0800 Registration (breakfast provided)

0900 Introduction, Connect to Purpose

Speaker: PJ Geraghty

0920 Regional Data Report

Moderator: Aaron Cohen, OneLegacy

Speaker: Robbie Glazner, Donor Network of Arizona

Speaker: Marlene Abe, UCI Medical Center

0945 Applying Innovative Practices to Donation & Transplantation

Every innovative idea stems from a problem statement. In this session we’ll hear from a few different OPO’s on challenges they’ve faced and the innovative ways they were able to address them.

Moderator: Laurie Souchek, Donor Network West

Speaker: Allison Tomimatsu, Donor Network West

1030 Break

1045 DCD Lungs: Two Centers’ Experience

Moderator: Melissa Culver, Lifesharing

Speaker: Dr. Jasleen Kukreja, University of California – San Francisco Medical Center

Speaker: Dr. Rajat Walia, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center

Two Lung transplant programs will discuss their center’s experiences with DCD Lung transplantation.

1130 HLA and Transplant Center Collaboration

Moderator: Abdur Rahman, Donor Network of Arizona

Speaker: Dr. Kevin Burns (Medical Director) HLA Laboratory, Nevada Donor Network

Region 5 currently has over 25,000 candidates waiting for a transplant. Collaboration among transplant centers, histocompatibility laboratories, and OPOs is crucial to increasing opportunities for our patients. We will briefly discuss how your histocompatibility laboratory can help increase the prospects of successfully transplanting more candidates through active engagement with desensitization strategies, paired exchanges, and managing higher immunological risk patients.

1200 Lunch

1300 Waitlist Management in the KAS Era

Moderator: Jenna Rush, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Speaker: Jenny Bell, Banner-University Medical Center

Speaker: Summer Williamson, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Learn from the experts on how to manage and prioritize patients that are on the Waitlist. This will be an opportunity to discuss challenging issues you are experiencing at your Transplant Center and receive feedback from the Transplant Community.

1345 Fact or Fiction: The KAS Impact on Pediatric Recipients

Moderator: Ernest Villalon, OneLegacy

Speaker: Stephanie Johnson, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles

Prior to the implementation of the KAS, the pediatric population had priority allocation. Data will be presented to show what impact the new KAS has had on pediatric transplantation.

1430 KAS Discussion (Panel: OPO, Transplant, HLA)

Moderator: Melissa Culver, Lifesharing

Speaker: Claudia De Los Santos, Viracor IBT Laboratories

Speaker: Aaron Cohen, OneLegacy

Speaker: Marlene Abe, UCI Medical Center

1500 Break

1530 DMG Update

Speaker: Dr. Darren Malinoski, Oregon Health & Science Univeristy

Speaker: Alex Garza, United Network for Organ Sharing

This session will focus on the integration of DMG Data into daily OPO operations and the resulting positive outcomes. In addition, we will provide an update on the DMG Data and how it is being used in research studies.

1600 Wrap-Up/Leaving in Action

Speaker: PJ Geraghty

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