Velo Club Beverley 2018 AGM
Meeting held on Monday 8th January 2018.
Started at 19:30
Treasurer - Our Treasurer stood down mid-term due to work commitments and so we had an interim treasurer (Jason Brookes). The chairman asked for any other volunteer for the post and none were forthcoming so Jason agreed to stay on and the members agreed this. The account balance for 2017 was £2,400.
Secretary – No volunteers and Gary Trees agreed to stay on.
Chairman – No volunteers and Simon Dongray-Burke agreed to stay on.
Road Race – Ian Ridsdale gave an overview of how the day went and we discussed the necessity to engage the local community prior to this years’ event. This will be done with some flyers advising of the race date and we will also meet the Estate manager to discuss parking options.
The event for 2017 generated a net income for the club of £435 after all expenses
Membership -We discussed membership numbers and opportunities to encourage new riders to join. We will continue with a ride specifically aimed at New Riders but the day may well change from Wednesday to a Tuesday so that all potential members can meet existing members too.
Most improved – Darren Yarwood
Club Rider – Mark (Marko) Rogers
Discussion Items:
Club Rules & Etiquette – An updated copy of the rules were agreed by members and will be uploaded to the website by Dave Harris
Road Race – There was a long discussion around the pro’s and con’s of having a race team within the club itself. The chairman felt we were losing good riders to alternative racing teams and felt that this would be a good way of keeping talent and also for people to aspire to etc.
The consensus from the members at the meeting was not to progress.
Since the meeting we have had 2 members leave to join race teams.
Subscriptions –The subs will remain at current rates.
CX Race – Rich Cutsforth didn’t manage to get this off of the ground for 2017 but he will endeavour to try and get something for 2018
Club Rides – We had discussions around pacing of Tuesday nights and the need to keep all riders together.
Thursday – We discussed the opportunity to use the Ennerdale Circuit for some nights whilst darke etc and avoid the dirty dark road to Driff and Back. The consensus was YES and so the chairman will look into this. These will be subsidised by the club for Members.
Sunday – There have been issues this year with the pace increasing and not taking account for all riders within the group. Better pace, Ride Leader, Conditions, Decisions on route etc. were all discussed.
Wednesday – We will try to have 2 groups on a Tuesday so New Members can meet existing members etc and build a united club?
Event Organiser
Away Day – We discussed the timing of the event and whether it clashed with racing etc. Stew Fraser will organise again for 2018 and we will look for a weekend when the National Cyclo Cross championship is on to give all members an opportunity. Anticipated to be mid-October 2018
We discussed having a Race Committee to free up Ian Ridsdale from sole ownership of the organisation and to share expertise within the club. To that aim we have agreed to have a committee of 3 – Rich Cutsforth, Nathan Wilson and Ian Ridsdale. This team will look after ALL events the club may be involved within for racing.
Race Kit – It was agreed that the club can go ahead and purchase equipment to facilitate it running club events – Gazebo, Flag and race numbers.
Kit Order – The PACTIMO store will be opened on Monday the 15th January for 1 week to allow orders prior to the racing season starting.
Club Subsidies – This year the club will reimburse £12 TLI Licence and £10 towards agreed Sportive in 2018. This sportive will be decided by a vote over social media where nominations can be put forward for shortlist.
Meeting closed at 21:00