Road;
  • Houses boarded up in the Area which need to be allocated urgently. If money required Housing should advise the members.

Cllr O’Shea raised the following issues: -

  • Hedge overgrown advised at last Town Council meeting.
  • Speeding on Lackanash Road;

Cathaoirleach raised the following issues: -

  • Posseckstown – signs up from Enfield side but down from Baconstown side – urgent;
  • Water cuts;
  • Tree at Rathcore requires attention;
  • Vacant premises in Enfield suitable for library, internet café for youths – can we look at it.

The next Area Committee meeting is to be held on Monday

16Decemberat 11.00 a.m. due to Annual Budget Meeting at 2.30 p.m. in County Hall.

This concluded the business of the meeting at 15.57.