Note: Students will be notified promptly of any changes, specifically those that pertain to deadlines and test dates. Students are responsible for noting these changes and making necessary adjustments. ACCR POWER Standards are listed below.

Teacher: Anna Phillips Week of: 8/14-8/18 Subject: English 9 Period: 1, 2, 3

MON / Finishing introduction to course… / 1st period will finish their Personal Inventory and complete the Room Tour first then…
Before: Review policies and procedures
During: Syllabus w/Checklist
After: Attach parent letter and Alma Mater / Students should review notes each night in preparation for the following day!
Return signature/contact sheet by Friday!
Alma Mater quiz Friday!
TUE / Students will be able to demonstrate ability pertaining to and/or mastery of standard(s)…
4, 6, 9 / Bell Ringer: Jot down and respond to Unit 1 Essential Questions
Discuss EQs
Before: Introduce Unit 1 Focus and Content
During: Vocabulary for “The Most Dangerous Game”
After: Exit Slip / Begin studying vocab! / EQs
MDG Vocab
THUR / Students will be able to demonstrate ability pertaining to and/or mastery of standard(s)…
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 / Bell Ringer: Quick Write (Topic: FEAR! short narrative to include cause and response; classify fear and/or response as rational or irrational and justify)
Before: Discuss Bell Ringer and Introduce “The Most Dangerous Game” + author
During: Preview close reading guide (Part 1, 2, or 3), highlight and discuss key literary terms and skills, begin reading “The Most Dangerous Game”
After: “Pause and Reflect” for Part 1 – discuss and review
**Create student files** / Quick Write
Response (Close Reading Guide)
Observation and Discussion
I / Students will be able to demonstrate ability pertaining to and/or mastery of standard(s)…
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 / Bell Ringer: Prep for Alma Mater Quiz
Alma Mater quiz (timed)
** last day to turn in parent/guardian contact sheet**
Before: Recap and review!
During: Mini-Lesson: Tone and Mood // distribute Tone and Mood Words handout
After: Exit Slip / Alma Mater Quiz
Tone and Mood Mini-Lesson
Observation and Discussion


Reading Power Standards

1) Cite textual evidence to support analysis. (CCRS 1, 10)

2) Identify theme and/or main idea of a text. (CCRS 2, 7, 11)

3) Analyze elements of literature in a text. (CCRS 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, 15, 40)

4) Define vocabulary in context and demonstrate understanding of other academic vocabulary (CCRS 39, 41)

5) Analyze use of diction, figurative language, rhetorical devices and strategies to convey meaning and tone in a text. (CCRS 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17, 40)

6) Read and comprehend fiction and nonfiction texts (CCRS 2, 7, 9, 11, 18, 19)

7) Evaluate the validity of an author’s reasoning and effectiveness of the structure in developing claims in a text. (CCRS 14, 15, 17)

Writing Power Standards

8) Write arguments to support claims, using valid textual evidence. (CCRS 20, 21, 26, 28)

9) Write clearly and precisely, using the mode and presentation appropriate for the audience and situation. (CCRS 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 34)

10) Produce clear and coherent writing by engaging in the writing process from pre-writing to polished draft. (CCRS 21, 23, 24, 28, 29)

11) Demonstrate appropriate use of information from sources, including correct documentation style. (CCRS 8, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 34)

Speaking Power Standards

12) Prepare for and actively participate in collaborative discussions on varied tasks. (CCRS 30, 31, 33, 34, 35)

13) Evaluate speaker’s reasoning and use of evidence and rhetoric. (CCRS 31, 32)

Language Power Standards

14) Demonstrate appropriate diction, grammar, mechanics, and sentence style for the audience and situation of the writing task. (CCRS 36, 37)

15) Apply rigorous revising and editing skills to communicate effectively. (CCRS 22, 23, 24, 29, 38, 39)