26th March 2014..
Kerry Village Hall
Present: / Chair / Cllr. M. J. Collis (Sarn)
Cllrs. / Cllr. D. P. Pryce (Kerry)
Cllr. M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry)
Cllr. K. Lander (Kerry)
Cllr. B. Breeze (Kerry)
Cllr. P.A.M. Dyer (Sarn)
Cllr. O. Stanier (Sarn)
Cllr. I. J. Jones,(Dolfor)
County Cllr. / County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones
Clerk. / Mrs A. Feltham.
Members of the Public. / Two
Item. 1. Apologies.
Cllr. D.I. Hughes. (Kerry) Cllr. J. Bonfield (Kerry) Cllr. T. M. Powell (Dolfor)
Item.2. Minutes.
The minutes of the meetings of the 26th February 2014 were approved and signed.
Item.3 Matters Arising.
A. / Neighbourhood Policing Team.
PCSO 8126 Liann Astley made herself available to discuss any areas of concern the Council may have.
Dog fouling, an ongoing problem was highlighted. It was noted that unless they actuallywitnessed people in the act of allowing their dog to foul without any attempt to clean it up they are unable to prosecute.
Cold Callers are becoming an increasing cause for concern. Residents are asked to pass on vehicle registrations and any details of cold callers to the Neighbourhood Policing Team. There are plans to display “No Cold Calling Zone” signs in the areas most affected.
Teething problems with the non-emergency number 101 are being worked on and the standard of service improved.
The Police surgery dates are on the Dyfed Powys website each month. The next date for Kerry is Wednesday 9th April 10.30-12.30.
Liann left contact cards with Councillors and an invitation to call any time.
B. / Councillor Vacancy.
One application received.
Council voted all in favour to co-opt Owen Stanier as the new Councillor for Sarn.
Councillors introduced themselves and welcomed Owen aboard.
Cllr. Janice Bonfield (Kerry) submitted her resignation in her absence. Cllr. Bonfield is moving from the area and Council asked for a letter of thanks and good wishes for the future to be sent.
C. / Kerry Cemetery /Cemetery Safety Check
Safety checks to be carried out later in the year during the longer summer evenings.
D. / Kerry Public Toilets.
A letter was sent on the 3rd March 2014 to Cllr. Barry Thomas (copy to Mr John Ward) informing him of KCC’s decision to delay taking on the responsibility for the Public Toilets until April 2015. This letter once again expressed KCC’s strong views relating to the unprofessional manner the whole project is being handled. Karen Southcott (PA to Cllr. Thomas) confirmed receipt of the letter and apologised for not responding to the original letter sent on the 12th February 2014 by email butshe was unable to trace having received it. A second copy was then forwarded. A promise was made that a full response to your comments wouldfollow. Still awaiting a response to both letters. To be placed on the April agenda.
E. / Village Notice Boards.
Cllr. M. Morgan continues to work toward the purchase of Notice Boards on behalf of KCC. He will estimate cost of repair/replacement of the public notice board located outside Kerry village hall. It is felt that Council should continue to provide public space for notices alongside the official lockable board for Council matters.
F. / Kerry Community Council Website.
Visionict confirmed they have registered KCC’s domain name as: kerrycommunitycouncil.gov.uk
Council read through and approved items for inclusion. Any contributions of articles, photos or points of interest are welcomed as Visionict continue to construct to site.
Payment made in full to comply with PCC grant conditions.
G. / Oak Trees at Dolforgan Park.
Till Hill to carry out a tree survey on all trees on land owned by KCC. Private land owners with trees in the area carrying a TPO are invited to be included in the survey at their own cost.
H. / Grass Cutting and Cemetery Maintenance Contract.
Council voted all in favour to award both contracts to P&W Contractors at a cost of £1270.00 exclusive of VAT.
I. / Motion for OVW Annual Conference.
After discussion Council decided not to present a motion for this year’s Conference.
Item 4. To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest.
Item. 5.
PCC. Consultation*. / Application / Comments / Outcome.
None received.
5.PCC Planning Applications / KCC Consultation* / PCC Notice.
P/2013/1033 12/11/2013
Land at Lower Penarron Kerry SY16 4PW Installation of a 5kW wind turbine and associated works (hub height 18.74 metres, max blade tip height 21.487 metres) at grid ref: SO 313624 / 288695 / “Council wish to support this application”.
“It is viewed as a positive step to sustain local employment and to reduce carbon foot print.” / Conditional Consent
(Awaiting paperwork)
P/2014/0070 21/01/2014
Cloddiau Farm Kerry SY16 4DY Full: Installation of 216 ground mounted solar PV panels, arranged in 2.no rows with a maximum height from ground level of 2.64m / “Council wish to support this application”. / Full planning permission is granted.
P/2012/0863 Sawmill Pool, Sawmills
Proposed Development Engineering operations to construct a causeway and reprofile existing pool (part-retrospective) / “Council wish to support this application”. / Full planning permission is granted.
P/2013/0053 Claonaiglen Dolfor Erection of a single dwelling, improvements to existing access, installation of biodisc treatment plant, landscaping and associated works. To include change of use of agricultural land to provide residential curtilage and retrospective siting of caravan and outbuilding for use until development is completed. / “Council wish to support this application but highlight the need for the removal of the caravan as soon as the dwelling is habitable.” / Full planning permission is granted.
Neighbouring Council. Appeals made to the Secretary of State.
P2008/0785 Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm. Erection of 23 Wind Turbines
Land between Newtown and the proposed Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind FarmFull: Highway upgrades and associated works on 3rd party land between Newtown and the proposed Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm to facilitate deliveries of abnormal indivisible loads and the construction of a new track and upgraded track from Cwm y Berllwyd across the proposed Llanbadarn Fynydd Wind Farm to access the proposed Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm. Clerk to restate previous objections.
Item 6. Finances.
Accounts Paid
February 2014
Accounts to be Paid.
March 2014. / Leach & Son.
Joan Jones (burial) David Evans (burial)
Leach & son.Charles Sydney James.(burial)
Leach & son Minnie Jones (burial)
Leach & Son Annie Davies (burial)
A Evans Cemetery grass cutting Feb
A Feltham clerk’s wages Feb
A Feltham clerk’s expenses Feb.
SLCC . Clerk’s manual.
OVW membership
Russell Francis removal of shed.
Russell Francis cemetery extension
(paid from Money Manager Acc.)
Bank charges against Money Manager Acc.
A Evans Cemetery grass cutting March
A Feltham clerk’s wages March
A Feltham clerk’s expenses March
Visionict.(web- site)
Severn Trent Water / £400.00
£ 10.20
VAT refund of £5,022.80 received
Item 7. Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended.
Item 8. Correspondence/Communications Received.
Letters from:
Victim Support. Request for donation.
Pavo. Registration form for Infoengine.
SLCC Clerk’s manual and magazine.
E Mails from;
Powys Citizens Advice, Thanks for support. Council made a 15% cut to core funding for 2014/15.
AM Support Staff, William Powell Report from your Assembly Member from Mid & West Wales
European and External Funding
Kerry Bowling Club thanks for grant.
PCC form to apply for the Register of Electors. Completed and returned.
Marilyn Price photos of Sarn ref. website.
Cllr. Michael Collis KCC Web Site- information on Sarn Baptist Chapel
Arwel Evans (CSP - Development Control) Housing Development in Kerry
Council voted all in favour to accept the Commuted Sums as negotiated and agreed with Wyro.
Barry Thomas (CSP - County Councillor) Acknowledgement of receipt of letter ref: Kerry Public Toilets.
Nigel Hillier Registration of KCC’s Domain name
Regional Bulletin Simon Thomas AC/AM
Cae Post Lecture 2014 -Speaker: John Vidal, Environment Editor of The Guardian.
John will speak on 'Climate Change: where are we now? ‘Date: Friday evening 4th April, 2014, 7:00 for 7:30pmPlace: Theatr Clera, Welshpool High School, Welshpool, Powys SY21 7RE
Powys Wind Farm Conjoined Public Inquiry Session 4 - Cumulative Effects first draft of the Programme.
Regional Bulletin Simon Thomas AC/AM
Andrew Evans Landscapes Quotes for Grass/cemetery contract.
Powys Rural Housing Newsletter
Arwel Evans (CSP - Development Control) P/2013/0956 SARN, WIND TURBINE copy of communication with the agent
LlanfairTown Council. Community website letter
Montgomeryshire Community Health Council - Notice of Meetings (with clerk)
Montgomeryshire CHC press release from Powys Teaching Health Board.
Henk Kuipers Sarn - interest from local people in a home. Request for contact details of people wishing to have a home in Sarn. Councillors from Sarn have been given forms for residents wishing to apply. Contact information of Hugo Van-Rees passed on to Henk.
Andrew Morris “I am a reporter for the Shropshire Star newspaper. We are looking to cover more parish and community councils and I am hoping that you could let me know when and where you hold your meetings (if for example they are held on say the last Monday of each month etc) and if possible, ask to be sent an agenda prior to the event.” Monthly agendas and an open invitation to attend Council meetings to be sent to Mr Morris.
Cllr. J.Bonfield. Notice of resignation and apologises for the meeting of the 26th March 2014.
One Voice Wales. As follows:
Repeal of s.150 (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 - Implementation
Motions for 2014 Annual Conference and AGM
Homes for Wales Update
Disposal of Local Authority Playing Fields. The consultation documents and information on how to respond can be accessed via this link:
Devolution of Services training course.
All of the above information was noted and forwarded on request to any interested parties.
Item 9. Any Other Business.
Kerry / none
Dolfor. / Pot holes in the roads reported.
Sarn / Whereabouts of Village Pump Handle to be confirmed.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.15pm.
Meetings are open to residents, who may only address the meeting with the Chairman’s prior consent.
If you wish to address the Council in Welsh please make your intentions known at the time of your request, which should be made prior to the meeting date.
* Although KCC works in conjunction with PCC as consultants, it has no authority to grant planning permission.
Copies of Minutes can be made available after approval, on request.
Next Meeting Scheduled;
Planning Meeting 9th April 2014. 7-30pm. at Kerry Baptist Chapel
Wednesday 30thApril.2014. 7-30pm. at Kerry Village Hall.
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