Minutes of the Parish Council monthly meeting held on Monday 5 December 2016 at 7:30pm in West Lulworth village hall.

Councillors present: Mr J Davey (Chairman), Mr N Miller (Vice Chairman), MrE de Chazal, MrsMColvin, MsCMatthews, Ms S Jackson, Mrs M Colvin, Mr G Dale, MrPMaguire.

In attendance: County Councillor Lovell

District Councillor Quinn

Miss E Blake (Clerk)

Mr Paul Harrington (Morgan Carey Architects)

Mr Tom Worboys (Resident Agent, Lulworth Estate)

Mr Maddy Pfaff (Lulworth Responder)

Mr Stephen Pack (Lulworth Responder)

5 members of the public

Apologies 16/17/100

No apologies received.

Declarations of Interest 16/17/101

Councillor (Cllr) Davey declared an interest in Estate matters.

Public Questions and Discussions Period 16/17/102

a) Mr Stephen Pack, Lulworth Responder, noted that both defibrillators were in place at the village hall and the coastguard station and are in the process of being registered with SouthWestAmbulance. Mr Pack recommended that a case should be bought to hold the accessories within the defibrillator unit. Defibrillator training will be provided by Mr Pack for Parish Councillors and parishioners and should take place in January 2017.

ACTION: Case for accessories to be purchased and training dates organised.

b) Maddy Pfaff, Head Ranger at Lulworth Estate, advised that the hedge at the corner of MainRoad and Church Road (Hambury Field) has been scheduled to be cut once a year and again around Bestival time.

c) Mrs Pfaff had a recent meeting with the Coast Path team who are looking to extend the coast path. Lulworth Estate will be looking to close the permissive path by Bindon Hill as it is incredibly slippery and a number of falls have occurred as well as cuts from the barbed wire. Cllr Davey was concerned that walkers can no longer turn left to go down to the Cove and will now be unable to go straight on. It was suggested that barbed wire may not be the best choice of fencing for a footpath.

d) Mr Lance enquired about the recent results of the Local Government Reorganisation consultation. District Cllr Quinn had only received the lengthy report and each Council involved still has to vote on the proposals. Cllrs from Wiltshire and Cornwall unitary authorities had given briefings and suggested it had become a full-time job and the role of District Councillors would still need to be carried out, but without the funding. Envisaged savings of £180million over the next four years includes savings made from hundreds of jobs going.

e) Mrs King asked what will happen to the footpath at the side of the Butchers Shop now the planning permission has been granted. Mr Tom Worboys, Land Agent for Lulworth Estate, stated the footpath was not being moved and would be upgraded. The steps will be widened and levelled out and public access will continue.

f) Ms Redman enquired about the current activities at Shingle Cottage as it was recommended that as much as possible is retained. Mr Worboys replied that the Estate are trying to retain the central partition; all the wooden frontage has gone so that will have to be replaced.

g) Mrs Pfaff described an accessibility project to put in wheelchair access and possibly allow off-road vehicles at Stair Hole and concerns were then raised about potentially having motorised units travelling up and down the path. Mrs Pfaff responded that wheelchairs and off-road vehicles are electric and so completely silent but Ms Redman suggested the whole atmosphere could be changed in a sensitive area and careful thought was needed as the site was world famous. Mrs Pfaff informed the meeting that lots of favourable comments have been received about improving the access.

h) Mrs King asked whether the Estate could get cycle routes into the car park and this is being considered.

i) Mr Paul Harrington, Morgan Carey Architects, wished to discuss the future of the Cove toilets and pump house area. A few years ago, a proposal was made to put the toilets into the Pump House and have a terrace/ deck on top and to have a bistro in place of the toilet; partial planning permission was granted at appeal.

Purbeck District Council have been seeking to pass on responsibility for the toilets and the WessexWater lease on the pump house has recently ended which has led to ideas to renovate the area. Mr Harrington had heard 24-hour access to the toilets was wanted and suggested outside access so some, not all, toilets could remain open continuously unless any mischief was to occur. Cllr Davey pointed out that there had never previously been any mischief at the toilets.

Mr Worboys explained that there was a concern that Lulworth Estate did not always communicate with the local parish and so this was an opportunity to put forward any ideas and views. He felt a special meeting may be warranted and the intention was that Mr Harrington could report back. Cllr Quinn advised that a report was due to go to District Council in January and this may need to be deferred while discussions were underway.

Cllr Jackson suggested that one issue was that the toilets and the land were a public asset that was being offered to a private company, Lulworth Estate, for just £1.00. Mr Worboys responded that although the land is given for just £1.00 the reciprocal is that the toilets will be renovated and run by the Estate. Cllr Jackson put forward that the Parish Council were initially told that repairs would not be carried out if the Parish Council were to assume responsibility but The Terms of Business for the Estate were thought to be very favourable and stated they would be transferred in full repair.

It was also stated that toilets could be sited within West Lulworth and not specifically at the Cove but Mr Worboys confirmed the deal from the Estate had always been to have toilets on that site. Cllr Jackson reiterated that was not what was stated in the Terms of Business.

The toilets have always been open 24 hours and Cllr Davey asked how long that would continue. Mr Worboys responded it would remain that way in perpetuity but Cllr Jackson pointed out that the Terms of Business stated for a MAXIMUM of ten years so toilets could be moved up to Durdle Door as soon as the transfer took place.

Cllr Davey summarised that the Parish Council were not in favour of the current terms of transfer to the Estate. It was felt that toilets should be provided in a reasonable condition, near to the beach, remain open for 24 hours, in perpetuity. It was suggested that businesses at the Cove were benefitting from the toilets and, considering the revenue generated, a reasonable standard of toilets should be expected. Mr Worboys acknowledged this and would address comments to the legal team.

The Estate would wish to implement agreed plans very soon but there could be problems with committing to a scheme which would not be viable. Cllr Davey put forward that the PC position is clear and both the PC and the Estate proposals should be considered.

Cllr Quinn added that toilets were needed ASAP and a decision would likely be taken in January.

Mr Harrington suggested this was an opportunity to get things right and he would do some drawings ready for the next discussion.

Ms Redman inputted that there is a temptation to raise things up such as with a roof terrace but this increases the unnaturalness with increased noise and light pollution visible from Stair Hole.

Minutes 16/17/103

The minutes from Monday 7 November 2016 were amended slightly and then agreed by all as being an accurate representation of the meeting and were duly signed by the Chairman.

Reports from District and County Councillors 16/17/104

Report from District Councillor Barry Quinn

a) Local Government Reorganisation within Dorset was discussed earlier in the evening.

b) Partial Review consultation is being scrutinised by the Planning Advisory Service (PAS). Groups such as PPAC and WoolRATH are meeting with PDC to discuss concerns.

c) Planning enforcement for the demolition of a wall at the bottom of Britwell Drive has determined that the intention is to rebuild the wall.

d) Road signs for Church Road were reported to be missing by Cllr Matthews. Cllr Quinn advised to contact Highways.

ACTION: Clerk to report the missing road sign.

e) Cllr Dale asked about the impact of the recent St. Ives ruling on second homes. Cllr Quinn responded that the ruling is being taken up under the Partial Review although St. Ives is a town council and PDC is a district council. When representatives from Cornwall gave a briefing about the change to a unitary authority it was stated that when they became a unitary authority they were inundated with housing. It was discussed at London that homes are not for local people, many retirees buy them which adds to the pressure on the social care bill which is already high in Dorset.

Cllr Jackson enquired what information had been given regarding areas with Local Plans. CllrQuinn replied that Local Plans already in place at the time of changing to a unitary authority stay in place but then become absorbed in the unitary plan.

It was confirmed that the 2012 plan for Purbeck remains in force but since being asked to carry out the Partial Review its power has diminished.

Report from County Councillor Lovell

a) Army signs have been causing issues. The range gates at Creech have been closed without warning and Cllr Lovell is working on getting it sorted out. Cllr Jackson pointed out that there is a byelaw document to govern the ranges.

b) Cllr Lovell announced he will not be standing for County Cllr in 2017 as Cherry Brooks has been put forward as the Conservative candidate for the area. Cllr Lovell will stand as district councillor but will not cover West Lulworth. Cllr Davey thanked Cllr Lovell for all his efforts over the years.

c) Cllr Matthews pointed out that there had recently been a flood and, while it was understood Highways have little funds, the gullies need clearing or there is a concern there will be flooding.

Planning Applications/ Updates on Previous Applications 16/17/105

The following planning application updates were noted:

a) REFUSED: 6/2016/0273 Main Road (La Casita), West Lulworth, BH20 5RW: Non-material amendment to planning permission 6/2016/0633 including changes to doors and windows, reduce the size of the balcony and handrail, replace external timber staircase. Increase size of rear extension by extending back wall from 2250mm to 2400mm.

b) APPROVED: 6/2016/0532 Main Road (Butchers Shop and Galley), West Lulworth, BH20 5RW: Demolish two redundant retail units, erect dwelling and form new vehicular access/parking.

c) APPROVED: 6/2016/0545 Bricklesey Cottage, 35 Main Road, West Lulworth, BH20 5RJ: An application for replacement of external stone covering wall.

Tree Works Applications / Updates on Previous Applications 16/17/106

a) The following was received after the Agenda had been issued so it will be determined at the next meeting:

TWA/2016/224 West Road (Vicarage Lodge), West Lulworth, BH20 5RY: an application to (T1) Holm oak - remove branch on property side of tree to SE at approx. 5m back to trunk; remove adjacent secondary branch growing towards property (approx. 2m in length) back to main branch; crown lift to 5m above ground level; prune back from overhead cables to provide approx. 2m clearance between branches and cables; remove epicormic growth along branches. Cllr Matthews thought it was unclear which branch was proposed for removal but felt the PDC Tree Officer would make the right decision on what needed to be done. The tree was said to be beautiful but too close to the house.

b) Cllr Colvin informed the meeting that works will be taking place on a tree in the Glebe Field. Permission has been sought from the PDC Tree Officer.

Finance 16/17/107

a) The accounts to date were noted. Cllr Davey suggested an updated spreadsheet should be circulated before the next meeting.

ACTION: Clerk to forward spreadsheet to all.

b) The audit conclusion was noted. Appointment of Mr Yates as auditor for 2017/18 was agreed.

c) The following were approved for payment, proposed by Cllr Miller and seconded by Cllr Colvin:

Staff wages (November) Cheque number 000868 £221.63 Payment to stand-in Clerk Cheque number 000869 £ 40.50 Playground rental Cheque number 000870 £ 50.00

Website fees Cheque number 000871 £ 10.00 Audit fees Cheque number 000872 £132.00

c) The following receipts were noted:

Interest on playground account (November) £ 0.19

New Items for Discussion or Report 16/17/108

a) Defibrillator training date was provisionally set for Wednesday 11th or Thursday 12th January and a session to take place on Saturday 14th January.

ACTION: Clerk to book hall and confirm dates and times.

b) Bus changes are now thought not to include West Lulworth but this is being checked. Mrs King read out a response to Dorset County Council regarding the bus changes.

c) “Making charges fairer” consultation is underway. Service users are asked to provide subjective responses to the consultation.

d) Last date for mobile library services is the week ending Friday 23 December 2016. Cllr Lovell informed the meeting that there is a possible home delivery service still available for those users who struggle with getting to a library.

e) Overhanging trees opposite the Castle Inn are thought to be dangerously close to the electricity cables. Mrs Pfaff suggested that SSE should respond quite quickly to any report.