Urban Housing Solutions
Wish List
Household Items for Formerly Homeless Residents:
· full-size sheets, blankets, and comforters
· pillows
· towels and washcloths
· pots, pans, dinnerware, and silverware
· laundry baskets
· hygiene products (soap, shampoo, razors, deodorant, etc.)
· cleaning products (brooms, bathroom cleaner, toilet brushes, sponges, furniture polish, Windex, new vacuum cleaners)
Donations for Programs and Special Projects:
· resident shuttle service—annual cost is about $30,000—this service employs one of our formerly homeless residents as its driver and ensures that our residents are able to make it to medical and social service appointments, grocery stores, and employment.
· resident education—annual cost varies with funding—we provide on-site classes though our Life University curriculum in everything from healthy cooking to money management to basic computer skills.
· resident assistance fund—this fund allows our case management staff to help our residents with basic needs—food, household items, medical costs, obtaining government identification, eyeglasses, dental care, bus passes, etc.
· Eastwood Courts playground—help us replace a playground with a more durable, environmentally friendly one that will accommodate more children!
· wellness—allows us to partner with Vanderbilt’s School of Nursing and Dayani Center to provide our residents with health screenings, mental health group sessions, and wellness activities. In addition to helping our residents, the program also helps to fulfill the Community Nursing requirement for Vanderbilt’s student nurses.
· people to teach resume writing, job search, interviewing, job skills, etc.
· groups to plant flowers, trim bushes, and improve the general appearance of a property
Want to Help?
Please Call Brandi Ghergia at 726-2696, ext. 114.
Donations may be dropped of at our main location: 411 Murfreesboro Pike; Nashville, TN 37210.
Urban Housing Solutions, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.