Alzheimer’s Community Care


800 NorthpointPky#101-B, WPB 33407

P: (561) 683-2700 / F: (561) 683-7600

Focus Area: Health

Adult Day Care Address:

St. Peter’s Ministry Center

2900 S Jenkins Rd, FP

P: 466-3261

Family Nurse Consultant

P: 460-9166

Provides unique health-care support system designed to provide case management, crisis prevention, and assistance to Alzheimer’s disease patients and those suffering from a related disorder, their families and caregivers - Also dementia specific education tohealth care professionals.

Programs Funded by UW: Family Nurse Consultant, Adult Day Care.

American Red CrossSouth Florida Region

Sarah Tippet Ruwe, ED

Florida’s Coast to Heartland Chapter

2506 17th Ave, VB 32960

P: (772)562-2549/ F: (772) 778-5500

St. Lucie County Red Cross

2963 W Midway Road, FP 34981

P: 878-7077 / F: 878-7044

Vero P: (772) 562-2549

Focus Area: Community Resource

Supports and supplements activities that affect health, welfare and/or morale of military service personnel and their families; to respond to disasters; to provide training and leadership.

Provides first aid and water safety instruction, emergency communications for military personnel; relief to victims of disasters and prevention, preparation for emergencies.

Program Funded by UW:Emergency Services

ARC of SLC, Inc.

Jeff Egelston, Executive

PO Box 1016, 3505 Kirby Loop Rd,FP, 34954

P: 468-7879 ext. 114 / F: 465-7050

Focus Area: Education, Income

After schoolcamp- Reduces family stress and supports family stability with a 10-week camp program for children with multiple handicaps.

Vocational Training: Matches individuals to occupation best suited to their interests and abilities.

Programs funded by UW: After School and Summer Program and Vocational Training

Big Brothers/Big Sisters


403 N US 1, FP 34950

P: 466-8535 ext. 202 /F: 466-5951

Focus Area: Education

A VPK pre-literacy project that provides 1 to 1 mentoring and family literacy workshops to mentor the target population five times per week. Focus is on vocabulary development, rhyming, letters, sounds, phonemes, phonological awareness, listening skills, comprehension and basic socialization skills

Program funded by UW:VPK Literacy

Boys and Girls Club

Will Arnstead, Interim

3104 Avenue J, FP 34947

P: 460-9918 / F: 1-866-337-9918

Garden Terrace-3100 North 31st St, FP P: 464-6634

Teen Center-1101 North 23rd St, FP P: 460-7868

PSL-10673 Lennard Rd, PSL 34952, P: 398-0028

Gym: 2902 Avenue D, FP 34946 P: 489-9634

Tommy Gibson P: 464-6634

Focus Area: Education

Provides positive alternative to negative influences in the community, bolster self-esteem and develop qualities needed to become responsible citizens and leaders. Programs for youth 6-18 during non-school hours.Locations in Fort Pierce and Port St. Lucie.

Program Funded by UW: General Funding


Theresa Garbarino-May

PO Box 12908, 3525 SW Midway Rd,FP 34979

P: 465-6011 / F: 465-6013

Focus Area: Health

Provides improvement of quality family life while preventing child abuse; provides community education, support and resources to parents in need of assistance.

Program funded by UW: High Hopes.

Children’s Home Society

Sabrina Barnes,

650 10th Street, VB 32960

P: (772) 778-6340 / F: (772)778-6341

Matt Anderson, Program D.

P: 429-2009

2102 NW Avenue Q, FP 34950

Focus area:Health

Serves abused neglected children and their families.

Programs funded by UW:

1.) Wave Crest Shelter: A 12 bed temporary residential shelter for youths 12-17 removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect. Provides prevention and outreach.

Wavecrest Location: 4520 Selvitz Rd, FP 34981

P: 460-9752

2.) Transitional Living Program: provides emergency and transitional housing assistance, food, essential living items, educational opportunities, employment, life skills, physical and mental health care, mentoring and other needed services to youth, ages 18-23, who are homeless or at-risk in order to prepare them to become self-sufficient and productive citizens.

D.A.T.A. (Drug Abuse Treatment Association)


1016 Clemons Street #200, Jupiter, 33477

P: (561) 743-1034 / F: (561) 743-1037

FP HayslipCenter:4590 Selvitz Rd, FP, 34981

P: 464-7575 / F: 464-6169

Outpatient Center: 595-3322

Focus Area: Health

High quality, cost-effective drug abuse treatment, prevention, and education services for adolescents –

including all phases of recovery, residential, and continuing care programs.

Programs fundedby UW: Hayslip Center (residential).

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services of the TC


1016 NE Jensen Beach Blvd, JB 34957

P: 334-2233 or 334-2299 / F:TTD: 1-866-326-7884 VP

Focus Area: Health

Provides equal accessibility to the hearing and speech impaired and to establish links between the hearing impaired and the hearing world.

Provides accessibility to the hearing and speech impaired; advocate, informational resource and

interpreter resource.

Program funded by UW: General Funding

Early Learning Coalition of SLC


804 South 6th St, FP 34950

P: 595-6424 / F: 595-6081

Registration Location: 509 Georgia Ave, FP

Focus Area: Education

Prepares children for school cognitively, emotionally and physically while enabling parents

to work and become financially self-sufficient.

Program Funded by UW:General Funding and Stanich Grant (pediatric dental).

Graceway Village

Cathie Mouring,

1780 Hartman Rd, FP 34947

P: 772-925-3074ex. 701 /C: 772-529-7860 / F: 772-461-7608

Focus Area: Income

Help to under-resourced families to live in total mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and economic health. Programs include Hopes Closet and Matthew’s Café, IMPACT Youth Mentoring, and “Getting Ahead”, a program to build economic stability in the lives of clients, based on the “Bridges of Poverty” model.

Program funded by UW:General Funding


Dr. Andy Passeri

3855 S. US 1, Ste. B, FP 34982

P: 344-2541 Andy direct line: 344-2548

Focus Area: Health

Free clinic for low income, uninsured adults, dental clinic for adults and children.

Program Funded by UW: General Funding and Stanich Grant for pediatric dental.

Sydney Liebman direct line: 462-5652

Ervin Valcan, Pediatric Dental Program 429-4384

Sherri Coffmann, Admin. Assist. 429-4381

Healthy Start Coalition

Lisa von Seelen

Jackie Copland

117 Atlantic Ave, FP 34950

P: 467-2016 / F: 595-3716

Focus Area: Health

Ensures all families of newborns have access to in-home nurse care following delivery. Visits include assessment of mother, baby, family and environment: referral and follow-up of identified needs and educational counseling.

Program funded by UW: Newborn Home Visitation

Hibiscus Children’s Center

Paul D. Sexton, President/CEO

PO Box 305 (4001 NE Savannah Rd, JB 34957

P: 334-9311 ext. 101 / F: 340-5916

Toll Free: 800-403-9311

Shelter: 2400 NE Dixie Hwy, JB 34957

Focus Area: Health

Primary child abuse and neglect prevention and crisis intervention program, providing in-home services to families experiencing crisis (i.e. unemployment, homelessness, domestic violence, mental health, poverty). Services may include family support, accessing therapeutic services coordinating medical needs, improving daily living skills, addressing education needs, and short term respite care for children.

Program funded by UW: Families in Crisis

Homeless Family Center , Inc.

Mary Ellen Maguire

720 4th St, VB, FL 32962

P: (772)567-2766ext 334/ F: (772)567-1454

Focus Area: Income

Assists homeless families in SLC to achieve stability and self-sufficiency. Basic needs – food, housing (a small shelter) and clothing. A case manager will work with the family to develop an individual family plan outlining specific goals to help the family become stable in housing and employment.

Program funded by UW: General Funding

Life Builders of the Treasure Coast

Diamond Litty

217 Ave A, FP 34950

P: 462-2000 / F: 462-2047

Diamond’s assistant: Susie Hatch

Focus Area: Income

Provides financial assistance to low-income individuals in court, in diversionary programs and those involved in dependency action. Priority given to individuals whose participation in these programs would be jeopardized without financial assistance.

Program funded by the UW: General Funding

Multicultural Resource Center

Marcus Dixon, Executive Director

PO Box 446, Ft. Pierce FL 34954

1201 Mississippi Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34950


Focus Area: Education

Focuses on providing students and parents with an after-school solution centered on achieving academic success, developing strong interpersonal skills and strengthening family and youth relationships.

Program funded by the UW:General Funding

Mustard Seed Ministries

Rev. Sharon

Stacy Malinowski, Director of Development

PO Box 3612, 3130 South US 1, FP34948

P: 465-6021 / F: 467-0372

Thrift Shops: FP: 595-1599

PSL: 340-1406, 8311 S US Hwy 1 (Fiesta Square)

Focus Area: Income

Provides emergency social services for members of the community in crisis. Includes food, clothing, household goods, financial assistance for utilities and prescription drugs.

Program funded by UW: General Funding

PACE Center for Girls, Treasure Coast

Vickie Colter

3651 Virginia Ave, FP 34981

P: 595-8880 / F: 595-8980

Focus Area: Education

Provides girls and young women opportunity to succeed through education, counseling, training and advocacy.Students become productive citizens through responsible decision-making.

Program funded by UW:General Funding

Parent Academy of St. Lucie County

Kimberly Eardley

2940 S. U.S. 1, Suite C-12, FP 34982

P: 466-0523 / F: 466-0523

Focus Area: Education

Creates systemic changes by providingparents opportunities to learn through workshops that can develop their resources for successful transition out of poverty

Program funded by UW:General Funding

Project Rock South

Lorna Freckleton,

439 SE Port St. Lucie Blvd,Unit 103,PSL34984

P: 237-5723 / C: 621-0400 / F: 237-5794

Focus Area: Education

Provides a safe place during the school day for children suspended from school; teaches conflict management and social skills which reduces the likelihood of future suspensions by promoting school success. In addition this program helps children complete some school work.

Program funded by the UW: General Funding

Roundtable of St. Lucie County

Shaeneik Maynard, Exec.

546 NW University Blvd, Suite 204, PSL 34986

P: 871-5880

Focus area: Education

Organization composed of executive policymakers, elected officials and others to problem solve to remove community barriers that face youth and families.

Programs funded by UW: Kids at Hope, Community Impact Grant

SAFER St. Lucie

Carmen Capezzuto, E.D.

Stefanie Myers, Program D.

437 N 7th Street, FP 34950

P: 462-1176 / F: 462-2094

Focus Area: Education

Provides strategic community planning and education services through all stages of the disaster cycle to support the resiliency of the County in disaster situations, ensuring improved preparedness and a faster return to normalcy.

Program funded by UW: General Funding

SafeSpace, Inc.


Admin Office:612 SE Dixie Hwy, Stuart34994

P: (772) 223-2399 / F: (772) 223-5842

Hotline: 464-4555

Tina Farmer, Compliance

Focus Area: Health

Provides temporary shelter available on the Treasure Coast for victims of domestic violence and their children.Other services include counseling, referral and advocacy services. Outreach includes advocacy and training, public information and education about societal myths and traditional role stereotyping.

Program funded by UW:General Funding

Save our Children, Inc.

Pastor Kenny

1611 Ave D, FP 34950 – PO Box 311, FP34954

P: 466-8398 / C: 370-5420 / F: 466-3055

Focus Area: Education

Preventive Program for children - after-schooland during school vacations with emphasis in cultural, educational, and recreational areas.

Program funded by UW: General Funding

Treasure Coast Food Bank


P: 489-3034 x17

401 Angle Rd, FP 34947

P: 489-5676 or 489-3034/ F: 489-2988

Basket Pick-Up: 1202 Orange Ave, FP

Focus Area: Income

Broker for surplus food and other products to charitable organizations in the TC area

Goal: To provide economical food for the hungry by distributing at minimal cost, perishable, non-perishable and USDA commodity foods to non-

profit organizations that offer meal sites and food pantries.

Program funded by UW:General Funding

2-1-1 Palm Beach & TC

Susan Buza

PO Box 3588, Lantana 33465-3588

Information: (Toll Free) 2-1-1 or (866) 882-2991

P: (561) 547-8637 / F: (561) 547-8639

Page )

C: (772) 538-7805

Focus Area: Community Resource

24/7 toll-free information, referral telephone counseling, crisis intervention and suicide prevention services. Information and referral specialists are non-judgmental, exhibit active listening skills, and utilize a comprehensive database of available health and human services to make appropriate referrals based on callers’ needs and requests.

Program funded by UW: General Funding


11/16/20182015-16 Agency List