Art Syllabus 9th Grade Mrs. Murray

Course Description:

The 9th grade art class is designed to help students to recognize and understand the expressive qualities of art. Through the study of the history of art, students build vocabulary with which they can compare and contrast the many forms, media and styles of art as well as its purpose.

The students will be taught regular lessons focussing on each of the elements and principles. Projects are expected to be completed within a reasonable amount of time. Between projects students will earn points by working on On-going Projects.

On-going Projects:

-Still Life Drawings


-Independent projects(must be approved by the teacher)

Studio Rules:

Act Respectfully at all times by:

*Listening and following directions.

*Taking care of equipment and


*Focussing on projects, not play.

*Keeping artwork clean and appropriate.

Consequences for breaking Studio Rules:

  1. Warning.
  2. Removal from group to individual space within the room.
  3. Removal of project privileges (written assignment will be provided).
  4. After school detention and/or conference with parents.

Rewards for following Studio Rules:

  1. Verbal praise.
  2. Studio privileges.


Daily participation grade- points will be earned for each day that student is present and follows the Studio Rules.

Project Grade- Each project will be evaluated on the following criteria:

5points---Project Objective-how well it meets the


5points---Creativity-amount of thought

5points---Craftsmanship-construction and


5points---Time-turned in on time

5points---Effort-amount of effort put into project

5points---Composition-Cohesiveness of the


30 points total

Dear Parents,

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to teach your child about the wonderful world of art. I believe that the knowledge acquired in an art classroom can enhance learning in many other academic areas. I also feel that they can learn basic skills that will help them to do projects that may be assigned in core academic classes.

I believe that school should be a place for success and growth. I also feel that it is important that you as parents receive feedback concerning your child here at school. In an effort to foster a positive atmosphere, I would like to implement a routine communication system. I want to recognize and praise as many students as possible, and I want you to know that they have been recognized. Please fill out the following information to help me reach you quickly and easily:

Students Name______

Parents Name______

Mailing Address______

Phone Numbers (day)______(night)______

E-mail address______

Phone Numbers (daytime)______(nighttime)______

E-mail address______