Patricia M. Lambert


DATE: October 23, 2017

Department of SSWALab: Veterinary Science 206

0730 Old Main HillOffice: Main 245E

Utah State University

Logan, UT 84322-0730

Office: (435) 797-2603 / Fax: (435) 797-1240Email:


1997Postdoctoral Fellow, NMNH, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

1994Ph.D. Anthropology. University of California, Santa Barbara

Dissertation Thesis: War and Peace on the Western Front: A Study of Violent Conflict and Its Correlates in Prehistoric Hunter-gatherer Societies of Coastal Southern California. University of California at Santa Barbara. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor.

1986-89M.A. Anthropology. University of California, Santa Barbara

1980B.A. Physical Anthropology,Honors. University of California, Santa Barbara


2007-Professor. Anthropology Program, USU

2010-16Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, USU

2011-16Director, Mountain West Center for Regional Studies, USU

2012-16Executive Director, Museum of Anthropology and SDCAV, USU

2012-14Program Director, Anthropology Program, USU

2004-09Program Director. Anthropology Program, USU. Successful Program Initiatives:

  • M.S. Degree Program in Anthropology
  • Distance Minor in Anthropology with new Distance faculty line(2008)
  • Founding of USU Archaeological Services, Inc.
  • Museum of Anthropology: USU Funded Curator position (2008)

2002-07Associate Professor. Anthropology Program, Utah State University

1996-02Assistant Professor. Anthropology Program, Utah State University


2014-Corresponding Member, Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), Salk Institute for Biological Studies, University of California, San Diego

2006-Associate, Anthropology Department, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History

2000-Forensic Consultant, Cache County Sheriff, City of Logan Police Dept., USU Police

1994-96Visiting Research Instructor (Postdoctoral Researcher), Department of Anthropology/Research Laboratories of Archaeology, UNC-Chapel Hill

1994Lecturer. Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

1991-93Graduate Student Researcher: Repatriation Project. Dept. Anthropology, UCSB

1989-90, 92Lecturer. Department of Anthropology, UCSB

1989-90Assistant Coordinator, Central Coast (Archaeological) Information Center, UCSB

1985-86Archaeology Field/Lab Tech, Far Western Archaeological Research Group, Davis, CA

1982-83Assistant Curator, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, California


2017-21Member-at-Large, Steering Group, Anthropology Section, AAAS

2014-17Member, Electorate Nominating Committee, Anthropology Section, AAAS

2006-09Member, Executive Committee, AAPA

2003-2009Senator, USU Faculty Senate (2 terms)

2005-08 Member, Faculty Senate Executive Committee

2003-06 Chair, AdHoc Committee on Domestic Partner Benefits

2004-05 Member, Committee on Committees


2014-Editorial Board, Evolutionary Psychological Science

2008-Editorial Board, California Archaeology

2002-08Associate Editor, American Journal of Physical Anthropology.


2010-12Member, Grant Review Panel, The Wenner Gren Foundation, New York

2009-10Chair, Repatriation Committee, AAPA

2010AAPA position statement on CUHR Final Rule, May 2010.

2009-10Member, Grant Review Panel, NSF

2008Member, Grant Review Panel, School of Advanced Research, Santa Fe

2007-08Member, Grant Review Panel, NSF

2006-2009Chair, Nominations Committee, AAPA

2005Member, Annual Meeting Program Committee, SAA

2004-05Member, Grant Review Panel, NSF

2004Member, External Review Committee, Dept. Anthropology, Boise State University

2002-2003Member, Annual Meeting Student Prize Committee, AAPA

2001-2002Member, Annual Meeting Program Committee, AAPA

2000-2008Member, Repatriation Committee, AAPA

2007Presented AAPA position statement at NPS Consultation Meeting on NAGPRA regulations for unclaimed human remains, Washington, D.C.

2005Presented AAPA testimony before U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C.

2005Presented AAPA position statement at National Park Service Consultation Meeting on NAGPRA regulations for unclaimed human remains, Albuquerque

2000Represented AAPA at NAGPRA Review Committee Meeting, Juneau

1999Represented (with C. S. Larsen) AAPA at NAGPRA Review Committee Meeting, Salt Lake City

2000-04Member, Native American Remains Review Committee, Division of Indian Affairs, State of Utah

1998Member, Annual Meeting Local Arrangements Committee, Salt Lake City, AAPA


2014Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, International Journal of Paleopathology, for 2013.

2012Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science

2002Researcher of the Year, College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, USU

1999AAUW Emerging Scholar Award, USU

1996Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, NMNH

1989-2Regents Fellowship Award, UCSB

PUBLICATIONS(Google Scholar: H factor: 20/Citations: 1971 / i10 index: 28)


Lambert, P. M. (Editor & Author)

2000Bioarchaeological Studies of Life in the Age of Agriculture: A View from the Southeast.University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

  • Author: Chapter 1: Introduction, pp. 1-5
  • Author: Chapter 10: Life on the periphery: health in farming communities of interior North Carolina and Virginia, pp. 168-194.

ARTICLES/ VOLUME CHAPTERS (student author*):

In preparation:

Lambert, P.M., M. Welker, and C.M. Gagnon

n.d.Traumatic injury at Cerro Oreja in the Moche Valley of North Coastal Peru: A Follow-up to Lambert and Welker (2017). To be submitted to American Journal of Physical Anthropology.

In Review:

n.d.The Odd Man Out in a Pioneer Cemetery at Seccombe Lake Park, San Bernardino, California. In A Bioarchaeological Perspective of Atypical Mortuary Practices: A Geographic and Temporal Investigation, edited by Tracy Betsinger, Amy Scott, and Anastasia Tsaliki. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. Accepted by editors March 30, 2017. Volume out for external review.

In Press:

Lambert, P. M.

2019Indigenous Warfare in North America. In The Cambridge History of War, Volume One: War and the Ancient World, edited by Burkhard Meissner, Kurt Raaflaub, Oliver Schmitt and Robin Yates. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Lambert, P.M., and Phillip L. Walker

2018Bioarchaeological Ethics: Perspectives on the Use and Value of Human Remains in Scientific Research. In Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, 3rd Edition, edited by M. Anne Katzenberg and Anne L. Grauer. Wiley-Blackwell, New Jersey.


Lambert, P. M. and M. Welker*

2017Agricultural transitions and traumatic injury risk: A view from the American Southeast and beyond. American Journal of Physical Anthropology162:120-142.

Lambert, P.M.

2016Invited Comment on “Violence and Perimortem Signaling among Early Irrigation Communities in the Sonoran Desert” by J. T. Watson and D. Phelps. Current Anthropology 57:5:603-604.

Lambert, P. M.

2014Violent injury and death in a prehistoric farming community of southwestern Colorado: the osteological evidence from Sleeping Ute Mountain. In The Routledge Handbook of the Bioarchaeology of Human Conflict: ‘Traumatized Bodies’ from Early Prehistory to the Present, edited by Martin J. Smith and Christopher Knusel, pp. 308-332. Routledge Press, Taylor and Francis, Oxford.

Kennett, D. J., P. M. Lambert, J. R. Johnson, and B. Culleton

2013Sociopolitical Effects of Bow-and-Arrow Technology in Prehistoric Coastal California. Evolutionary Anthropology 22:124-132.

Lambert, P. M.

2012Chapter 17: Phillip L. Walker (1947-2009). In The Global History of Paleopathology, edited by J. Buikstra and C. Roberts, pp. 132-140. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

2012Ethics and issues in the use of human skeletal remains in paleopathology. In Companion to Paleopathology, edited by A. Grauer, pp. 17-33. Wiley Blackwell, New York.

2012War histories in evolutionary perspective: Insights from prehistoric North America. In The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Violence, Homicide, and War, edited by T. Shackelford and V. Weekes-Shackelford, pp. 325-338. Oxford University Press, New York.

Lambert, P. M., C. M. Gagnon*, B. R. Billman, M. A. Katzenberg, J. Carcelén and R. H. Tykot

2012Bone chemistry at Cerro Oreja: A stable isotope perspective on the development of a regional economy in the Moche Valley, Peru during the Early Intermediate period. Latin American Antiquity 23:144-166.

Lambert, P. M.

2009Health vs. fitness: competing themes in the origins and spread of agriculture? Current Anthropology 50:5:603-608

2009In memoriam: Phillip L. Walker. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 29:1:1-10.

Larsen, C.S. and P. M. Lambert

2009Obituary: Phillip L. Walker (1947-2009). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 141:1-2.

Lambert, P. M.

2008Biological impacts of agriculture on human populations. Encyclopedia of Archaeology, ed. D. M. Pearsall, pp. 115-123. Academic Press, San Diego.

2007The osteological evidence for indigenous warfare in North America. In North American Indigenous Warfare and Ritualized Violence, edited by R. J. Chacon and R. Mendoza, pp. 202-221. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2007Ethnographic and linguistic evidence for the origins of human trophy-taking inCalifornia. In The Taking and Displaying of Human Trophies by Amerindians, edited by R. J. Chacon and D. H. Dye, pp. 65-89. Springer, New York.

2006Infectious diseases among enslaved African Americans at Eaton’s Estate, Warren County, North Carolina, 1830-1850. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 101:(Sup.II):107-117

Buzon, M., J. T. Eng, P. M. Lambert, and P. L. Walker

2005Bioarchaeological methods. In Handbook of Archaeological Methods, edited by H. D. G. Maschner and C. Chippindale, pp. 871-918. Altamira Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

Lambert, P. M.

2005Comment. “The origins and role of the Moche (AD 1-750) human sacrificial victims: a bioarchaeological perspective,” by Richard C. Sutter and Rosa J. Cortez. Current Anthropology 46:4:538.

Walker, P. L., P. M. Lambert, M. Schultz, and J. M. Erlandson

2005The evolution of treponemal disease in the Santa Barbara Channel Area of Southern California. In Debunking the Myth of Syphilis, The Natural History of Treponematosis in North America, edited by M. L. Powell and D. C. Cook, pp. 281-305. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Byock, J., P. Walker, J. Erlandson, P. Holck, J. Eng, M. Tveskov, M. Sigurgeirsson, P. Lambert, M.

Moss, A. Byock, H. Fyllingen, K. Prizer, M. Reid, and D. Zori

2003A Viking age farm, church, and cemetery at Kirkjuhóll, Mosfell Valley, Iceland. Antiquity 77 (297): Project Gallery.

Smith, S.*, B. Benson*, and P. M. Lambert

2003An apparent case of treponemal disease in a human burial from the northern Great Salt Lake. Utah Archaeology 17:95-108.

Lambert, P. M.

2002Bioarchaeology at Coweeta Creek: continuity and change in native health and lifeways in protohistoric western North Carolina. Southeastern Archaeology 21:36-48.

2002Rib Lesions in a prehistoric Puebloan sample from Southwestern Colorado. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 117:281-292.

2002The archaeology of war: a North American perspective. Journal of Archaeological Research 10:207-241.

Griffin, M. C., P. M. Lambert, and E. I. Monahan Driscoll

2001An assessment of biological relationships for Native American populations of Spanish Florida. In Bioarchaeology of La Florida: Human Biology in Northern Frontier New Spain, edited by C. S. Larsen, pp. 226-273.University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Lambert, P. M.

2001Auditory exostoses: a clue to gender in prehistoric and historic farming communities of North Carolina and Virginia. In Archaeological Studies of Gender in the Southeast, edited by J. Eastman and C. Rodning, pp.152-172. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Billman, B. R., P. M. Lambert, and B. Leonard

2000Warfare, cannibalism, and drought on the Colorado Plateau in the twelfth century A.D.

American Antiquity 65:145-178.

  • 2004Reprinted in Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Anthropology,3rd Ed, eds. K. M. Endicott and R. L. Welsch. McGrawHill/Dushkin, Columbus, OH.

Lambert, P. M., B. R. Billman, and B. Leonard

2000Explaining variability in mutilated human bone assemblages from the American Southwest: a case study from the southern piedmont of Sleeping Ute Mountain, Colorado. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 10:49-64.

Lambert, P. M., B. L. Leonard, B. R. Billman, R. A. Marlar, M. E. Newman, and K. J. Reinhard

2000Response to critique of the claim of cannibalism at Cowboy Wash. American Antiquity 65:397-406.

Marlar, J. E., R. A. Marlar, K. J. Reinhard, B. L. Leonard, and P. M. Lambert

2000Microscopic and molecular evidence for the human origin of the coprolite from the “cannibalism” site at Cowboy Wash (5MT10010). Southwestern Lore 66:14-22.

Marlar, R. A., B. L. Leonard, B. R. Billman, P. M. Lambert, and J. E. Marlar

2000Biochemical evidence of cannibalism at a prehistoric Puebloan site in southwestern Colorado. Nature 407:74-78.

Lambert, P. M.

1997Patterns of violence in prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies of coastal southern California. In Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past, edited by D. L. Martin and D. W. Frayer, pp. 77-109. War and Society, Vol. 6. Gordon and Breach Publishers, Amsterdam.

Walker, P. L., D. C. Cook, and P. M. Lambert

1997Skeletal evidence for child abuse: a physical anthropological perspective. Journal of Forensic Sciences 42:196-207.

Lambert, P. M.

1993Health in prehistoric populations of the Santa Barbara Channel Islands. American Antiquity 58:509-522.

  • Reprinted in Prehistoric California: Archaeology and the Myth of Paradise, eds.

L. M. Raab and T. L. Jones, pp. 99-106 (2004). Univ. of Utah Press, Salt

Lambert, P. M., and P. L. Walker

1991The physical anthropological evidence for the evolution of social complexity in coastal southern California. Antiquity 65:963-73.

Walker, P. L., and P. M. Lambert

1989Skeletal evidence for stress during a period of cultural change in prehistoric California. Advances in Paleopathology, Journal of Paleopathology: Monographic Publication 1. Marino Solfanelli, Chieti, Italy.

Walker, P. L., P. M. Lambert, and M. DeNiro

1989The effects of European contact on the health of California Indians. In Columbian Consequences I: Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on the Spanish Borderlands West, edited by D. H. Thomas, 349-364. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.

  • Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Book, 1989.

Walker, P. L., J. R. Johnson, and P. M. Lambert

1988Age and sex biases in the preservation of human skeletal remains. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 76:183-188.


In Press:

Lambert, P. M.

2018Ethics (bioarch, forensics) in The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology, edited by Wenda Trevathan. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.

2018Walker, Phillip L. in The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology, edited by Wenda Trevathan. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.


1996Analysis of Animal Remains. In The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, edited by B. Fagan, pp. 33-34. Oxford University Press, New York.

1996Analysis of Human Remains. In The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, edited by B. Fagan, pp. 327-329. Oxford University Press, New York.

1996Reconstruction of Diet. In The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, edited by B. Fagan, pp. 174-175. Oxford University Press, New York

1996Tourism. In The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, edited by B. Fagan, pp. 716-717. Oxford University Press, New York.


In Press:

Lambert, P.M.

2017Cluster Review: Bioarchaeology books on violent trauma published in 2017. Invited manuscript for International Journal of Paleopathology. (Accepted October 27, 2017)


Lambert, P. M.

2015Book Review. Embattled Bodies, Embattled Places: War in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and the Andes. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C. American Journal of Physical Anthropology158:523.

2009St. Martin’s Uncovered: Investigations in the Churchyard of St. Martin-in-the-Bull-Ring, by Megan Brickley, Simon Buteux, Josephine Adams, and Richard Cherrington. Oxford: Oxbow Books. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 19: 568-570.

2008The Archaeology of Warfare: Prehistories of Raiding and Conquest, edited by E. Arkush and M. W. Allen. American Anthropologist 110:3:384.

2002Man Corn, by C. G. Turner, II, and J. A. Turner. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 119:294-296.

2001Foraging, Farming, and Coastal Biocultural Adaptation in Late Prehistoric North Carolina, by D. L. Hutchinson. Journal of Field Archaeology 28:462-464.

2000Bioarchaeology of the South Central United States, edited by J. Rose. American Antiquity 65:592-593.

2000Prehistoric Warfare in the American Southwest, by Steven LeBlanc. American Anthropologist 102:166-167.

1997Bioarchaeology of the Stillwater Marsh: Prehistoric Human Adaptation in the Western Great Basin, by C. S. Larsen and R. L. Kelly. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 19:145-147.

1996In the Wake of Contact: Biological Responses to Conquest, edited by C. S. Larsen and G. R. Milner. Wiley-Liss, New York. SAS Bulletin 19:1/2:6-7.


Patricia M. Lambert, Susan Kuzminsky*, Sabrina Sholts, Phillip L. Walker, Rebecca Richman, and Jon M. Erlandson

2015Biological Analysis of the Tuqan Man Remains: A 9500 Year Old Paleoamerican Skeleton from CA-SMI-608, San Miguel Island, California. Report prepared for the Channel Islands National Park, Ventura, California. (Twice Peer-reviewed)

Simms, S. R., and P. M. Lambert

2007A prehistoric Anasazi Burial from the Sand Flat Site (42Gr2682) near Moab, Utah. Report to the Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration, Salt Lake City, UT.

Lambert, P. M.

2005Report on mammal bone found at the Bear River Bridge construction site, U.S. 91, June 22, 2005. Prepared for Kleinfelder, 2315 S. Cobalt Point Way, Meridian, ID 83642.

Lambert, P. M.

2005Human skeletal remains (5MT8651). In The Puebloan Occupation of the Ute Mountain Piedmont Volume 4: Multicomponent habitation sites: Part 1, edited by Brian R. Billman and Christine K. Robinson, pp. 2.164-2.166. Soil Systems Publications in Archaeology No. 22, pp. 2.164-2.166.

Lambert, P. M.

2005Human skeletal remains (5MT9942, 5MT9943). In The Puebloan Occupation of the Ute Mountain Piedmont Volume 4: Multicomponent habitation sites: Part 2, edited by Brian R. Billman and Christine K. Robinson. Soil Systems Publications in Archaeology No. 22, pp. 4.195-4.197, 5.226-5.229.

Lambert, P. M.

2003Human skeletal remains (5MT9924, 5MT9933, 5MT10010). In The Puebloan Occupation of the Ute Mountain Piedmont: Late Pueblo II to Early Pueblo III, Early Pueblo III, and Late Pueblo III Habitation Sites: Parts 1 and 2, edited by Brian R. Billman and Christine K. Robinson. Soil Systems Publicationsin Archaeology, No. 22, Vol. 3. Soil Systems, Inc., Phoenix.

Lambert, P. M., and S. R. Simms

2003Archaeology and Recovery of Prehistoric Human Remains Near Willard Bay, Utah. Utah State University Contributions to Anthropology No. 33, Logan, Utah.

Simms, S. R., and P. M. Lambert

2002Archaeology and Recovery of Prehistoric Human Remains Near Willard Bay, Utah. Report prepared for the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands, Salt Lake City.

Lambert, P. M.

2001Cerro Oreja Bioarchaeology Project: Status Report 2001. Report prepared for the Instituto Nacional de Cultura, La Libertad, Peru.

Petersen, L. S.*, and P. M. Lambert

2000Osteological Analysis of Burial AS-28 from 42UT786, Utah County. Report prepared for the State of Utah School and Institutional Trustlands Administration, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Lambert, P. M.

1999Human Remains. In Environmental and Bioarchaeological Studies of the Ute Mountain Ute Piedmont, edited by Brian R. Billman, pp. 111-161, 203-236. Soil Systems Publications in Archaeology 22 (5). Soil Systems, Inc., Phoenix.

Hansen, E., S. J. Smith, P. M. Lambert, and M. Umlauf

1997Bioarchaeological Analyses. In The Archaic Period Occupation of the Ute Mountain Ute Piedmont, edited by B. R. Billman, pp. 181-230. Soil Systems Publications in Archaeology, No. 21. Soil Systems, Inc., Phoenix.

Davis, R. P .S., P. M. Lambert, V. P. Steponaitis, C. S. Larsen, and H. T. Ward

1996NAGPRA Inventory of the North Carolina Collection. Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Lambert, P. M.

1995Human Skeletal Remains from ON-235. Report prepared for Archaeological Research Consultants, Durham, NC.

1993Inventory of Human Skeletal Remains and Associated Funerary Objects (339 pp.). Ms. on file. Dept. of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara.

1992Non-fish Vertebrate Faunal Remains from SBA-48. Report prepared for Wilcoxon Archaeological Consultants, Goleta.

1991Human Skeletal Remains from the Big Sur Coast. Report prepared for Cultural Resources Facility, Department of Anthropology, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park.

Walker, P. L., and P. M. Lambert

1991Human Skeletal Remains from the Historic Cemetery at Seccombe Lake Park, San Bernardino, California. Report prepared for the City of San Bernardino, CA.

Lambert, P. M.

1991Analysis of Mammalian, Avian, and Reptilian Remains from SBA-31. Report prepared for Wilcoxon Archaeological Consultants, Goleta.

1991Archaeological Remains from SLO-801. On file with the author. Report prepared for Robert Gibson, Archaeologist, San Luis Obispo, California.

Singer, C. A., P. M. Lambert, and J. E. Atwood

1990Archaeological Investigations at CA-SLO-408 in the City of Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, CA. Report prepared for Trans King/Midas Muffler, 509 Grand Ave, Arroyo Grande, CA


2011-12 CPCESU Modification to Agreement #H1200-09-0005, Complete Bioarchaeological Analyses

of Human Remains from San Miguel Island, California. Channel Islands National Park ($9072)

2010-13 NSF Grant #0960077: MRI-R2 Consortium: Acquisition of Multi-Scalar Spatial Data Collection,

Analysis, and Visualization Instruments, B. Pitblado, P. Lambert, E. Jones, C. Morgan, and K.

Cannon. Co-authored with B. Pitblado, assumed PI role in 2012.($418,251).

2010-13 CPCESU Agreement #H1200-09-0005, Complete Bioarchaeological Analyses of Human

Remains from San Miguel Island, California. Channel Islands National Park ($10,838)

2006-8NSF Grant #0623356: A bioarchaeological test of warfare causation models in the Santa Barbara

Channel Area of California ($49,025)

2001Utah Div. Forestry, Fire, & State Lands contract, Co-P.D. w/Simms, P.I. ($14,973)

2000-1The Wenner-Gren Foundation Research Grant #6623, NY ($20,000)


2009WGRI Travel Award, USU ($500)

2006USU Innovation Fund Grant, S. Simms, P. Lambert and B. Pitblado ($80,400).

2006HASS Travel Award, USU ($934)

2003HASS Faculty Research Grant, USU ($1360)

2000Women and Gender Research Institute Travel Award, USU ($550)

1998Curricular Enhancement Grant and Matching Departmental Grant, USU ($3000)

1998Women and Gender Research Institute Travel Award, USU ($319)

1998USU New Faculty Research Grant ($14,964)

1990, 2 Andrew Isbell Award, UCSB ($1500)

1990Social Sciences/Humanities Research Grant, UCSB ($1500)