This guide introduces you to using the Djanogly LRC Short Loan Collection.
IS2302 Page 1 of 1
September 2003
The Short Loan Collection contains the most heavily used material on Business School reading lists which may only be borrowed for a limited period. This material includes books, journal parts, photocopies, CD-Roms and videos. The University of Nottingham Online Library Catalogue (UNLOC) indicates which items are held in the Short Loan Collection (SLC).
1.Hours of Opening
Saturday 09.00-16.45
Sunday 09.30-16.45
Monday-Friday 09.00-16.45
Saturday 09.00-12.15
Closed Saturdays in August
2.Loan periods
Short Loan (term & vacation)
10.00-10.00 (next day)
10.00 Friday-10.00 following Monday
Short Loan restricted (Term)
Short Loan restricted (Vacation)
3.To borrow
You may borrow two items from the Short Loan Collection for any loan period. Short Loan Restricted material (some books and all journal parts) is for reference use only and may not be taken out of the library. All material may be borrowed 30 minutes before the start of each period, providing it is on the shelf and available for loan. To borrow an item, please bring it with your smart card to the lending desk inside the Short Loan Collection. You may renew an item the following day or loan period, provided it is not requested by another reader.
4.To reserve
Identify the item using the Basic Search screen on UNLOC; then use the reserve option. You may reserve a maximum of two items for any one loan period and you may hold only one reservation for any one item at any one time. You may not reserve an item which you currently have on loan. Reserved items will be held for you for 90 minutes from the start of each period.
Short Loan items must be returned to the lending desk before the end of each period. Heavy fines are levied on these books for late return because they are in great demand. Fines are as follows:
80p per item per hour/part of an hour.
Note: All items must be issued before leaving the collection. However items may be used in the SLC area provided that they are returned to the correct shelf after use. A security system is in operation at the entrance/exit which will alert staff to any un-issued material leaving the collection. A photocopier is also available in the SLC.
If you wish to suggest an item for the SLC, please contact Jenny Mills, Business Librarian:
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September 2003